
Friday, December 12, 2008

NASA Bristles as Obama Transition Team Asks Tough Questions

An Orlando Sentinel article just released makes it clear that tensions are running high between NASA Director Mike Griffin and Obama transition team leader Lori Garver, with the defensive Griffin going so far as to accuse Garver as being “unqualified” to lead the Obama team.

According to the Sentinel, the issues arose when Garver and her team members began to question the wisdom of the overall Constellation program for returning to the Moon and then going to Mars. More specifically, Griffin got testy when the question of NASA’s new and hopelessly flawed Ares 1 rocket came up. As most readers of our blog know, the Direct 2.0 alternative, proposed by a consortium of industry engineers and ex-NASA managers, is a much cheaper and more proven concept, and pretty much superior in every way to Ares 1. Griffin is portrayed as a staunch advocate of Ares 1, and he’s apparently trying to defend the underpowered and overpriced program from budget cuts in the incoming administration.

While it’s unlikely Constellation will be scrapped in its entirety, the Obama administration can be expected to behave pretty much as all liberal administrations do; they will suppress dissent, slash defense and space budgets, and instigate new social dependencies in an attempt to consolidate power. Looking at the underperforming Ares 1 and the viable alternative of Direct II, it would seem to be an easy target for the incoming Obama team.

But one wonders if there isn’t something more to this than simply the politics of left and right. Griffin’s resistance doesn’t make a whole lot of sense politically. He seems to be overacting to the inquiries of the Obama team at a time when he should be looking to smooth things over and keep the broader Constellation program going. It’s almost as if there is something bigger and potentially much darker that he’s trying to protect. Why would he be so threatened by a simple accounting of the state of NASA’s biggest current space imitative? Unless perhaps he’s worried that the Obama team may find the real, occult agenda behind the Constellation program…

As Garver was overheard to say to Griffin, “Mike, I don’t understand what the problem is. We are just trying to look under the hood.”

Given what we all know is “under the hood,” maybe that in itself is the real problem.

UPDATE: Richard made an interesting observation in a recent phone call. His take is that Griffin is causing all this strife because he needs a direct meeting with Obama in order to tell him privately what he can't let Garver find under the hood.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Feral House Solstice Party in LA Thursday Night

I'll be attending the Feral House winter Solstice party Thursday, December 11th, 7-9 pm at La Luz de Jesus/Wacko 4633 Hollywood Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90027. I'll be signing copies of Dark Mission if you drop by. Hope to see you there!
PS - It looks like I won't be going to Albuquerque this weekend after all. Richard is under the weather and I don't want to catch anything.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Off to Albuquerque This Weekend

Hi guys,

Sorry it's been so slow lately, but I'm off to ABQ on Thursday to summit with Hoagy about Dark Mission II and I'll be posting a few bits from there.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Visit to the Church of Scientology

I had the pleasure of visiting the L. Ron Hubbard Life Exhibition of the Church of Scientology this past weekend. I was invited there in April after attending the LA Book Expo by Luc Dubios, a member of the Church and one of their representatives at the Expo. He and I had a frank discussion of the role of L. Ron Hubbard during the period he was hanging out with Jack Parsons of JPL in Pasadena, California. After I suggested he read Dark Mission, Luc wrote me and told me that he felt that Dark Mission could be more accurate in its presentation of the events of the so-called Babylon Working and Hubbard’s role in it. After many months of back and forth, I was finally able to clear my schedule and find the time to drive down to the L. Ron Hubbard museum and Life Exhibition on Hollywood and Ivar in Los Angeles.

Luc was very generous and gave me and my guest a personal tour of the facility, its exhibitions and the various instruments and techniques used in the practice of their religion. I found it all quite fascinating, and frankly I learned a great many things about Mr. Hubbard that I had not previously known. No matter what your opinion of Scientology or Hubbard, there can be no doubt that he was an incredibly prolific, travelled and learned man, who dedicated his life towards many causes that still improve the lives of people today, 20 years after his death. Honestly, I think (my opinion, not the church’s) that he was probably the inspiration for the character of Indiana Jones, if not others, and I thoroughly enjoyed the tour.

After that, we retired to the offices of Lynn Farney, the Public Affairs Information Officer for the Church, and we went over the issues they had with Dark Mission in great detail. I was shown documents which changed my perspective on Hubbard and his role in the Working to a significant degree.

I’ll be talking about this in more detail in the revised Dark Mission, but suffice it to say that I am now even more intrigued about the Secret History of NASA, and Hubbard and Parson’s role in it.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dark Mission co-author Mike Bara Interviewed in Winter 2009 Issue of Paranoia Magazine

Dark Mission co-author Mike Bara is interviewed in the Winter 2009 issue of Paranoia Magazine, available now at your local newstand. Paranoia has been publishing edgy commentaries and the stories no one else will touch since 1992. It recently gained fame for the cover of the Fall 2008 issue, featuring President-elect Barack Hussein Obama and whitey hating Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Look for the magazine with the image of Clay Shaw in bondage gear on the cover.

On the web: Paranoia Magazine

Monday, November 17, 2008

Faked Data on Global Warming Exposed - NASA Lies Again

"All government agencies lie part of the time, but NASA is the only one I've ever encountered that does so routinely."

– George A. Keyworth, Science Advisor to President Reagan and Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, in testimony before Congress, March 14, 1985

If you’ve read Dark Mission, it should come as no surprise to you that NASA lies. However, there is still a sizable portion of the populace that clings to the idea that NASA is somehow exempt from even the notion that it would withhold the truth about anything. As I stated in my essay in Secret and Suppressed II, pointing out NASA’s mendacities makes you about as popular with the press as crosses are with vampires.

Still, there are plenty of examples from the past, and now, yet another example from the present. Monday, NASA announced through the Goddard Institute for Space Studies that last month was the hottest October on record. This flew in the face of the empirical evidence, which suggested that cold, rain and snow were actually a bit more common than usual for October.

Fortunately, a couple of climate watchdog blogs, Watts Up With That and Climate Audit (who both helped debunk Al Gore’s infamous “hockey stick” climate fraud), sifted through the data and discovered that the reason for the incongruity was that NASA had taken temperature readings from Russia from September, and simply copied and pasted the same figures into the October sample. Once the “blunder” was exposed, NASA hurriedly revised its figures, only to suddenly discover a new “hotspot” in the Arctic which once again pushed the temps into the record range. The only problem? Arctic ice is currently growing so fast in the Arctic that it is now 30 percent ahead of last year.


