
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Blogging Roswell

No, this isn’t the name of some new post-punk Irish-indie group, it’s my travelogue from my 4th of July weekend pilgrimage to the Mecca of UFOlogy; Roswell, New Mexico.

I was asked to speak at the Roswell CE4 conference because Joe Jordan, one of the organizers (and a hell of a nice guy) liked Dark Mission and because they couldn’t get Richard to come. I was happy to do it because I love to talk about Dark Mission, I love meeting new people, and it gave me an excuse to go to New Mexico and have some meetings with Richard on Dark Mission II. After some scheduling conflicts were resolved, my lecture was scheduled for Saturday afternoon the 5th of July.

Because I hate to fly, I decided to leave my day job (I’m a card carrying member of the military\industrial complex) early on Thursday the 3rd and drive to Phoenix for the night, leaving a relatively easy 6-hour run to Albuquerque on Friday. The drive to Phoenix was uneventful, except for the beautiful desert scenery and blue skies. I stayed at the Glendale Renaissance hotel, which is right across the parking lot from the Cardinals new stadium (and was built for last years Super Bowl). It’s a gorgeous hotel, and if you get a chance to stay in the Phoenix area, I highly recommend it. I grabbed dinner at the Yardhouse, right next to the hotel, and had two beers, blowing my diet for the week. Oh well.

As I walked back to the hotel there was an intense lighting storm just a mile or two away (it was like 113 degrees that day). No thunder, just lightening every 5 seconds or so. This seemed not to bother the locals, who blissfully chatted under lampposts and tall trees, apparently not too worried about getting “Dannion Brinklyed” by the electrical storm. I got inside as quickly as I could.

I arrived in Albuquerque only to find Richard hobbled from the venomous bite of some unknown insect or arachnid. The pain was so bad that we couldn’t really even discuss the new data he wanted to show me, so Robin and I watched fireworks from the porch of the hacienda de Hoagy.

The next day, I mounted my trusty steed Beyonce’ (because she’s black, she’s beautiful, and she has a very shapely… um, trunk) and hit the road to Roswell. I elected to take the long route because I wanted to see more of the countryside and I had plenty of time to get there. Along the I-25 I passed by signs pointing to the Very Large Array, and I was sorely tempted to divert there and hang out for the day, but duty called and I didn’t want to disappoint my fans (all three of them). One thing I discovered is that New Mexico has an abundance of suicidal bunnies that set up shop in the middle of the freeway or try to run under your car without getting hit. They are very good at this, and after driving over one of them and not touching a hare on his head, I decided that maybe it wasn’t a great idea to be texting on the freeway at 80 miles per hour. The experience did inspire me however, as I am now committed to starting an all girl goth-punk band called The Suicide Bunnies. Apply within…

When I got to the conference site I immediately saw a familiar face, producer Paul Davids (of “Roswell” fame) and had a nice chat, having not seen him in years. Inside I met Joe and Free Ward and a number of other very nice people who were part of the conference. After setting up my video and slide show with the projection folks, I slide down to the auditorium to catch the tail end of Farah Yurdozu’s lecture, which had a surprising number if parallels to mine. After a short break, Peter Robbins gave me a very nice introduction and I took the stage.

The talk went well, although I went a bit overtime as it’s well-nigh impossible to compress a 550 page book into a 90 minute lecture slot, but apparently I did OK. Most people that saw the lecture told me it was very good, and evidently I’ll be receiving a DVD of it soon so you’ll be able to judge for yourself. Richard Dolan was particularly nice, and it was good to meet a familiar and respected figure from the UFO community.

I would have liked to have stayed, but duty (and Richard) called so I headed back to Albuquerque. Richard was feeling better from his scorpion sting, and Steve Basset was in the driveway when I got there so we all hung out for the evening. Robin made us another great dinner and after that Richard blew my head up (again!) with the new material. I have to admit, I was skeptical of this new direction for Dark Mission II, but after seeing what he has I was gung-ho. The new data is REALLY cool.

The next day it was back to LA and very perturbed cat, who only had the critter care lady to keep her company while I was gallivanting around the country. Fortunately, she’s forgiven me just in time for her birthday, which is Friday. I’m getting her a session with a pet psychic.

All in all, it was fun. I wish I could have hung out in Roswell more, and if they invite me again I certainly will. The town is very nice and the alien motif is everywhere. I highly recommend you go sometime; it’s a really fun little town.

There are some more photos over on my flickr site.


