
Monday, March 14, 2022

Summary of Jentel from Today's Show

 Summary of Today’s Jentel

Jennifer Fallaw-Doering 3/14/2022

1. We are in the final throes of the back-and-forth push-and-pull of the war between good and evil.

2. The US will get involved with the defending of Ukraine this week.

3. Biden will fail at doing that and make a critical error.

4. Biden does not really have the power to declare war or send soldiers to battle. He has limited power to move troops around and nothing more.

5. Taiwan is at a standstill right now. Something is going on with the Cabal.

6. The Cabal is circling the wagons right now. They are really going to try to hang on to Taiwan, and we are going to hear about that operation, although it’s ongoing, next week.

7. Israel is completely corrupted. There is a strong patriot/religious movement in Israel but the government is still cabal. They will retaliate against the East, and it will be their downfall. 

8. Financial revaluation of the currencies is March 14th – Today (for the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar).

9. The rise of inflation is waking people up that are still sleeping. They were unaware of the trouble within our government and others.

10. Many know but do not call for action until it effects their daily lives. This is the last piece before action.

11. When will the dollar collapse? – Tomorrow. “You will see my hand in this.”

12. Attempts to help people with stimulus checks will be made. I see three checks, $3400 dollars, that may be each.

13. The announcement of the gold standard is Tomorrow.

14. It must appear to be to be wartime to take out the remaining evil in hidden cities.

15. Donald Trump is alive. There is a bunker underneath Mar-A-Lago. There are two very good actors who play Donald Trump from time to time. There are no clones of Trump. “The faithful don’t play God.” Clones are of the other side.

16. Putin has trained all his life for this – To rid the world (or Russia) of the evil Cabal. He is part of a lineage that has battled and planned behind the scenes for generations to take evil down. He is part of the Orthodox Christian church. He stands strong in his faith like a monk or priest would, and he is a living his life mission right now.

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