The fact these temperature readings are coming from GISS, one of four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures and certainly the most influential and most pessimistic, should alarm us all. The UN uses figures from the GISS primarily to justify its attempts to regulate and enforce controls over the economies of developed nations, like the US. Using the myth that man made “global warming” is causing calamitous climate change as its justification, the UN is trying to force nations like the United States surrender national sovereignty and place draconian restrictions on major industries to “combat” what is obviously a non-existent problem. The GISS is run by Al Gore's chief scientific collaborator, Dr James Hansen, who has been a major global warming alarmist since the late 1980’s. He's also the nutbag that recently called for CEO's of oil companies to be put on trial for "high crimes against humanity and nature." Hansen, who despite giving more than 1,500 media interviews in the last 8 years, continues to insist that the Bush administration is “muzzling” him, must be held responsible for this fraud. It is patently obvious that Hansen has deliberately cooked the books, to use a bad metaphor, and given the policy influence his office has, he should be fired immediately. Since this is not the first time that Hansen’s (cough) methodology has been called into question, it’s time for him to go. He is obviously not a scientist with any sense of integrity, but rather a political activist who has misused his position of authority to further a personal agenda.

It has by now been conclusively shown that human industrial activity has no influence whatsoever on global temperatures, and that in fact global temps are dictated almost one to one purely by the waxing and waning energy output of the sun. The flowing graph succinctly illustrates this:

Furthermore, global temperatures have been dropping in the last few years, while the concentration of Co2, the most commonly cited “greenhouse gas,” has been increasing. This has also lead to a measureable increase in plant growth, which is a good thing.

With a new administration coming into Washington that is certain to try and impose the economically ruinous Kyoto protocol on us, Bush could leave a lasting legacy by firing Hansen, disbanding the GISS and declaring it to be an unethical and hopelessly politicized agency that serves no useful purpose.

So once again we see that with NASA, the Lie is Different at Every Level, and the lies go on.

Full Telegraph UK article here.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Saturn's Bright New Auroral Ring

A new Cassini infrared image of the North Polar cap of Saturn has revealed something of a surprise -- an intense auroral field generated by the unique physics operating on that planet.

If you have followed this blog or read Dark Mission, you know that Saturn holds a special place in the Hyperdimensional Physics model first proposed by Dark Mission co-author Richard C. Hoagland and Erol Torun. With its unique and bizarre (by conventional models) hexagonal polar ring, Saturn fulfills a specific prediction of the tetrahedrally based topological math that underlies that theory. As Hoagland first described at his 1992 UN briefing, according to topologists like HSM Coxeter, any hyperdimensional system (a spinning system drawing energy from the Aether, or higher spatial dimensions) should have a tetrahedral outwelling signature at 19.5 degrees, and a corresponding "inwelling" feature that is driven to be hexagonal. Saturn of course, with its otherwise inexplicable hexagonal cloud pattern, fits this description perfectly.

It is interesting to note that the newly discovered aurora not only doesn't fit any conventional model for how such magnetic effects are generated (Tom Stallard, an RCUK Academic Fellow working with Cassini data at the University of Leicester, called it a "fantastic surprise"), but it also corresponds closely to the hexagonal cloud form just below it. Just exactly how this aurora is being generated and how it fits the HyperD model isn't clear just yet, but I find the correlation to be compelling. I trust that we will also eventually discern the mechanism, and I'll update readers when that occurs.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Will Phoenix Rise From the Ashes?

Word came down yesterday that NASA's Mars Phoenix Lander has ceased operations and is now considered officially shut down by NASA\JPL. The end of Phoenix' life was not unanticipated, since it was always going to be a relatively short duration mission due to the harsh weather conditions at the landing site near NASA's North polar cap.

Along the way, Phoenix not only took some 25,000 images of the featureless plain upon which it landed, it also pushed the Brookings "time release aspirin" ball a little further up the field, at least in terms of playing footsie with the idea that Mars harbors life. The most significant discovery of the mission was that water ice exists just beneath the surface of the Red Planet. Readers of Dark Mission will of course be well aware that not only ice, but liquid water exists on the surface of Mars, as does microbial life. The findings of Phoenix are quite unremarkable to us, but pretty spectacular by NASA's standards.

What we find far more fascinating is the symbolism connected with this mission. A Phoenix is, naturally, a bird of Egyptian legend that rises magically from the ashes of its own destruction. Again, readers of Dark Mission will be well aware of the significance of yet another NASA mission steeped in Egyptian mythology. By finding and confirming the source of all life, water, Phoenix signaled symbolically the Resurrection of Mars as an abode of life. But we don't expect the death\resurrection symbolism to stop there.

When the lander parachuted into its eventual landing site (captured in an amazing image from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) it did so according to the Masonic\Egyptian ritual pattern we have all become so familiar with.

Finding Orion's Belt Star Mintaka on the horizon (an Egyptian symbol of resurrection) was no great surprise. But if the Phoenix symbolism is to be taken to its full extension, then we can expect that the death of the Mars Phoenix Lander has been greatly exaggerated. Time will tell, but we fully expect that Phoenix will be heard from again. After all, science is "nothing, if not prediction," as Richard likes to say.

We'll keep our eyes (and NASA's ears) peeled for any sign that Phoenix has risen from the ashes.

Monday, November 3, 2008

NASA Admits Current Ideas About Mars Moons "Unlikely"

A recent essay by NASA's chief historian Steven J. Dick reveals that even within NASA, there is substantive disagreement about the origin of Phobos and Deimos, Mars' only moons:

"a great deal remains unknown about the moons of Mars, including even their basic composition and their origin. The attendees at the First International Conference on the Exploration on Phobos and Deimos discussed what was known, what was unknown, and how to find out more. Most continue to believe the moons are captured asteroids, but the capture mechanism is unknown and the scenarios unlikely."

Well, duh. See our previous blog post, guys.

On the Web:

Under the Moons of Mars

Lunar and Planetary Institute, First International Conference on the Exploration of Phobos and Deimos, Nov. 5-7, 2007

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hot on the heels of my post last month about a new extrasolar planet that had been photographed at an extraordinary 330 AU from its parent star, posted a new story that purports to explain why such planets are so hot. The article discusses the phenomenon of so-called “hot Jupiters,” gas giant planets that are generally found very close to their parent stars. Since this condition is a de-facto repudiation of the accretion model of planetary formation, scientists are becoming desperate to explain how the most massive planet’s can form so close to their parent stars and why they are so hot.

In the new model, proposed by Adam Showman of the University of Arizona, these Hot Jupiters are somehow tidally locked close to their parent stars, and heat from the star is transferred to the cool backside of planet through a complex series of winds and weather patterns, giving the planet a basically uniform temperature.