  1. C'mon Mike....please tell us more about the new direction for Dark Mission II. You make me quite curious about it. C'mon....just a little know...something. I want to be gung-ho too! :)

  2. Wow - some nice babes along the way in the pics; Lexxi - wowsers! Liked the Patton / George C. Scott quote too - one of my favs.

  3. D19.5 -- I've watched that game over and over again. The Seahawks would have won 30-7 if the refs hadn't screwed them. Paul Tagliabue wanted to hand a Super Bowl trophy to his best friend Dan Rooney before he retired, and Bill Levy and his pals made it happen. I think in one of my analyses I found that the Seahawks made 10 big plays in that game, plays that would have resulted in scores or put them in scoring position. 8 of them were called back by the refs. The Stealers by contrast made 1 such play.

    Ah... don't get me started. I'd give anything to see the coaches tape of that game.

    Starborne -- probably.

  4. The last drive Seattle had, and the call that ended it totally convinced me that indeed, an invisible hand may be altering some games. I never really bought into that till that Superbowl. Naturally I now also wonder how many Patriots bowls were actually earned.

    That game turned my understanding of sports topsy-turvy. Much like you & Hoagie's book about something I just assumed a dead subject - the moon. Actually, before Dark Mission I thought Hoagie had lost the war of ideas when the catbox images were spun. The book answered, fortunately, that thought was wrong.

  5. Yeah I was depressed for weeks after that game, not because the Seahawks "lost," but because I realized that I couldn't believe in the NFL anymore. Let's not forget that the NFL is a mulitnational mega-billion dollar corporation, and like all such entities they have a corporate agenda. The league really wanted a black coach to win a Super Bowl, and they tried very hard that year to give the AFC Divisional game to the Colts (see the Troy Palomalu intercepetion overturn), but the Stealers just had too much in that game. After that, Jerome Bettis playing at home in the Super Bowl and Bill Cowher winning a ring were the best stories they had, so the team from "South Alaska" never had a chance.

    At least most of the press called them on it, even if it didn't make any difference in the end.

  6. Its a real show of power when games such as Football can be so openly cheated. Its like these guys know the human race so well, as to bet we can not and will not really punish this kind of behavior. In some sense to call them on it would distroy most fans zest for the compotition with the little voice in the back of everybody mind.."Damm its rigged, whats the point". They only people happy are the in the know crowd in Vegas, besides that, everybody who loves the game feels the loss.

  7. Yep - $ drives alot of agendas... I guess if they think they can squeeze more media $ from it, they try to rig it that way. Your ideas for the motive are right on the mark.

    To Seattle's credit, they have some good folks. My nephew has Musc. Distrophy, so they granted him his "make a wish" through that foundation, and the whole team treated him with VIP status.

    I see that the NFL hasn't discouraged Favre from playing up his prima donna status again this year. Gets media attention for more NFL $ I think.

  8. I guess the reason why they can get away with sports rigging is the same as NASA, et al. Dealing with the truth ends all of the fun, by leaving multiple new questions that most people don't really want answers to. We need distractions - games do that. Likewise, religion is a distraction alot of people need, which hasn't quite figured out how to incorporate ancient alien civilizations on our moon.

  9. Is beyonce an M5? I like the M6's too and the new concept CS.

  10. Orion,

    Nope. Straight up 5 series. An M5? I wish...

  11. Oops!

    I didn't realize this was the football blog.

    But then, I never knew Roswell had their own


    Hathor - In a cheerleader outfit!


    P.S.: Somebody once asked me if I knew who
    was playing in the Super Bowl. I replied---

    "Well, I'm not sure, but I think it might be
    the Nicks and the Lakers, but I don't keep up
    with baseball."

    That ended THAT conversation....


  12. The thing that's always bugged me about the Moon is that it is the perfect size and at the perfect distance to perfectly eclipse the Sun from the point-of-view of Earth. I mean, what are the odds of a natural body forming out of either a collision or a capture that 'just happens' to generate perfect full solar eclipses?

    It's just too weird to be 'cosmic random happenstance' as far as I'm concerned, and just because we can't understand how something that big might be moved, this does not mean that other beings in the Cosmos don't know how to do it. It's like some kind of bizarre celestial parallel-parking test for the Cosmic DMV-- you know, 'Park it just so, Ensign Shepesh. It's time to start teaching the ape-children about time intervals and calendars...'

    Anyway, I think the simplest explanation for why the Moon just happens to be so perfectly positioned is that it was engineered that way. No idea exactly who did it, though I do have an inkling or two...



