Most of us know about
Zecharia Sitchin and his theories about "
Nibiru," the massive planet-killing body that he says wanders through the solar system every 3,600 years. Sitchin derived this idea from his interpretations of ancient Sumerian cylinder seals and other cuneiform texts.

More recently, a British researcher named Andy Lloyd has posited the theory that Nibiru is not a planet but a star -- a
Brown Dwarf star to be exact. In Lloyd's model, the
Annunaki, the inhabitants of Nibiru, actually live on a moon that orbits this brown dwarf. He has posted his "
Dark Star Theory" on the web and piled up quite a bit of interesting reading on his site.

I've always been interested in Sitchin's work because I think it is at least partially correct, and much of what he claims is in line with my own work with Richard Hoagland. Part of that was covered in Dark Mission, specifically where I mentioned my interactions with Dr. Gary Neugebauer around
an object IRAS spotted in 1982 that was the subject of a Washington Post front page story. Since then, I've been trying to track down more information on the object with little success. There have even been
purported images of Nibiru posted on the Internet from time to time. But just today Andy
posted an article to his web site that contains an
IRAS image of an object in Orion that he thinks may be the brown dwarf he has theorized. He got it from an astronomer friend, and I find his story credible simply because of the weird way that Neugebauer acted when I inquired about the 1982 article. Take a look and see what you think.
Andy Lloyd's Dark Star Theory WebsiteZecharia Sitchin's Web SiteThe Original Washington Post Story (CalTech)
Dr. Phil and Planet X