This idea is all well and good, but it is not based on actual observational evidence. Instead, this is simply an attempt to explain a contradictory observation within the established model, by building a computer simulation to demonstrate the idea. Obviously, if you build enough bias into the inputs, you can make the outcome anything you want.

Mainstream scientists and debunkers are fond of citing Occam’s Razor, the idea that all things being equal, the simplest explanation is the most likely one. Of course, rarely in the examples they cite are “all things equal,” and this is another case in point. One idea, the fission model which we discussed in the previous post, matches all observational phenomena relating to extra-solar planets. The other idea, the planetary accretion model, does not and requires multiple square pegs to be jammed into multiple round holes to even begin to reasonably reflect the observations. What is more likely under Occam’s Razor then, that these giant Hot Jupiters randomly formed so close to their parent stars and rely on a complex and highly unlikely chain of unproven assumptions to maintain their uniform (and uniformly hot) temperatures, or that the accretion model is simply wrong? Obviously, the simpler explanation is that these Hot Jupiters are fissioned off of their parent stars, just as the fission model suggests and are in the process of receding from them as we speak. Their hot temperatures are explained by the fact that they are made up of ejected stellar material, which would take many millions of years (most likely) to cool.

Not to mention, Occam’s Razor isn’t a scientific axiom anyway, it’s a T-shirt slogan.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mars Express Close Encounter With Phobos

Hot on the heels of the Enterprise Mission’s publication of a new article addressing the probable artificial origin of asteroid 2867 Steins, the European Space Agency has released startling new images of Phobos, one of Mars’ two “moons.” While the characterization of Phobos as “moon” at all (it’s obviously simply an asteroid somehow captured or held by Mars’ gravitational field) is problematic, it’s not nearly as problematic as characterizing it as a natural object. Phobos is generally considered similar to the carbonaceous C-Class asteroids because of its surface albedo characteristics, but a new analysis of Phobos’ composition revealed something of a surprise; Phobos is basically hollow.

By simply measuring the gravitational influence of Phobos on the Mars Express spacecraft itself (which is a function of Phobos’ shape and density), ESA was able to determine that Phobos is incredibly light, about 1 billionth the mass of Earth, and has a much lower density (1.85 grams per cubic centimeter) than Martian surface rocks (.7-3.3 grams per cubic centimeter). Theoretically, this places Phobos more correctly in the D-Class category of asteroids, which are believed to be highly fractured and cavernous. One explanation for this is that Phobos (and perhaps its sister moon, Deimos) might be a “rubble pile,” essentially a bunch of big chunks that crashed into each other that are held together by gravity. According to this idea, Phobos was formed from material somehow ejected from Mars itself eons ago that somehow assembled themselves into a coherent body. However, there is no suitable explanation for how such a “rubble pile” could manage to find itself in a near perfect equatorial orbit around Mars, a condition that is highly unlikely to have occurred just by chance, to say the least. Given that its composition and density is so different from Mars’ own, it seems more likely that Phobos came from somewhere else, perhaps somewhere in the nearby asteroid field that lies between Mars and Jupiter. The only issue that remains is the question of whether this placement is a natural condition – again, highly unlikely – or whether it was placed there in the distant past by some unseen and unknown force.

Fortunately, Mars Express carries an on board radar called MARSIS which took measurements of the moon’s interior. That data should probably settle the issue of whether Phobos is a natural object or not, or at least whether it has been modified internally by an artificial force of some kind. Sadly, the ESA article does not say when the MARSIS data might be released.

There is however one last scenario under which Phobos might turn out to be a natural object, albeit one that resides in an impossibly perfect equatorial orbit. According to Dr. Tom van Flandern’s exploded planet hypothesis, all the remnant chunks of an exploded planet (like his theorized Planet V in the orbit between Mars and Jupiter) would be expected to have orbiting companions for at least a significant portion of their lifetimes. True to form, Phobos in close up shows the tell tale-signs of just such a post explosion condition; it is criss-crossed with dozens of race track signatures which indicate orbiting companions which have spiraled into the mother body (Phobos). As van Flandern has pointed out, these types of race track patterns are a sure sign of orbiting companions.

So the question at hand now is just what is Phobos? A remnant of the protoplanetary disk that formed the Solar System (not likely)? A captured Jupiter Trojan that somehow drifted into a perfectly equatorial orbit over Mars (even less likely)? Or, is it neither of those, but instead a shattered survivor of the cataclysm that devastated Mars, towed into this bizarrely non-random orbit by the survivors of the Martian Apocalypse and then mined by them, or simply drilled out to make an orbiting, artificial habitat? The MARSIS data should tell us that, if only we get the real stuff. Time will tell if we do.

David Icke at the Million Dollar Theater in LA

I posted a blog about this event over on my MySpace page. I thought you guys might like to read it.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 Story on Saturn's Hyperdimensional Hexagon

Well, the folks have posted a new story on the polar storms on Saturn, showing new Cassini images of the planet. They once again mention - as they should - the bizarre hexagonal cloud pattern that encloses the storms in the north polar region. It's important to keep in mind that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, in conventional planetary physics or fluid mechanics which can account for this phenomenon. It is however an inherent and specific prediction of the Hoagland\Torun Hyperdimensional physics model.

Once again, HDP stands alone as the only predictive and coherent model which can explain a specific physical observation. It will be interesting if the main streamers try to come up with an explanation for this one. In all the years since Voyager, no one has attempted it yet, but it may be time soon. After all, you can only ignore the elephant in the living room for so long.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

No Blogging 'till Tuesday

Hey everyone, I'm off to Seattle tomorrow for my high school reunion. I'll back with some new stuff hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday. Have a great weekend!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Spectacular New Images of Mercury From the Messenger Spacecraft

NASA's Messenger spacecraft yesterday returned stunning new images of the planet Mercury, really showing parts of the Sun's nearest neighbor in close-up for the first time. The views show a rocky terrestrial satellite that bears a strong resemblance to our own Moon. In fact, I'm struck just how much it looks like the Moon's far side, minus the occasional Maria blotch.
Still, as Jim Oberg pointed out earlier, there are some interesting things to see on the images. I'm always fascinated by the fact that some craters look so bright in these images. What are they, glass craters?