  13. Hi T'Zairis,

    The thing that's always bugged me about the
    Moon is that it is the perfect size and at the
    perfect distance to perfectly eclipse the Sun
    from the point-of-view of Earth. I mean,
    what are the odds of a natural body forming
    out of either a collision or a capture that
    'just happens' to generate perfect full solar
    eclipses? ...
    Anyway, I think the simplest explanation for
    why the Moon just happens to be so perfectly
    positioned is that it was engineered that way.
    No idea exactly who did it, though I do have
    an inkling or two...


    The following parameters are but a few of
    those that had to be coordinated to obtain
    the observed result---namely, our Moon in
    its present orbit, doing what it does:

    1 - The lunar mass
    2 - The lunar density
    3 - The Moon's diameter (a consequence of
    #1 and #2 -- and it came out "just right" for
    solar eclipses as seen from Earth)
    4 - The Earth-Moon total "system" mass (for
    the Earth-Moon system's own solar orbit to
    be on time and on target)
    5 - The lunar orbit radius
    6 - The position of the "center of mass" of
    the Earth-Moon system
    7 - The orbit insertion angle
    8 - The orbit insertion speed
    9 - The "tow path" to make the Earth properly
    "capture" the Moon (utilizing ALL of the above
    10 - The precise date and time of insertion
    11 - Effects of planetary perturbations for
    the entire solar system

    And MUCH more.

    Somebody solved a fairly large and complex
    matrix of equations, then engineered the
    Moon around the solutions.

    The number of parameters used had to be huge.

    And the whole thing landed on a dime. Here we are.

    Anyone who believes that the Moon somehow
    was "torn from the Earth" in some fantastic
    cosmic collision, and then "coalesced" into the
    Moon we see today, with all of the observed
    and aforementioned characteristics
    , needs,
    in my opinion, to have their head examined.


    Hathor - Driving back the lunacy


  14. Another thing about the Moon--

    How interesting that the Moon's period of rotation 'just happens' to keep the same side of the Moon pointed towards the Earth as it orbits Earth. This would be awfully handy for hiding Moon bases and come-and-go activity from the inhabitants of this planet. Anyhow, if one adds the 'perfect solar eclipse' lunar position to the 'same face always faces Earth' peculiarity of the Moon's rotation, I don't see how anyone could think this was at all a happy result of natural planet-forming forces.

    I have to say at this juncture that I do not think it is a cut-and-dried fact that the lunar ruins have anything to do with us or our own past. While it may be that our own direct ancestors went in for lunar landscaping, it could also be that the Skypeople essentially 'towed a wreck' (from somewhere else, where it was not needed) to Earth (where it was going to be of some use), sort of like the way we use old junked-out cars for spare parts. Personally, I am sure that the Skypeople recycle everything they can, and interesting bits of junk-- like anthropomorphic robot-heads-- would be a gentle nudge to us to start thinking 'outside the Earth-box'. Data's head certainly piques my curiosity...

    I also have to say that I could care less whether or not I am another species' 'science-fair project'. It doesn't make one whit of difference to my ego, any more than did the fact that my parents were way smarter than me when I was in the third grade. I think there will always be 'someones' more advanced than us (as well as 'someones' less advanced) no matter where we look in the Universe.

    The people that I do think it matters terribly to are Nazi-types with their uber-racial agendas (what a come-down to discover that small gray beings-- and other interesting-looking lifeforms-- routinely tow planets around, as well as splice and caretake our genome!) and ultra-religious types, who insist that humanity is a 100% divine-god-product, which is a laugh, considering the wars and other atrocities we commit. To our credit, though, we do have wonderful talents and skills that deserve fostering, and I am really thankful that others found us and twiddled our DNA so that I can be aware enough to ask questions like, 'Hey, what's that robot-head doing over there?'

    In short, I worry far less about genome-splicing ETs than I do about some a**wipe putting Rohypnol into whatever it is I am drinking, and then date-raping me. Compared to child-molesting priests, popes who run rat-lines for Nazi human-experimentation doctors, and state-sponsored torture and genocide going on in various places on the planet, gene-splicing/enhancing aliens are a breath of fresh air.



  15. Hey marsandro,

    About the giant skulls and/or skeletons, are you thinking Joe Farrell (Cosmic War)? There seems to be a lot more evidence pointing toward such a scenario. The giant refugees from Tiamat?? Ancient Chinese genetic experiments gone wrong? Ok... that last one is a joke, but what else would one suggest?

