
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mike Bara's "The Choice" to be Published by New Page Books

My second non-fiction book, entitled “The Choice,” has been picked up by New Page Books for publication in October of 2010. Previously titled “The Nemesis Effect,” the book had been scheduled to be published by Feral House, but when the direction of the manuscript changed, we mutually agreed that “The Choice” would be better served at a different publisher.

I’m very happy with the change in publishers, as New Page has promised to make “The Choice” a centerpiece of their fall campaign and put a full publicity push behind it. “The Choice” will also be supported by a documentary film of the same name. It is currently in production by Asgaard Media.

Here is the catalog copy that is going out next week to distributors:

You know The Secret. Now make The Choice…

There is a great shift coming in the near future. We can all feel it. But what does it truly herald for the planet we inhabit? Is there reason for legitimate concern about the apocalyptic prophecies of the Mayan calendar end date of December 21, 2012, and is there an underlying physics that drives these changes? How do planetary alignments and astronomical events like the ones in 2012 have a profound effect on the consciousness of each one of us? And most importantly, what can each of us do to influence this coming shift in both consciousness and physical reality?

New York Times Bestselling author Mike Bara examines all these questions and many more in “The Choice.”

“The Choice” also includes:

• Detailed descriptions of a revolutionary new theory of physics that proves the theory behind “The Secret”
• How to use your own inner light, the power of your mind and spirit, to influence the physical world
• How governments the world over are preparing for the coming decade of change
• What your role is in determining your place in the Next Age

If we truly can make this world into anything we want, which path will we choose?


Mike Bara is an aerospace engineering consultant, author and lecturer, and is the co-author of the New York Times non-fiction bestseller “Dark Mission – the Secret History of NASA.” He has spoken at various venues including the Bay Area UFO Expo, the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles and the CE4 UFO conference in Roswell, New Mexico. Currently, he stars in the documentary film “Moon Rising,” and is staring in and producing his own documentary film based on Dark Mission for Sacred Mysteries Productions. In his previous career, Mike spent more than 25 years designing and consulting on engineering and Computer Aided Design for a variety of aerospace companies. He resides in Los Angeles, California.

1 comment:

    I for one am very excited about the release of the book. It's a very personal issue for me because I had a spiritual experience January 5, 2009 that was beyond anything I ever imagined were possible. I read that you too had a spiritual experience in 2009 and my interest heightened. When I came across your statement that the book "is as much about consciousness as it is about the significance of the physics of spin in drawing higher energies." I thought I was going to spiral out of my seat because this concept validates the most real experience I've ever had. People don't respond well when you have an powerfully uplifting experience.
    I cant wait until "The Choice" is released. How perfect that I found the word counter at 99%.


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