I also love the radial spoke pattern in some of the images. I can't help but have a sense of awe and mystery when I look at another world for the first time. I wonder what mysteries we'd uncover if we went there ourselves?
More pics at the Messenger web site.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The 2008 Bay Area UFO Expo – San Francisco

With Clifford Stone and Robert O. Dean

Late Thursday night (the 26th of September), I was sitting around contemplating my plans for the weekend when I got an email from Victoria Jack, who runs the Bay Area UFO Expo and has for 10 years now. For those of you who don't know, the BAUFOE is pretty much the biggest of its kind, at least in this country, and it always has a stellar line up of the top names in UFOlogy. This year was no exception, with the likes of Whitley Streiber, Jordan Maxwell, Robert O. Dean, David Icke, Jose Escamilla, Dr. Roger Leir, Sean David Morton and a whole host of others scheduled to be in attendance. I was surprised to find that the email asked if I was available to fill a lecture spot on Saturday morning, and even though it meant taking the Friday off of my day job (oh the pain, the pain) I readily accepted. I threw together some clothes, slapped a presentation together and headed up the road to Frisco.

With David Icke. I was not drunk. Really.

I can't say enough about everyone I saw there. Contrary to what I have heard over the years, I have found the "UFO community" to be extremely welcoming and open to me in my visits to these events. I met David Icke at the Friday meet and greet, and then rekindled acquaintances with Dr. Leir, Jose, Paola Harris, and a whole host of others. I got up Saturday and hit my lecture right on time, following the excellent presentation by Dr. John Alexander. Like him, I had video issues ($%&*!!! Vista!) and after getting a late start, I managed to get through all my 100 or so slides in the allotted 45 minutes. I was gratified by the reaction of the audience but frustrated with the limitations of the equipment. I learned that some things are just too subtle for the standard 1024x768 projector to handle.

Trust me, its artificial

After that, it was time to relax and I spent some time listening to Jordan, who I just love. And then I went to see Robert O. Dean. I had met Mr. Dean earlier in the day, and I was overwhelmed by his kindness, generosity and graciousness. I honestly don't remember ever meeting a more polite, friendly and engaging man, and I was flattered beyond belief that he had read Dark Mission and not only enjoyed it, but bought copies for several acquaintances that work at the Pentagon. Later, in both his lecture and his workshop, he made special effort to acknowledge me, Richard and Dark Mission, and I was very humbled and grateful for it. Between he and Jordan, who is always so much nicer to me than he ever needs to be, I feel like I am under the wing of 2 Jedi Masters or something. It's not like Richard is chopped liver or anything, but to be blessed by Jordan and acknowledged by Bob Dean feels like way more praise than I ever deserve. I consider all three men to be true giants amongst us, and they've made me feel as though I belonged with them at their side.

With Jordan Maxwell

I'm not worthy!

The more I listen to Mr. Dean, who has struggled and suffered for what he has told the world, the more impressed I am by the man. It is such a pleasure to hear from someone who has truly glimpsed the future, and feels so optimistic about our place in it. The UFO culture can be a dark and pessimistic place at times, so Bob Dean is a breath of fresh air in more ways than one.

George and TD

After that I headed to Gorge Noory's meet and greet, and once again I was flattered when he spotted me and acknowledged me to the crowd. He is another nice and generous man. It was too bad he and TD (touchdown Tommy Danheiser) couldn't stay, but they had to catch a plane to St. Louis to get George's studio in order after Hurricane Ike (not Icke). Tom and I exchanged a quick hello and he is so helpful and supportive to George. It's really cool to watch.

Saturday night was the big banquet, and I had a table with my name on it and a few people actually sat with me just to talk about Dark Mission. The drinks were strong, Sean David Morton was hysterical as the after dinner entertainment, and the food was excellent. I ended up in the bar (as usual) with Jose, Sean, Jordan, and some new friends over the course of the evening. Jordan held court in the lobby until the wee hours of the morning, and I staggered off to bed happy drunk and truly overwhelmed at how nice everyone is to me.

Sunday I did an interview with Regina Meredith of the Conscious Media Network and went to Paola Harris' workshop. She's as sweet as they come and a very sharp researcher. I also had a chance to catch up with Jordan as well as Tim Crawford. I also had a chance to conspire with several big names about a special project for Richard's next birthday (heh heh heh). I came back from my interview in the lobby to see various people pointing up to the sky, which could only mean one thing: "They" were making an appearance. I ran into Jordan and he told me to go check it out, so Victoria and I both went out to see what was going on. Of course, Whitley's friends had left by the time I got there. Maybe someday I'll see a UFO.

I was sorely tempted to stick around one more night for the speakers' party, but duty and my day job as a card carrying member of the Military Industrial Complex called, so I hit the road about 3 PM and got home to a very unhappy tuxedo kitty.

I had a fantastic weekend and now I'm looking forward to David Icke this week in LA. I assume it's going to rock as much as the rest of my life has been lately. Special thanks to Victoria for inviting me, Robert Perala, Jordan, Bob Dean, Jose, Sean, Brenda, Paola, Melinda Leslie, Roger Leir, George and TD, and pretty much everybody else. I had a blast. Too bad life can't be that much fun all the time.

As always, there are tons more pics over at my Flickr site.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Mike Bara to Appear at Bay Area UFO Expo This Weekend

I’ll be appearing this weekend at the Bay Area UFO Expo in San Francisco. I’m giving a 45 minute lecture called “Artificial Structures on the Moon” on Saturday morning at 11:30 AM. If you are in the bay area drop by and I’ll sign your copy of Dark Mission, or just say hi.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Extrasolar Planet Image Boosts Fission Model of Planetary Formation

As you may know, an image of the first confirmed extrasolar planet ever photographed was released on Monday of this week. Unlike previously photographed Exoplanets, this one appears to have a mass less than the 13 Jupiter masses which is the accepted limit for planetary designation. At only 8 Jupiter masses, the new planet is well under the mass that would place it in the Brown Dwarf category. Although the newly discovered planet is the right size to be a Brown Dwarf, this low mass implies that it is not.

University of Toronto researchers managed to snap a near infrared image of the gas giant planet orbiting more than 330 AU's from its parent star, 1RXS J160929.1-210524. Both objects are about 500 light years away.

This incredible orbital distance, which calculates to an orbit of some 6,000 years, is a direct contradiction to the accretion theory of planetary formation. The star itself is thought to be only about 5 million years old, the blink of eye in astrophysical terms, and the mere presence of the gas giant world creates all sorts of problems for the conventional model.

According to current theories, planets form from the remnants of stellar nebula's in so-called proto-planatary disks. However, according to current understanding of this theory, large gaseous planets (or planets of any kind) cannot form at this distance from stars because there is unlikely to be sufficient rocky material to form a mass large enough to collapse into a planet. Instead, scientists are now scrambling to explain how such a young, hot companion could have found itself so far from its parent star, and apparently in a stable orbit. The current theory du-jour is that it was somehow magically flung away from the star by an encounter with another star or due to collisions within the accretion disk. Unfortunately, there is no observational evidence or computer modeling to support this assertion. A better explanation is that the planetary accretion model is simply wrong.