    Also about the Earth and Moon being moved here from somewhere else... I hate to sound like I'm stuck on one movie here, but it reminds me of the giant planet-building space dock from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, minus the comedic satire.

    Hi t'zairis,

    I'm with you when you say you're not at all bothered about an ancient intelligent species from another solar system reworking our genetic code. I'm certainly thrilled with such an implication! How incredible would it be to actually meet one of those beings? Oh the questions we would ask. That is if our lovely military doesn't try to blow them out of the sky first.

    While I'm on the subject:

    Mike, what is your opinion on Steven Greer and the rest of the folks at the Disclosure Project? Are you and Hoagie interested in what he has to say?

  16. T'zairis,

    On the subject of certain abilities that can be switched on or off, do you believe in the notion of energy work? It's my belief that the "dark energy" that physicists are searching for may be the "chi/ki/prana" that the mystics/vedics have been talking about for the last 5 millenia. It may be that whatever this electro-magnetic field is that permeates the universe is just that. My guess is the Skypeople knew exactly how to use said energy with ease either through technology, or biologicaly. It's amazing how these "threads of similarity" weave togeather before your eyes the more you study this kind of stuff isn't it?

  17. Hi starborne,

    Nope, that's not Saturn---neither is it Tethys.

    Now it appears that Cassini has something in
    common with SOHO---obtaining pictures of
    alien vessels.

    The SOHO has photographed NUMEROUS "Sun
    Cruisers," which, by the way, that's what the
    Greenland object is, for those of us who know
    how to recognize the monsters.

    SOHO even caught "battle action" between the
    Sun Cruisers and some sort of massive black
    spearhead-like "bat winged" ships.

    Maneuvers. Evasion. Weapons fire. Massive
    explosions. The whole nine yards.

    And then there was the "Great Sun Machine,"
    whatever the blazes THAT was supposed to

    A solar outburst limiter? A planet building
    tool of some kind? Both? Neither? Who even

    I've just been running into this stuff for
    the last couple of years. It's all over the
    web, and most people don't even know
    about it.

    NASA isn't talking, THAT's for sure.

    Too bad I didn't note all the URLs. I didn't
    know I'd be blogging about the stuff, or I
    would have kept records.

    You can google most of it, though.


    Hathor - In the thick of the action


  18. Starborne--

    Yes! There is an energy component to everything, which is why Priore machines, Rife technology and orgone accumulators work. Tom Bearden has some nice info on his site about how longitudinal EMF can be harnessed to either create or to stop disease processes of all sorts.

    I also think that we have the innate ability to routinely sense energies that are beyond visible light (at both higher and lower wavelengths), and I think that's what shamans and psychic healers are doing. According to experiencers' accounts, Skypeople routinely use energy to heal ailments, and people visiting crop formations have experienced both healing and somewhat disruptive effects from being in the formations-- the single Julia Set crop glyph near Stonehenge a number of years back caused several post-menopausal women to start menstruating again, and some people have had headaches triggered by being in certain formations.

    I also subscribe to Dan Davidson's idea that physical shape itself (form) can induct electromag energy from the aether/hyperspace to cause energy effects in the space that our physicality is aware of. Form/matter is thus not some kind of 'inferior handmaiden' to thought/mind, but is rather in a sort of feedback-loop relationship with it. Shamans and magicians of all stripes have known for millennia that magickal diagrams/talismans raise specific kinds of energy, but they haven't always known why sigils and geometric forms like pentacles work.

    Enochian magick is a case in point-- all one has to do is look at the Enochian elemental tablets and then look at some of Joe Parr's pyramid arrays. While the Enochian truncated pyramids are flat diagrams, they still induct energy just like the 3-D ones do, hence the 'magickal effects'.



  19. Hi T'Zairis,

    Enochian magick is a case in point-- all one
    has to do is look at the Enochian elemental
    tablets and then look at some of Joe Parr's
    pyramid arrays. While the Enochian truncated
    pyramids are flat diagrams, they still induct
    energy just like the 3-D ones do, hence the
    'magickal effects'.

    You should see this:

    Shown are examples of an alien writing that
    works like circuit elements.

    We have something that is not dissimilar,
    known as SAW Resonator technology.

    Frequency control crystals (made out of cut
    quartz) have been used for nearly a century
    to control radio transmitter and receiver
    frequencies. However, they had a limit of
    about 160 MHz operating in "direct" mode.

