
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Yet More Research Supports Key Prediction of Hypersimensional Physics Model
The Choice

As you'll recall in my second book The Choice, I discussed the theory of multi-dimensional or Hyper-dimensional physics. One of the key aspects of the theory was the assertion that spin energy, or total system angular momentum, to use the astronomical term, had a direct linkage to a bodies total luminosity. In other words, the more energetically an object and it's satellites spun, the brighter it was in all ranges of the light spectrum (not just visible light). This rule, adopted from Schuster's hypothesis, seemed to fit quite well with all of the observable planets (and their moons) in the solar system.

Luminosity vs. spin energy. One or two undiscovered planets beyond the orbit of Neptune would move the Sun to the right and place it on the predicted curve along with all the major planets.

Except for one problem. The Sun itself, which is the centerpiece of the solar system, was far off the graph, meaning it was much too bright to fit the model. This then led to a key implication and prediction of the Hyperdimensional Physics model: i.e., there is at least one Jupiter mass planet or two smaller planets in far distant orbits that have yet to be discovered. Fulfillment of this prediction is important to this aspect of the Hyperdimensional theory, and would help show that conventional models of the solar system in which the only linking force between the planets is gravity are wrong.

Successful prediction is also a key element of the scientific method. Without it, you cannot truly say that you follow the scientific method. Since The Choice came out in 2010, there have been a number of discoveries that have thrown the question of whether there are large and far away bodies in the solar system into a issue of considerable debate. But as far back as 1982, NASA seemed convinced these objects existed, and was actively searching for them.

Illustration from 1982 Science Digest article showing how Pioneer's 10 and 11 could be used to search for "Planet X."

In a 1982 Science Digest Magazine article, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a well-respected astronomer and sometimes UFO investigator, wrote about the search for "Planet X" and how Pioneers 10 and 11 could be used to search for them. In the article, he included a diagram that showed the two suspected planet's positions relative to the Pioneers’ paths and the known solar system. The first body was shown to be 4-7 billion miles out, and was labeled the “Tenth planet” (or "Planet X)." The second object was labeled “Brown Dwarf?” The brown dwarf was listed as being 50 billion miles out, or about 550 Astronomical Units, an astonishing distance which was considered so far out that gravitational tethering to the sun was widely regarded as impossible.

As Pioneers 10 and 11 reached the outer limits of the solar system, NASA's idea was to use them to search for the "Planet X's" (I like to call them Nemesis and Nibiru) by looking for the subtle gravitational tug these theoretical bodies would exert upon the spacecraft. They found exactly that.

As early as 1980, when the twin spacecraft were at a distance of about 20 AU's (1.859 billion miles), NASA technicians noted a significant deceleration of both spacecraft which they could not account for by known physical forces. Over the years, various explanations for the "Pioneer Effect" were touted, but none of them completely held up under scrutiny. The gravitational tug of an unseen body (or bodies) remained a viable explanation for the anomalous deceleration. Other spacecraft, like the Voyagers 1 and 2, and the Galileo and Ulysses probes, have shown the same effect but the accuracy of these observations is debated.  

The question of the existence of Nemesis and Nibiru was brought into sharper focus with the launch of NASA's WISE spacecraft which was designed to search for deep objects (like Brown Dwarfs) in the outer reaches of the solar system. As I documented in an earlier post, the initial results were claimed by NASA to show there were no "Planet X's" out there. However, two separate teams of researchers had inconsistent results with the same database, calling into question whether or not NASA had simply missed one or more large solar system objects in their study.

A new study using the so-called "Dark Energy Camera" controlled by the Carnegie Institution for Science discovered a new dwarf planet, "2012 VP113," at the far reaches of the solar system. Like Sedna before it, 2012 VP113 has a very exotic orbit that implies it is being "shepherded" by another, far more massive object. Taken together, the orbits of Sedna and 2012 VP113 indicate that Planet X (or multiple "Planet X's") are in fact out there, but are just not detectable by instruments like WISE.

Now, there are even more studies that indicate the same thing. A new paper recently submitted to Cornell University Press argues that not only is the previous work by the Carnegie scientists correct, but there is a second and probably far more massive body lurking even deeper in the outer solar system.

The paper, by Carlos and Raul de la Fuente Marcos at the Complutense University of Madrid, is entitled "Extreme trans-Neptunian objects and the Kozai mechanism: signalling the presence of trans-Plutonian planets." It shows that there is at least one "Super Earth" sized planet at about 200 AUs (18.5 billion miles) distance from the sun, exerting a pull on dozens of smaller "Trans Neptunian Objects" like Sedna and 2012 VP113. This planet, with a mass as great as Saturn, is also locked in a resonant orbit with another even larger and more massive object at 250 AUs (23.2 billion miles). Both of these objects fit the description of Nemesis and Nibiru in the Hyperdimensional model very well, even though the distances fall between the 5-50 billion mile range NASA had predicted. Only when these objects are actually found can their angular momentum be established and their impact on the prediction be determined. According to Carlos de la Fuente Marcos, that will not be an easy task, since the bodies are large, dim, cold and very slow moving.  In fact, given the current state of technology, "It's not at all surprising that they haven't been found yet," he said.

Clearly, these two new papers show that not only is data from WISE not entirely reliable, but that NASA's declaration to the effect that "there is no Planet X" was not only premature, but flatly wrong.

Just like the harping critics of the Hyperdimensional Physics theory...


Join me at Contact in the Desert in August!

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