Fortunately for the truly curious, there is a second competing theory of planetary formation that is supported by all of the existing observational evidence – including the discovery of the gas giant 330 AU from 1RXS J160929.1-210524. Some scientists, like Dr. Tom van Flandern, have long argued for the solar fission model of planetary formation.

Click here for video

In the fission model, once the rapidly coalescing solar nebula collapses and achieves sufficient density to begin nuclear fusion, it soon begins spinning so fast that the centrifugal forces become stronger than the gravitational field of the star, and solar material is flung out from the equatorial region of the young star. This material then spirals outward in twin pairs, forming first gas giant planets and then later terrestrial or rocky planets as the star’s angular momentum dissipates. This theory, unlike the solar accretion theory, neatly fits most, if not all, planetary observational data.

The solar fission theory would explain why all the planets are in the so-called plane of the ecliptic, why the planets hold 98% of the total solar system angular momentum but just a fraction (0.002) of the mass, why all of the planets have prograde orbits (matching the prograde spin of the sun), why other extrasolar gas giants seem to have formed so close to their parent stars, and why the planets in our own solar system seem to have formed in relatively similar pairs (Earth and Venus, Mercury and the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus and Neptune).

There are naturally objections to the twin pair concept, notably that there is as yet little evidence that Mercury was once a moon of Venus, and that Jupiter is more massive than Saturn (in the twin pairs model it should be the other way around), and that Mars does not fit this model at all. However, in the Exploded Planet Hypothesis, all of this is easily explained, and not by some fairy-tale, move-the-goalposts band aid, but by actual observational evidence.

Our own Mars Tidal Model proves, with one simple correlative observation, that Mars has tidal bulges. The mere existence of these tidal bulges where none should exist is De facto proof that Mars is not a planet at all, but rather a moon of a much larger planet (designated “Planet V” in the EPH) that once existed near the orbit that Mars now occupies. It also implies - if the solar fission model is correct - that there is a missing “twin” of Planet V somewhere out there in the solar system.

OK, so where is it?

The EPH also builds on the idea of the old Titius-Bode law of planetary spacing. Roughly stated, TB says that each successive planet is about twice as far from the sun as the previous planet. Using the following chart, this all works out pretty well for the most part:


As you can see, until we get to Neptune, the TB Rule works almost perfectly. Only at the far reaches of the Solar system do we begin to see significant deviation. The following chart illustrates the point succinctly:


The only exceptions here are Ceres, which is not a planet but rather a prominent body in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and Neptune, which seems pretty far out of the margin we would expect if TB was correct. Neptune is dealt with in van Flandern’s book Dark Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets, so we won’t get into that here. The main point is that according to the EPH, there are at least two missing planets in our solar system, Planet V, the parent planet of Mars, and Planet K, which once existed in the orbit now occupied by the asteroid belt. They would most likely have been terrestrial pairs, similar to Earth and Venus but with much larger masses and planetary radii.

So the asteroid belt turns out to be where Planet K once roamed, accounting for the multitude of bodies in that rocky ring of planetesimals. The EPH also explains one other enduring mystery of the solar system – why Mars and Mercury have the two most eccentric orbits of all the “planets.”

If, as the EPH postulates, Mars was once a moon of Planet V and Mercury a moon of Venus, then it would stand to reason that they, having been recently ejected some 65 MYA, would have non-circular or “eccentric” orbits. This is in fact exactly what we see. Mercury (0.206) and Mars (0.093) have by far the most elliptical orbits of any of the major planetary bodies.

So what does all this have to do with the newly discovered gas giant around 1RXS J160929.1-210524? Well, it seems obvious that we are seeing, in near real time, the birth of a new planet in accordance with the fission model. It has been ejected from its parent star a relatively short time ago, and is already some 330 AU from its birth place. Not only does this tell us that planets can exist that far from a parent star (which greatly increases the likelihood that a Planet X exists in our own solar system), but it also explains how massive gas giants can be found so close to their parent stars, as has been observed in some other cases. It’s obvious that these close-in gassy planets have only been recently excreted from their parent stars.


It should be a fairly easy task to calculate its rate of recession from 1RXS J160929.1-210524 (let’s just call it 1RXS from now on, shall we?) - if it is receding at all - and determine (based on its luminosity) how long it has been traveling away from 1RXS. That will give us a timetable for about how long it should take a star of similar mass and composition to start spitting out planets and give us a fighting chance of training our cameras on another candidate star and perhaps catch it in the act of spewing out its first planet.

And wouldn’t that be a picture?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I couldn't believe it when I saw it, the first real proof that there are other worlds orbiting distant stars. University of Toronto researchers managed to snap an image of a gas giant planet orbiting more than 330 AU's from it's parent star, 1RXS J160929.1-210524. Both objects are about 500 light years away.

There are tons of implications of this discovery, but for the moment, I just want to sit back and wonder at something I never thought I would ever see.

Another world. In a completely different star system.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Quick Blogging Update

You guys may have noticed that the pace has slowed here in the last few weeks. There are several reasons for this, most notably that I am spending more time on my NFL Football Blog and a new political Blog that I felt compelled to start. I'll be posting to that one with some frequency, at least through the election cycle. I'm also working on the last 5,000 words for a new book I'm doing solo, and then I have some more writing to do for another project with Richard. These have hard deadlines of October 1st and November 1st respectively, and I have a few other projects which deserve my attention as well. And there is always my day job as a card carrying member of the military industrial complex.

The point is, I'm going to back off the Dark Mission Blog for a while. I am by no means abandoning this blog, I'm just going to be adding new stuff with less frequency until I can clear some other items from my to do list. There are a couple of upcoming posts, including another research paper documenting a Hyperdimensional physics effect, and some thoughts on the rumor that NASA may be preparing to release "proof" of life on Mars. These will likely appear next week at some point, and as always I'm ready to post on any breaking news.

I just wanted to let you guys know what was going on.


Monday, September 8, 2008

New Cover for Secret and Suppressed II

Publisher Feral House has released the new cover art for Secret and Suppressed II, the new collection of essays from editor Adam Parfrey. You can pre-order the book (which contains my 7,500 word essay on Dark Mission) from

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Central Coast UFO Symposium

I went to the Central Coast UFO Symposium this weeend. There are pics on my Flickr site and a blog on my MySpace site.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

"Dr. Chandra" Says William Shatner Was Right...