    Then someone got the bright idea of vapor
    depositing metallic circuit elements and
    resonant cavities onto the broad face of a
    crystal, thereby providing digital logic type
    frequency control well into the GHz range.

    The ideas are similar in certain respects.

    We seem to be catching up with the Aliens....

    Now if we can just learn to control gravity
    in that fashion....


    Hathor - With a perspective on history


  20. Marsandro--

    Yes, I have already seen the CARET diagrams. In fact, I wrote to Linda Moulton Howe after seeing pix of the 'Coded Pi' crop circle that came down over in England earlier this summer, because the ratchets that code pi in the formation looked just like the ratcheted circles in the CARET stuff. I wrote to her to ask if anyone was seriously looking at the possibility that the crop formations might be a sentient coding-language-- as the CARET diagrams are-- being written on the proper substrate: i.e., the living biosphere of Gaia-- in order to make it function. I have an idea (in part from my own experiences regarding crop circles) that part of the purpose of the glyphs is to 'program the planet' and keep the biosphere operational in the face of pollution, etc. As Arthur C. Clarke once said, the technology of any civilization sufficiently advanced from our own will look like magic to us. This is part of the reason why I don't get all twitchy about 'occult matters'-- so-called Magick Circles and sigils/talismans are a kind of shape-technology that, simply put, inducts or otherwise forms energy into an effect of some sort. It is nothing to get upset over any more than a light-switch in one's living room is.

    The thing that rules the effect is the over-all geometry married to the geometry of the symbolic content. This is why I think that NASA 'ritualizing' is interesting. If they are doing the rituals to simply mark star-positions, mark dates, or have little communion ceremonies, then they don't know as much as they like to think they do. But if they are using trajectories to draw 'glyphs-through-time', or they are laying out landing sites (a la the Masons and the stuff they incorporated into the design of Washington DC, or the five-sidedness of the Pentagon), then they are genuinely trying to manipulate energy for their own agendas.

    My consolation in all of this is that thanks to my own shamanic experiences, I know that the energy substrate of Creation is Itself sentient. It most definitely has something to say about which shapes are accepted and which rejected, based on an internesting set of concerns, which take into consideration the projected development of other lifeforms on this planet, along with the wishes of Gaia Herself. This means that the Skypeople write in elegant crop circle glyphs, out of respect for the Will of this planet and all of it's life, while most NASA ritual is in the category of cargo-cult chicken-scratches serving very elitist and limited agendas.

    I also want it clearly understood that I am not looking down my nose at humanity vis-a-vis Skypeople. The Skypeople themselves assert that we are 'part of the family', but that we just need a bit more educating, and I would agree.



  21. Hi ks15,

    Yes, I first read about the "1890s airships"
    in a book by Frank Edwards. "Flying Saucers,
    Serious Business," the paperback edition, a
    copy of which remains in my personal library.

    These seem to have been the predecessors
    of the "rods" or "rod ships" being seen today.

    They appear similar to the "Greenland object"
    mentioned in my previous blog entries, except
    nowhere near as big, of course.

    The earlier airships, however, did exhibit
    a sort of "cigar taper" not often seen in
    modern sightings.

    Alien upgrades? Hmmmm....

    If alien technology was so ancient, I would
    not expect to see any year-to-year "model changes."


    I had forgotten about the contactee story
    you mention. Odd, to be sure. A "human" alien?

    One wonders, indeed.


    Hathor - Lighting a Habana with her stare


  22. So...Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell has his memory restored then :-)

    Yo ks15

    when you speak in your post's about "airships" with a few "references" of eyewitness/contactee stories...did you (n)ever wonder as to why these so called operators seem to speak the language of the witness/contactee? :-)

    That is why we have the razor of a 14th century dude called Ockham

    lex parsimoniae

    I guess that is why Sherlock Holmes was so good at it

  23. I'm already on my second batch!


    Hathor - Licking her chops...


  24. Marsandro's Errata File

    ---should anyone stop by---

    NASA "identified" this as "a cylinder, length
    50 km." The EARTH is only about 12 km across.

    That should be 50,000 km and 12,000 km, not "50 km" and "12 km."

    If the Earth were only 12 km across, your
    average American city would have nowhere
    on Earth to be.


    "Scientist without thinking! Scientist!"
    ---from "The Wernher Von Braun Story:
    I Aim At The Stars"


    Hathor -- Supervising the corrections


    P.S.: And that's BarnE's & Noble.



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