
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Former NASA Scientist Alleges Satellite Shoot down Unnecessary

See the Wired Magazine article here:

And the original article on this story at


  1. As the saying goes..."Who you going to believe, NASA or my lying eyes"?

    Liquid Water Phoenix Site


  2. Nondisclosure paper or not - nothing compares to just having b*lls of steel. Its in our heritage as a country (well, was).

  3. Hi T'Zairis,

    It just so happens that I am the
    guy who reported to the American
    Philosophical Society back in 1974
    that the 1905 photoelectric paper
    "by Einstein" was in actual fact
    a plagiarism of Charles F. Brush's
    second paper of 1880.

    There was a brief uproar, then silence.


    But what else do we know?

    1. Einstein actually ripped off his ideas
    from his wife, Marlena, who later divorced
    him for it. (TEM website, with the evidence

    2. The math for Special Relativity was
    executed by Minkowski, not Einstein.

    Einstein couldn't follow it.

    3. The math for General Relativity was
    executed by Riemann, not Einstein.

    Einstein finally said, "I don't understand it
    (Relativity) anymore."

    He had already publicly declared the math
    for Relativity Theory to be---and I quote---

    And last but not least:

    4. Every single postulate of both Special
    and General Relativity has been utterly
    destroyed by a myriad of concise and
    absolutely unambiguous experiments, all
    well replicated.

    One wonders why people still cling to it....

    Hasn't Dr. Gunter Nimtz made his point well
    enough yet?



    Hathor - Revelling In The Superluminal


    P.S.: Hey David,

    "Balls of Steel," suspended between parallel
    bars with string, are exactly how you can
    demonstrate why longitudinal waves are
    superluminal, while waves with nonzero
    transverse components have what we call
    a "characteristic propagation velocity."

    Newton had the idea pegged...

    ...and didn't even know it....


  4. Thank you for the clarification.

  5. Marsandro--

    It's cool that you reported on the Einstein plagiarism in 1974! I think that part of the cling-to-Einstein-like-a-limpet mindset has to do with not wanting to appear foolish in front of one's peers and/or having one's 'life work' completely invalidated from the get-go.

    However, I think that there is another thing in play here, and that is the sequestering of advanced technology and the HD physics behind it. If people are preoccupied with constantly having to 'fix' Einstein, they won't be asking inconvenient questions about spin-boosted orbits, etc., and all remains safely hidden. Also, if they are stuck in a befuddled Einsteinian headspace, they are not going to think things like trans-light velocities are possible. When one opens the HD physics door, then T. Townsend Brown, Antoine Priore and Plasma cosmology start making a whole lot of sense. Once that happens, it then becomes a matter of folks asking, 'Who knew about this new physics/anti-grav stuff, and when did they know it?' That question will be followed by the inevitable next one: 'If this has been known about for so long, why have we and the planet all been condemned to horrendous suffering just to gratify the whims of a few greedy moral bankrupts?'

    At any rate, as time passes, more and more data is amassed that puts the lie to Einstein, which in my book, is a good thing. I know I run across more 'serious problems with Relativity' stuff now than I did say, five years ago. When things finally pop, a lot of libraries are going to be getting rid of a lot of science books...



  6. I get the uproar on the Einstein plagiarism case... But i wonder why Charles F. Brush's paper was dismissed and not taken serious? Are we talking like word for word plagiarism? This seems like something that would really distroy the crediable nature or any scientist... are we as culture not allowed to question Einstein becasue we are not allowed to look at the possiablity of faster then light speed travel...even time travel even?

  7. Hi Shamus,

    It was precisely the negative
    response to Brush's work that'
    allowed it's burial deep enough
    in the literature to allow it to
    be plagiarized in the first place.

    Einstein doubtless came across the patents
    of Brush while working in the Swiss Patent
    Office, and became interested in Brush's works.

    Einstein would have discovered the 1880
    paper through an index.

    Since the paper was 25 years old, and there
    was no way for anyone to check the origins
    of "Einstein's" paper, it was custom made
    for plagiarizing.

    People's attitudes on "quantum phenomena"
    had changed over the previous 25 years.
    While Brush was practically egged off the
    podium, Einstein was hailed as a "great
    genius." Talk about a double slap in the
    face for Brush.