Astrobiologist Chandra Wickramasinghe, who was the inspiration for a character in Arthur C. Clarke's "2010 - Odyssey Two," has stated in a recent interview that not only is there "contemporary life" on Mars, but he asserts that NASA is withholding the information for political reasons. He also defends the work of Dr. Gil Levin on the original Viking Labeled Release Experiment, which came back positive for life signs in 1976. NASA has subsequently consistently denied that Levin's results were legitimate, and has taken every opportunity in the ensuing decades to minimize his results.

All of this will of course be familiar to readers of Dark Mission, which lays out virtually the same case in its heavily footnoted 550 pages. The only significant area of disagreement between our premise and Dr. Wickramasinghe’s assessment is that he still clings to the “honest but stupid” model of NASA’s behavior, as opposed to our contention that NASA is operating on a “timed release aspirin” model dictated by the recommendations of the Brookings Report.

A full story on the interview can be found on the science and technology site.

The William Shatner Post

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Research Reinforces Key Aspects of Hyperdimensional Physics

A new paper by a pair of Australian astronomers has provided a flat-out, indisputable confirmation of the Hoagland\Torun Hyperdimensional Physics model first proposed in their 1989 paper, “The Message of Cydonia.” The new paper, titled “Does a Spin–Orbit Coupling Between the Sun and the Jovian Planets Govern the Solar Cycle?” points out a resonant, synchronized relationship between the Sun’s periodic peak sunspot cycles and the orbital positions of the Jovian planets, Jupiter and Saturn. Careful readers of Dark Mission will note that this exact relationship is both implicitly and explicitly predicted in Chapter 2 of our book.

While the mechanical cause of the increased sunspot activity is reasonably well understood (it’s caused by the sun’s rotation), the driving force linking this spin and the sunspot cycle has remained a mystery. According to Dr. Ian Wilson of the University of Southern Queensland, which published the new research, observations by solar astronomers have concluded that the equatorial regions of the sun rotate slightly more rapidly than the polar regions. This differential rotation winds up the sun’s magnetic field lines (which stretch between the two poles) like a set of rubber bands. Eventually, the field lines work their way to the surface of the sun because the concentrated magnetic flux is more buoyant than the surrounding solar surface. This subsequently causes sunspots, solar flares and coronal mass ejections, which tend to cluster around the tetrahedral 19.5° latitude at the peak of this cycle. This peak is called “solar maximum” because all the visible spots, flares, etc. are most numerous at this time, after which the magnetic poles reverse and the cycle begins again.

There has historically been a recognized connection between the frequency of sunspot activity (the total number of spots) and the movement of the sun in relation to solar system's “barycentre,” or center of mass. This is driven primarily by the combined gravitational forces of Jupiter and Saturn, and to a far lesser extent, the other planets. But the big problem is that there is no conventional explanation for exactly how this influence occurs.

"There are really only two possible interactions, and neither of them is feasible," Dr. Wilson said in an interview. "Tidal forces are too tiny. They can only produce a movement of about a millimeter on the surface of the sun.

"The alternative, that the sun's motion about the centre of mass should be able to generate internal motions within the sun, violates Einstein's equivalence principle
[emphasis added]"

What separates this new research from previous interpretations is the observation that the relative positions of Jupiter and Saturn somehow affect this cyclical energy variation. To quote from an article about Wilson et al’s paper appearing on the Australian ABC science website:

“The authors believe the tiny gravitational tugs of Jupiter and Saturn speed up or slow down the sun's orbital motion about the centre-of-mass, when they are aligned or separated by an angular distance of 90 degrees.

“They say that when the sun's orbital motion changes, so too does its equatorial rotation rate, which provides strong circumstantial evidence that there is a spin-orbit coupling mechanism operating between Jupiter and Saturn and the sun.
“The authors propose that this spin-orbit coupling takes the form of a 9:8 resonance, with the 179 year alignment cycle of the Jovian planets being equal to nine alignments of Jupiter and Saturn and eight 22-year Hale cycles.

“The extent to which Jupiter and Saturn affect the sun's motion may impact on the strength of sunspot activity throughout its solar cycle.

But Wilson is cautious.

"’It is one thing to show an association and quite another to show cause and effect. We have to be very careful, but we will know in a few years,"

Of course, the reality is that as long as solar astronomers keep searching for a conventional “gravitational” effect for this resonance synchronization, they will never fully understand what is causing the differential rotation and the consequent variable excess energy from the sun. In the conventional view, it is mass, and therefore gravity, which is the only viable influence on solar energy output and motion.

But in the Hyperdimensional Physics model, “the tail wags the dog” -- in the form of angular momentum.

It is an undeniable fact that Jupiter and Saturn -- which possess only a tiny fraction the solar system’s total mass compared to the sun – are, in fact, a huge influence on the sun itself (and all of the other planets as a consequence). This is because they conversely possess most (almost 99%) of the solar system’s total bulk angular momentum.

In the Hyperdimensional model, it is this angular momentum -- mainly from these two massive planets, transmitted through the “Hyperdimensional aether” -- which ultimately causes the sun’s differential rotation.

To quote directly from Dark Mission, Chapter 2:

“Changes in one gravitationally-connected system on a large scale, like the planetary scale of a solar system, can therefore have an instantaneous, measurable effect on other bodies in the same system -- providing there is a "resonance condition" (a matched connection) between those two objects via hyperspace. Thus, the Hyperdimensional Model argues that everything, even widely separated three-space objects like remote planets, are ultimately connected through this four-space interaction; meaning that a cause in one place (like Jupiter) can have an effect in another (like the sun) -- without any measurable 3D force (such as an electromagnetic wave) having measurably traversed the three-space distance in between."

In this classical Einsteinian view of physics, there is no "aether”—as it was called in Maxwell’s day—to carry electromagnetic radiation's transverse waves across the vacuum. In the hyperdimensional model, the aether is back -- as the actual transformation medium between the higher spatial realities and our dimension – through something called the “torsion field…”

This whole notion, that the changing [orbital] configuration of a planets (or star’s) system members relative to the “primary” can have an effect on its total energy output, is revolutionary to current thinking, but hardly without precedent.
In the 1940s, the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) hired John Nelson, a young electrical engineer, in an effort to improve the reliability of short-wave radio communications around Earth. Such radio transmissions had been observed to be more reliable in the "lulls" in between solar activity associated with "peak" sunspot years.

To his surprise, Nelson soon specifically correlated this rising and falling radio interference with not only the sunspot cycle, but with the motions of the major planets of the solar system. He found, to his increasing astonishment, a very repeatable—in essence, astrological—correlation between the inexorable orbits of all the planets (but especially, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, which hold essentially all the solar system's known angular momentum) and major radio-disturbing eruptions on the sun.

