
Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Halo Cloud" Over Moscow

Is it a UFO? Or just a natural phenomenon? I don't know, but the phrase "Independence Day" comes to mind...


  1. Possibility:

    An object might have been
    there for a moment, and then
    bugged out at high speed---

    Straight up!

    Just saying.... :-))))

    Sphinx---great find!

    What *was* that 0:05 object???


    Hathor -- Eyes on the sky


  2. It sure looks freaky, whatever it is.

  3. Another possibility (and I would personally say, probability) is a slightly out-of-dimensional-phase ship. There are some experiencer-folks discussing this photo on Facebook, and everyone has been talking about this likely being a part of a 'habituation' program to get the general populace used to seeing very large and unusual things in the sky without undue emotional distress. Most of the experiencers have arrived at this view on their own, based on their personal histories with 1) out-of-phase ships, and 2) the basic nature of the Skypeople themselves.

    Since we live in a Cosmos that's full of ambient electromagnetic energy, it stands to reason that the Solar System passes through differing electrical potentials in the space it moves through, which can cause all sorts of interesting things to happen to both the Sun and the planets on a very short-term basis. If at some point, we need a 'friendly ride to a safer vantage-point', we've got to be able to see their ships appear without soiling ourselves, and my own guess is they'd really rather not have to bulk-tranq whole populations like so many nervous housecats faced with a car-ride.

    So they are opting for a high-tech version of 'hand-shadow puppets'--when out-of-phase, the ship leaves a cloud imprint that makes us curious, but it does not cause the 'let's shoot it because it's big and weird and we don't understand it' reflex to kick in.

    The Skypeople really do not want to rub our noses in their technology, but yet they have to get us accustomed to things after nearly 100 years of 'they don't exist' nonsense. I think that 'cloud-prints' (along with plant-prints, a.k.a. crop circles) are a very psychologically deft-- and considerate-- touch. Comparing this to our own behavior of barging into foreign countries and decimating whole populations over what are, at the end of the day, very flimsy politically-motivated reasons, I am absolutely sure I have *nothing* to fear from the Skypeople.



  4. Hi Elmer,

    That must be SOME

    Hi T'Zairis,

    What the world needs is more people who know
    how to RIDE LIKE PUSSYCATS!!!!! :-)


    Hathor -- A cat person at heart


  5. This effect showed up on a scooby-doo cartoon that I channel surfed upon Sunday. The light then came down to earth and somehow created a menacing old-geezer, pirate-type with a sword. After Scooby and his human partner (Shaggy?) ran off they described him to their friends as a zombie! Of course I immediately recalled the university in Florida running zombie drills! It might be stretching it to note that there were more than one prophecy regarding Russia attacking America.Florida is specifically mentioned in Dumitru Duduman's vision. But I'm inclined to think along the line that Mike wrote about "Independence Day".

  6. Sphinx,

    I think you might be onto


    Hathor -- Checking the HAARP web page...



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