    It was the summer of 1974, and I was at
    the Centenary Library (alma mater of Van
    Cliburn, by the way), looking up papers
    by Einstein, as it was my protocol never
    to criticize what I had not at least read.
    (Too bad none of my physics professors ever
    thought like that.) I was reading the 1905
    photoelectric paper, when I realized that
    the text seemed familiar.

    I photocopied the paper on an old (but new
    then) Xerox 1000 Mega-Dinosaur Copier, and
    took it to the house. I then pulled down my
    collected works of Brush (gathered from the
    library at Texas A&M a year or so earlier)
    and started flipping pages.

    First match. Second paper...

    "SON OF A !@#$%&*!"

    I *immediately* composed a letter to the
    American Philosophical Society in Cleveland.
    I couldn't get it to the Post Office fast
    enough, and I had a 429 4V Gran Torino.

    I received a reply within about ten days,
    expressing shock at what I had shown them.
    I gave them the appropriate citations so they
    could see it for themselves.

    It hit the news within a few days.

    As I said...uproar...then silence.

    I think the ADL got involved, but I only

    Einstein basically paraphrased a couple of
    sentences, and quoted the rest right out
    of Brush's paper.

    That would get a graduate student kicked
    clean the blazes out of school.

    And all these years we've all been made to
    bow down to the golden image of Saint

    Let's just say Einstein is one of my pet

    So...every time some schmuck begins an
    explanation of physics with "Einstein said,"
    I have to suppress my Zeussian tendency
    to want to put a quantum vacuum powered
    lightning bolt up his lower posterior anatomy.

    And that's not even taking into account the
    maligned works of Kantor, Birge, and Miller
    anciently, leave alone Chiao, Wang, Hau and
    the redoubtable Gunter Nimtz in more recent

    The superluminal? We're SWIMMING IN IT!

    Just google those names and get a load.


    Hathor -- Introducing the young German
    plagiarist to some of the more..."intense"
    examples of the thousand names of Sekhmet


    P.S.: Oh---T'Zairis,

    If you haven't seen the collected works of
    The Sourcebook Project of Dr. William R.
    Corliss, you are in for a treat.

    Talk about putting Einstein in his place....

    Also see Nature, July 11, 1964, for a paper
    by Dr. Erwin J. Saxl concerning experiments
    with an electrically charged torque pendulum.

    Note especially what he says about the
    principle of equivalence...and the fact
    that he and Einstein were post-doctoral
    students together (so Saxl knew the great
    plagiarist personally).



    - the link to the news article I clipped from.

  9. Speaking of Salellites.... Did anyone catch the name of the imaging system on the Rosetta probe that made the recent flyby? OSIRIS! Most curious indeed.

  10. It's that Egyptian theme

    Now you know why I keep


    Hathor -- At the crux of all things Egyptian!


    P.S.: And I suppose the "rock" being imaged
    is known as (of course) "The Rosetta Stone?"

    Is that the one with the little square
    buildings that Hoagie was talking about
    on Coast the other night?


  11. Honestly, one would have to be a blind, anaerobic bacterium living under a rock on Pluto to miss the staggering 'coincidence' that everything we shoot into space and/or snap interplanetary pix with these days is named Orion/Osiris or ICIS/Isis or Phoenix (the Phoenix legend came from Egypt's Bennu Bird), or else it lands somewhere on an old Egyptian feast-day with the constellation of Orion at 33.3 degrees above the horizon! (That is, when the NASA Nazis are not shooting off Moon-mission bottle-rockets on Hitler's birthday...) I can't imagine that any outside observer with two brain cells to bang together could possibly miss the Ancient Egypt fetish that NASA seems to have, because they certainly don't seem to care to hide it all that well.


    Yes, 'testosterone-fueled meat-puppet' could definitely refer to our erstwhile fearless fuhrer in Sacramento...

