See the Wired Magazine article here:
And the original article on this story at
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Central Coast UFO Symposium

I went to the Central Coast UFO Symposium this weeend. There are pics on my Flickr site and a blog on my MySpace site.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
"Dr. Chandra" Says William Shatner Was Right...

Astrobiologist Chandra Wickramasinghe, who was the inspiration for a character in Arthur C. Clarke's "2010 - Odyssey Two," has stated in a recent interview that not only is there "contemporary life" on Mars, but he asserts that NASA is withholding the information for political reasons. He also defends the work of Dr. Gil Levin on the original Viking Labeled Release Experiment, which came back positive for life signs in 1976. NASA has subsequently consistently denied that Levin's results were legitimate, and has taken every opportunity in the ensuing decades to minimize his results.

All of this will of course be familiar to readers of Dark Mission, which lays out virtually the same case in its heavily footnoted 550 pages. The only significant area of disagreement between our premise and Dr. Wickramasinghe’s assessment is that he still clings to the “honest but stupid” model of NASA’s behavior, as opposed to our contention that NASA is operating on a “timed release aspirin” model dictated by the recommendations of the Brookings Report.
A full story on the interview can be found on the science and technology site.
The William Shatner Post
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
New Research Reinforces Key Aspects of Hyperdimensional Physics

A new paper by a pair of Australian astronomers has provided a flat-out, indisputable confirmation of the Hoagland\Torun Hyperdimensional Physics model first proposed in their 1989 paper, “The Message of Cydonia.” The new paper, titled “Does a Spin–Orbit Coupling Between the Sun and the Jovian Planets Govern the Solar Cycle?” points out a resonant, synchronized relationship between the Sun’s periodic peak sunspot cycles and the orbital positions of the Jovian planets, Jupiter and Saturn. Careful readers of Dark Mission will note that this exact relationship is both implicitly and explicitly predicted in Chapter 2 of our book.
While the mechanical cause of the increased sunspot activity is reasonably well understood (it’s caused by the sun’s rotation), the driving force linking this spin and the sunspot cycle has remained a mystery. According to Dr. Ian Wilson of the University of Southern Queensland, which published the new research, observations by solar astronomers have concluded that the equatorial regions of the sun rotate slightly more rapidly than the polar regions. This differential rotation winds up the sun’s magnetic field lines (which stretch between the two poles) like a set of rubber bands. Eventually, the field lines work their way to the surface of the sun because the concentrated magnetic flux is more buoyant than the surrounding solar surface. This subsequently causes sunspots, solar flares and coronal mass ejections, which tend to cluster around the tetrahedral 19.5° latitude at the peak of this cycle. This peak is called “solar maximum” because all the visible spots, flares, etc. are most numerous at this time, after which the magnetic poles reverse and the cycle begins again.