The hyperdimensional model finally provides a comprehensive theoretical explanation—a "linking mechanism"—for these (to a lot of astronomers) still embarrassing decades-old RCA observations. For, in essence, what John Nelson had rediscovered was nothing short of ”hyperdimensional astrology"—the ultimate, very ancient, now highly demonstrable angular momentum foundations behind the real influences of the sun and planets on our lives. Nelson also "rediscovered" something else:

"It is worthy of note that in 1948, when Jupiter and Saturn were spaced by 120º, and solar activity was at a maximum, radio signals averaged of far higher quality for the year than in 1951 with Jupiter and Saturn at 180º and a considerable decline in solar activity. In other words, the average quality curve of radio signals followed the cycle curve between Jupiter and Saturn rather than the sunspot curve...”

These decades-old observations are very telling ... not only confirming Jupiter and Saturn as the primary drivers behind the sun's known cycle of activity (in the hyperdimensional model), but strongly implying an additional direct effect of their changing angular relationship on the electrical properties of Earth's ionosphere. This, of course, is totally consistent with these changing planetary geometries affecting not just the sun, but the other planets simultaneously as well, just as "conventional" astrologers have claimed, via Maxwell's "changing scalar potentials.”

At this point, then, only the Hyperdimensional Theory:

1. Points to the deepest implications of the simple astronomical fact that the tail “does wag the dog" -- that the planets in this Physics are fully capable of exerting a determinant influence on the sun – and on each other -- through their disproportionate ratio of total solar system angular momentum: over 100 to 1, in the (known) planets' favor.

2. Possesses the precise physical mechanism -- via Maxwell's "changing quaternion scalar potentials" (also known now as the “torsion spin field”) -- accounting for this anomalous planetary angular momentum influence.

3. Has already publicly identified, at the United Nations in 1992, a blatant geometric clue to this entire hyperdimensional solar process: the maximum sunspot numbers (those large, relatively cool, rotating vortices appearing on the solar surface), rising, falling and methodically changing latitude, during the course of the familiar twenty-two-year solar cycle—and peaking every half-cycle (around eleven years), at the solar latitude of 19.5º.

Don’t you just love it when a good theory comes together so elegantly?

Make no mistake, if this Wilson et al. paper is widely accepted, somebody will eventually concoct a tenuous conventional explanation to rationalize the observations. But that theory will hold no more weight than the absurd “radiation degradation” idea that was floated about a few years ago to explain Iapetus 60,000-foot-high equatorial wall.

At some point, modern physicists will just have to face the unpleasant reality – Einstein was wrong about the aether; and Maxwell’s original “hyperdimensional physics/aether model” was right.

Further References: The John Nelson RCA Paper


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Essay by Mike Bara to be Included in New Anthology

Secret and Suppressed II, a new anthology edited by Feral House publisher Adam Parfrey, will inlcude an essay written by Dark Mission co-author Mike Bara. The original Secret and Suppressed was a highly influential work, and Feral House expects the new version to be just as well recieved.

Look for it in book stores this fall. Pre-orders are currently being taken on

Russian Language Edition of Dark Mission to be Published

Feral House Books has reached an agreement for Dark Mission – The Secret History of NASA to be published in Russia. Eksmo Trading House, the leading publisher of foreign rights titles in that country, will publish the Russian language version later this year.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

No Blogging 'till Tuesday

I'm headed out of town for a few days, so no new posts until Tuesday, when I hope to have a new Hyperdimensional physics post up. You can still leave comments but they won't be moderated until Tuesday at the earliest.

Everybody have a nice weekend!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Edgar Mitchell Admits NASA Knows About ET

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the Moon and a 33 degree Scottish Rite Freemason, has admitted in an interview in England that UFO's (or ET's) are real, and furthermore NASA knows it.

Mitchell has always played up the reality of UFO's, while steadfastly denying our premise that the Moon is littered with artificial structures. We've always found it interesting that Mitchell encourages belief in something that will never be proven (flying saucers and aliens) but discourages belief in something that is eminently provable. It smacks to us of disinformation.

But, like all good disinformation, it must have a grain of truth in it to be credible. What we find most interesting politically is that he is throwing NASA under the bus, effectively admitting that NASA has covered up the evidence of ET’s all along.

I think there is a recent book out that has as its core premise the idea that NASA lies…

For more background information, check out the Hoagland-Mitchell debate transcript from the old Art Bell show here.

UPDATE: Dr. Mitchell has clarified his comments here.

Just for additional clarification: According to the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, there are in fact three official panoramas of the Apollo 14 landing site. There are additional partial pans there, but it is unclear whether they were assembled by NASA. The ALSJ has also assembled numerous pans of their own making. Our initial investigation only dealt with the three official pans issued by NASA and retained by Ken Johnston from (presumably) first generation negatives.

All data in our possession was sent to Dr. Mitchell in 1996. To this day he has not commented.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More Interviews With Mike Bara on the Margaret Wendt Program

You can listen to another interview with Mike Bara on The Spiritual Truth radio program with Margaret Wendt. The interview was recorded on 7-15-08. to access it, go to and register (free). After that click on the "Radio" link and then "other radio programs."

Monday, July 14, 2008

Through the Looking Glass of Time...

In 1968, Richard C. Hoagland was a science advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News and an independent science media consultant. At that time, literally just months before Apollo 11 would make the first manned lunar landing, Grumman Corporation (now Northrop\Grumman) the maker of the Lunar Module, issued a press kit to all the media of the day; television networks, newspapers and wire services. Its purpose was to inform the various newsmen of all the crucial facts and figures relating to the Lunar Module; how it was conceived, what it did and how it worked. As an adjunct to this rather dry and technical instruction manual, Grumman hired a young hotshot science writer to compose the part of the manual which dealt with the Moon itself. For this they wanted a touch of poetry, not just the arid facts and figures of the Moon’s diameter and material composition, but also of the lure of Luna herself. They wanted someone to reach deep into the lore of our nearest celestial neighbor and extract that which draws us to her, that which makes the Moon a mysterious and beckoning destination; that which makes her a Face that could launch a thousand missions, Dark and otherwise.

They chose Richard C. Hoagland.

As you read through this decades old essay, you’ll be surprised at how much of what we thought we knew then is now known to be wrong, and how much still has the ringing echo of truth. Just after this was issued, he handed a copy to Sir Arthur C. Clarke, the author of 2001 and then a freshly minted on-air science consultant to CBS News as well. Clarke took the manual home that same night and brought it back to the young Mr. Hoagland the next day with a one word review: “Excellent!”

After reading it myself, 40 years after Sir Arthur, I cannot disagree.