    Subscribing to the shamanic/magickal idea that naming something gives it power, I've tried to come up with some 21st Century titles and epithets for Sekhmet, so that Her thought-form can stand in opposition to nordic-elitist ritualistic bull. Since Sekhmet was the one Goddess who really did terrify both Egyptian Pharaohs and priests, I figured we might as well enlist Her energy to get our current planetary messes sorted out. I also decided that the whole Mars linkage needed to be openly honored, so Names 401-500 are the Martian ones:

    403. Mistress of the Pentatope,
    416. Mistress of Chryse Planitia,
    486. She Who Is The Tetrahedron In The Orb,
    494. High Priestess of Cydonia Mensae,

    ...and last but not least,

    500. Mistress of the Great Face



  12. Mike,

    Are you able to reveal any clues as to why this rock is shaped like a diamond in the sky?

    BTW, no matter how many spoilers are given by team Hoagy-Bara, I'm still buying the new book. If anything, those little minute details make it all the more exciting for most of us.

  13. Re:
    Yes, 'testosterone-fueled meat-
    puppet' could definitely refer to
    our erstwhile fearless fuhrer in

    And to think, who ever would have suspected
    that Marie Shriver and Sekhmet could have so
    much in common?

    Subduing said meat-puppet, that is?


    Hathor -- Laughing herself silly!


    P.S.: Supposedly, Schwarzenegger's personal
    political views are truly conservative, but the
    Subduer-In-Situ being of the Kennedy side of
    the aisle, we see the comparison to Sekhmet
    with ease....


  14. Marsandro--

    I don't know about Maria Shriver doing much subduing-- I remember an interview she gave wherein she admitted that she personally irons all of Arnold's tightie whities, because he has got some kind of German-precision-engineering thing going on with his underwear drawer. Supposedly, his mom always knife-creased his skivvies, and now its Maria's turn.

    Fruit-of-the-Looms aside, I'm not happy with him because he nixed buying those firefighting tankers the State of California clearly needed after the 2001 wildfires. The result was that in the most recent conflagration, we still had no planes and people's homes burned. Then there's the whole issue of him slashing the State payroll and paying slave's wages to State employees because he has no real will to actually solve California's fiscal problems. Sekhmet forbid he should actually audit the State lottery, or take a closer look at what is going on with Tribal gaming contracts/monies.

    'Conan the Governor' has not exactly been a California blockbuster, sad to say...



  15. Hi Tarius,

    I would have trotted over to
    the Magale Library (Centenary
    College) to get the citation for
    you, but it seems they had some sort of
    shelf collapse up on the second floor. The
    whole thing is off limits for the moment.

    They have Brush's works on-shelf, and that
    is where I can pull up an index to get you
    the pub data for the 1880 paper.

    LSUS sent all theirs to the main campus
    in Baton Rouge years ago, or I'd have it
    for you already.

    Just a while longer....


    Hathor -- Overseeing the repairs


  16. Hi Starborne,

    I am reminded of that song
    from the Sgt. Pepper album:
    "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds."

    Supposedly, the "Lucy" part is a direct
    reference to "Lucifer" (be that a metaphor
    for whatever), and the "Diamonds In The Sky"
    were once presumed to be some sort of
    reference to drugs.

    It now appears that the "diamonds in the sky"
    are things like the comet/rock/whatever in

    Mike: isn't there an asteroid named Lucifer?
    I know there is one named Apophis, and one
    named Nemesis.

    Anyway, it looks as if "Lucy In The Sky With
    Diamonds" could just as well be describing
    Lucifer and its companions.

    Prescient Beatles?


    Hathor -- Card carrying member of the RSA
    (Rock Shooters Anonymous)


    P.S.: References to "Lucy In the Sky With
    Diamonds" allegedly goes back to some
    ancient legend, but I'm sorry to say I don't
    know the story behind it.

    T'Zairis: you know anything about it?


  17. Yes there is Andro, 1930 Lucifer:

    And of course there is the famous and wonderful Larry Niven book about a comet hitting Earth, "Lucifer's Hammer."

  18. @marsandro

    Take your time, its nice of you to find this for me.

    I really would like to read it, they still teach Einstein in college as I went through physics and such not too long ago, wow if had had both papers back then Im sure the teahcer probably would have gotten angry at me or something. hahaha

    If there is a possibility then I want to see it.

  19. Hi Tarius,

    I tried that some months ago,
    but it would not go through.

    I suppose I could go try again....


    Hathor -- Queen of the Redoubt



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