There has historically been a recognized connection between the frequency of sunspot activity (the total number of spots) and the movement of the sun in relation to solar system's “barycentre,” or center of mass. This is driven primarily by the combined gravitational forces of Jupiter and Saturn, and to a far lesser extent, the other planets. But the big problem is that there is no conventional explanation for exactly how this influence occurs.
"There are really only two possible interactions, and neither of them is feasible," Dr. Wilson said in an interview. "Tidal forces are too tiny. They can only produce a movement of about a millimeter on the surface of the sun.
"The alternative, that the sun's motion about the centre of mass should be able to generate internal motions within the sun, violates Einstein's equivalence principle [emphasis added]"
What separates this new research from previous interpretations is the observation that the relative positions of Jupiter and Saturn somehow affect this cyclical energy variation. To quote from an article about Wilson et al’s paper appearing on the Australian ABC science website:
“The authors believe the tiny gravitational tugs of Jupiter and Saturn speed up or slow down the sun's orbital motion about the centre-of-mass, when they are aligned or separated by an angular distance of 90 degrees.
“They say that when the sun's orbital motion changes, so too does its equatorial rotation rate, which provides strong circumstantial evidence that there is a spin-orbit coupling mechanism operating between Jupiter and Saturn and the sun.
“The authors propose that this spin-orbit coupling takes the form of a 9:8 resonance, with the 179 year alignment cycle of the Jovian planets being equal to nine alignments of Jupiter and Saturn and eight 22-year Hale cycles.
“The extent to which Jupiter and Saturn affect the sun's motion may impact on the strength of sunspot activity throughout its solar cycle.
But Wilson is cautious.
"’It is one thing to show an association and quite another to show cause and effect. We have to be very careful, but we will know in a few years,"
Of course, the reality is that as long as solar astronomers keep searching for a conventional “gravitational” effect for this resonance synchronization, they will never fully understand what is causing the differential rotation and the consequent variable excess energy from the sun. In the conventional view, it is mass, and therefore gravity, which is the only viable influence on solar energy output and motion.
But in the Hyperdimensional Physics model, “the tail wags the dog” -- in the form of angular momentum.
It is an undeniable fact that Jupiter and Saturn -- which possess only a tiny fraction the solar system’s total mass compared to the sun – are, in fact, a huge influence on the sun itself (and all of the other planets as a consequence). This is because they conversely possess most (almost 99%) of the solar system’s total bulk angular momentum.
In the Hyperdimensional model, it is this angular momentum -- mainly from these two massive planets, transmitted through the “Hyperdimensional aether” -- which ultimately causes the sun’s differential rotation.
To quote directly from Dark Mission, Chapter 2:
“Changes in one gravitationally-connected system on a large scale, like the planetary scale of a solar system, can therefore have an instantaneous, measurable effect on other bodies in the same system -- providing there is a "resonance condition" (a matched connection) between those two objects via hyperspace. Thus, the Hyperdimensional Model argues that everything, even widely separated three-space objects like remote planets, are ultimately connected through this four-space interaction; meaning that a cause in one place (like Jupiter) can have an effect in another (like the sun) -- without any measurable 3D force (such as an electromagnetic wave) having measurably traversed the three-space distance in between."
In this classical Einsteinian view of physics, there is no "aether”—as it was called in Maxwell’s day—to carry electromagnetic radiation's transverse waves across the vacuum. In the hyperdimensional model, the aether is back -- as the actual transformation medium between the higher spatial realities and our dimension – through something called the “torsion field…”
This whole notion, that the changing [orbital] configuration of a planets (or star’s) system members relative to the “primary” can have an effect on its total energy output, is revolutionary to current thinking, but hardly without precedent.
In the 1940s, the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) hired John Nelson, a young electrical engineer, in an effort to improve the reliability of short-wave radio communications around Earth. Such radio transmissions had been observed to be more reliable in the "lulls" in between solar activity associated with "peak" sunspot years.
To his surprise, Nelson soon specifically correlated this rising and falling radio interference with not only the sunspot cycle, but with the motions of the major planets of the solar system. He found, to his increasing astonishment, a very repeatable—in essence, astrological—correlation between the inexorable orbits of all the planets (but especially, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, which hold essentially all the solar system's known angular momentum) and major radio-disturbing eruptions on the sun.
The hyperdimensional model finally provides a comprehensive theoretical explanation—a "linking mechanism"—for these (to a lot of astronomers) still embarrassing decades-old RCA observations. For, in essence, what John Nelson had rediscovered was nothing short of ”hyperdimensional astrology"—the ultimate, very ancient, now highly demonstrable angular momentum foundations behind the real influences of the sun and planets on our lives. Nelson also "rediscovered" something else:
"It is worthy of note that in 1948, when Jupiter and Saturn were spaced by 120º, and solar activity was at a maximum, radio signals averaged of far higher quality for the year than in 1951 with Jupiter and Saturn at 180º and a considerable decline in solar activity. In other words, the average quality curve of radio signals followed the cycle curve between Jupiter and Saturn rather than the sunspot curve...”
These decades-old observations are very telling ... not only confirming Jupiter and Saturn as the primary drivers behind the sun's known cycle of activity (in the hyperdimensional model), but strongly implying an additional direct effect of their changing angular relationship on the electrical properties of Earth's ionosphere. This, of course, is totally consistent with these changing planetary geometries affecting not just the sun, but the other planets simultaneously as well, just as "conventional" astrologers have claimed, via Maxwell's "changing scalar potentials.”
At this point, then, only the Hyperdimensional Theory:
1. Points to the deepest implications of the simple astronomical fact that the tail “does wag the dog" -- that the planets in this Physics are fully capable of exerting a determinant influence on the sun – and on each other -- through their disproportionate ratio of total solar system angular momentum: over 100 to 1, in the (known) planets' favor.
2. Possesses the precise physical mechanism -- via Maxwell's "changing quaternion scalar potentials" (also known now as the “torsion spin field”) -- accounting for this anomalous planetary angular momentum influence.
3. Has already publicly identified, at the United Nations in 1992, a blatant geometric clue to this entire hyperdimensional solar process: the maximum sunspot numbers (those large, relatively cool, rotating vortices appearing on the solar surface), rising, falling and methodically changing latitude, during the course of the familiar twenty-two-year solar cycle—and peaking every half-cycle (around eleven years), at the solar latitude of 19.5º.
Don’t you just love it when a good theory comes together so elegantly?
Make no mistake, if this Wilson et al. paper is widely accepted, somebody will eventually concoct a tenuous conventional explanation to rationalize the observations. But that theory will hold no more weight than the absurd “radiation degradation” idea that was floated about a few years ago to explain Iapetus 60,000-foot-high equatorial wall.
At some point, modern physicists will just have to face the unpleasant reality – Einstein was wrong about the aether; and Maxwell’s original “hyperdimensional physics/aether model” was right.
Further References: The John Nelson RCA Paper
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Essay by Mike Bara to be Included in New Anthology

Secret and Suppressed II, a new anthology edited by Feral House publisher Adam Parfrey, will inlcude an essay written by Dark Mission co-author Mike Bara. The original Secret and Suppressed was a highly influential work, and Feral House expects the new version to be just as well recieved.
Look for it in book stores this fall. Pre-orders are currently being taken on
Russian Language Edition of Dark Mission to be Published
Feral House Books has reached an agreement for Dark Mission – The Secret History of NASA to be published in Russia. Eksmo Trading House, the leading publisher of foreign rights titles in that country, will publish the Russian language version later this year.
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