His writing is lyrical and inspiring (did he really use the word “limned?”), as I think the Grumman folks meant it to be, but it is still stylishly, undeniably “Hoagy-esque.” There is at least one clever, interesting little surprise in the essay, a coincidence so obvious that it begs to question whether it is really a coincidence at all. Perhaps it is what Richard likes to call a “resonance” in the Hyperdimensional aether.

Or maybe it’s something more.

Take a few minutes and read it yourself, and let’s see how quickly you can all figure out the surprise I’m talking about. Even if you can’t, you’ll still enjoy the piece, even from the perspective of forty years of lunar history. I know I did.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Blogging Roswell

No, this isn’t the name of some new post-punk Irish-indie group, it’s my travelogue from my 4th of July weekend pilgrimage to the Mecca of UFOlogy; Roswell, New Mexico.

I was asked to speak at the Roswell CE4 conference because Joe Jordan, one of the organizers (and a hell of a nice guy) liked Dark Mission and because they couldn’t get Richard to come. I was happy to do it because I love to talk about Dark Mission, I love meeting new people, and it gave me an excuse to go to New Mexico and have some meetings with Richard on Dark Mission II. After some scheduling conflicts were resolved, my lecture was scheduled for Saturday afternoon the 5th of July.

Because I hate to fly, I decided to leave my day job (I’m a card carrying member of the military\industrial complex) early on Thursday the 3rd and drive to Phoenix for the night, leaving a relatively easy 6-hour run to Albuquerque on Friday. The drive to Phoenix was uneventful, except for the beautiful desert scenery and blue skies. I stayed at the Glendale Renaissance hotel, which is right across the parking lot from the Cardinals new stadium (and was built for last years Super Bowl). It’s a gorgeous hotel, and if you get a chance to stay in the Phoenix area, I highly recommend it. I grabbed dinner at the Yardhouse, right next to the hotel, and had two beers, blowing my diet for the week. Oh well.

As I walked back to the hotel there was an intense lighting storm just a mile or two away (it was like 113 degrees that day). No thunder, just lightening every 5 seconds or so. This seemed not to bother the locals, who blissfully chatted under lampposts and tall trees, apparently not too worried about getting “Dannion Brinklyed” by the electrical storm. I got inside as quickly as I could.

I arrived in Albuquerque only to find Richard hobbled from the venomous bite of some unknown insect or arachnid. The pain was so bad that we couldn’t really even discuss the new data he wanted to show me, so Robin and I watched fireworks from the porch of the hacienda de Hoagy.

The next day, I mounted my trusty steed Beyonce’ (because she’s black, she’s beautiful, and she has a very shapely… um, trunk) and hit the road to Roswell. I elected to take the long route because I wanted to see more of the countryside and I had plenty of time to get there. Along the I-25 I passed by signs pointing to the Very Large Array, and I was sorely tempted to divert there and hang out for the day, but duty called and I didn’t want to disappoint my fans (all three of them). One thing I discovered is that New Mexico has an abundance of suicidal bunnies that set up shop in the middle of the freeway or try to run under your car without getting hit. They are very good at this, and after driving over one of them and not touching a hare on his head, I decided that maybe it wasn’t a great idea to be texting on the freeway at 80 miles per hour. The experience did inspire me however, as I am now committed to starting an all girl goth-punk band called The Suicide Bunnies. Apply within…

When I got to the conference site I immediately saw a familiar face, producer Paul Davids (of “Roswell” fame) and had a nice chat, having not seen him in years. Inside I met Joe and Free Ward and a number of other very nice people who were part of the conference. After setting up my video and slide show with the projection folks, I slide down to the auditorium to catch the tail end of Farah Yurdozu’s lecture, which had a surprising number if parallels to mine. After a short break, Peter Robbins gave me a very nice introduction and I took the stage.

The talk went well, although I went a bit overtime as it’s well-nigh impossible to compress a 550 page book into a 90 minute lecture slot, but apparently I did OK. Most people that saw the lecture told me it was very good, and evidently I’ll be receiving a DVD of it soon so you’ll be able to judge for yourself. Richard Dolan was particularly nice, and it was good to meet a familiar and respected figure from the UFO community.

I would have liked to have stayed, but duty (and Richard) called so I headed back to Albuquerque. Richard was feeling better from his scorpion sting, and Steve Basset was in the driveway when I got there so we all hung out for the evening. Robin made us another great dinner and after that Richard blew my head up (again!) with the new material. I have to admit, I was skeptical of this new direction for Dark Mission II, but after seeing what he has I was gung-ho. The new data is REALLY cool.

The next day it was back to LA and very perturbed cat, who only had the critter care lady to keep her company while I was gallivanting around the country. Fortunately, she’s forgiven me just in time for her birthday, which is Friday. I’m getting her a session with a pet psychic.

All in all, it was fun. I wish I could have hung out in Roswell more, and if they invite me again I certainly will. The town is very nice and the alien motif is everywhere. I highly recommend you go sometime; it’s a really fun little town.

There are some more photos over on my flickr site.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Blog Going Dark

Okay guys, I'm off to Roswell tomorrow so there'll be no blog updates until Tuesday, at least. Feel free to post but understand I won't moderating the comments until at then.

Everybody have a nice holiday weekend!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Study Confirms More Aspects of Mars Tidal Model

As you’ll recall, in 2001 Richard Hoagland and I published the Mars Tidal Model. In this extensive paper we argued that Mars was not a planet at all, but rather a moon of a now missing member of the solar system commonly called Planet V. We cited numerous lines of evidence supporting our hypothesis, including the existence of bands in Mars magnetic field comprised of alternating polarities. We argued that this magnetic banding was caused by multiple (and devastating) impacts to the Martian surface from high velocity debris released by the destruction of Planet V, Mars’ tidal locked parent body. In our scenario, the alternating bands of magnetic material were the result of standing P and S waves reverberating within the molten sea of material that made up the southern hemisphere of Mars below the line of dichotomy.

Now, new computer models have confirmed this aspect of our research. In several major news articles published today, three separate computer studies agree that the magnetic banding was caused by an asteroid impact. They argue that it was a single impact, rather than multitudes of them as our model suggests, but this is a minor point.

The news articles also maintain that this event took place at the dawn of the solar system, but this time frame is based on a bias that the more cratered southern hemisphere is older. According to the conventional geologic models of Mars’ formation, most impact events took place back in this time period because there was far more accretion debris in the solar system back then. Our model says exactly the opposite; that the more crated southern highlands below the line of dichotomy are a result of the pile-up of debris from the recent (65 MYA) destruction of Planet V.

This is just the latest in a series of observations and peer reviewed papers that have confirmed various aspects of the Mars Tidal Model.

More on the Mars Tidal Model can be found here.

Sunday, June 22, 2008