I liked this article --------------------------- Who transported 7 million tons of earth soil to Mars? India Daily Technology Team Jun. 7, 2008
NASA is slowly uncovering signs that soil on Mars may contain microbial life. It is just a matter of time that we get to know first extraterrestrial life forms in Mars that can survive harshest of the environments.
Scientists also estimate that close to 7 million tons of earth soil is sitting on Mars. The biggest question is who transported it? The way earth’s soil is distributed in Mars makes an evolutionary biologist nick up again and again.
Who transported such massive amount of earth soil to mars?
There is some theory that earth’s volcanoes billions of years back move these soil. Mars is that close to earth. If Moon did not get it, how can Mars get it?
The answer lies in lost ancient civilizations in the earth that were many times more sophisticated than that of ours. It had an extraterrestrial origin which brought Type III level sophistication in technologies.
Millions of years back the extraterrestrial civilization that reigned the earth created a super highway between earth and Mars through the moon. As earth deteriorated in living conditions, shifting of colonies took place. Eventually when conditions in Mars also deteriorated, they left to other solar systems. They left microbial life forms (their genetically manipulated so call ‘life’) of seed that will blossom into intelligent life one day if and when earth becomes more livable. We are the result of those genetic seeds. What we are finding in Mars is the same genetic seeds that created ‘life’ including us. If and when Mars become livable again, the microbial genetic seeds will eventually allow evolution of intelligent life forms.
The more probes that other countries launch, the more obvious it becomes that certain elements within the U.S. space program, etc., have been data-trashing and gate-keeping for decades. The idiots who think that by sequestering anomalous findings and 'exotic' technology that they will keep everybody 'sucking the Big Oil tit' cannot keep a lid on the rest of the world-- there are too few of them and too many of the rest of us. We also have 'outside help', if folks catch my drift.
And there's India, looking at the U.S. and NASA, going 'You are not the boss of me...'
Truly advanced technology that CAME from elsewhere was BUILT elsewhere, or so I should think to be obvious.
Then again, what happened to the physical evidence of the means by which the Sphinx and the pyramids were built? Where is all that now?
Earth upheavals explain some of it.
Military satellite photos of late can explain much more. For instance the "Atlantean continent" (not to be confused with the CITY of Atlantis) is now the Atlantic Ocean floor. And lo, there are great cities all over it. (Can you say, "Bimini Roads and THEN some?")
Incidentally, the *city* of Atlantis was found under 300 feet of water on the southeast side of the island of Cypress quite some years ago. Robot submersibles got excellent pictures of the old city wall, exactly as Plato described, and other features, all of which were published on the front covers of dive magazines.
I often wonder why people still talk about "the search for Atlantis" in light of such facts.
I mean, like, DUH....
It's rather like arguing on about the existence of Aliens after having had tea with them.
(Oops---a TEA party! No WONDER the Government doesn't like Aliens!!!) ;-))
Just imagine if, for instance, an Indian space probe got perfectly clear pictures of a motel on the Moon showing Zetas diving into a swimming pool on the motel's Club Deck.
Proof of both Aliens on the Moon AND the presence of water.... :-))
...with chlorine, even.... (LOL)
All under a GLASS DOME, obviously.... (LMAO)
Lunar artifacts would come to include party favors.... (ROFLMAO)
[At this point, picture The Cat holding his tummy and kicking his furry feet in the air, tail flailing, laughing hysterically.]
people, i always belived that the final revelation, would come from India or China.
I bet in India, and note this...the indians are way more open in Ufos and ancient Civ, than Americans and Europeans..
Their own national religion is composed with storys LITERALY talking about vimanas, gods from other planets, and nuclear wars !
They grew up with tose facts !
I belive just like the article sas, that the Indian investigators didnt make the revelation yet, because of pressure from the indian republic..who fears broking relations with the USA, and maybe Europe..
Is your Tom Valone the same Dr. Tom Valone who used to work for the U.S. Patent Office and who is also a Disclosure project witness? And of course I have to ask you what you saw in the bunker...
I guess that's him. I'd say probably so. (I'm assuming the name is not coincidental.)
We went to see this bunker that had been blasted to rubble out in the California desert.
You could also see the wreckage of the rod ship (a Zeta design) in the mountain saddle on the opposite side of the valley.
We did not enter the bunker (and I didn't see where you could do that safely anyway), but we walked all over the top of it.
The roof and walls were made of some sort of obsydium-like material that was impervious to anything we could use to try even to scratch it. It blunted three hack saws, and broke one of them.
Nary a scratch on the stuff....
Tom had a glass cutter. It couldn't even make a mark on it.
The material felt like plastic, and yet was stronger than anything known to Man. It wouldn't burn, melt, cut, scratch or break.
Funny thing is, the material appeared to have been worked with a trowel, and moreover in a pattern familiar to me from my days doing labor jobs with construction firms. I forget the name of the pattern, but it's commonly used for plaster on drywall, especially in "Mexican" restaurants like El Chico's or Posado's.
And something had blown the bunker apart.
Tom had read the computer records from the ship, and it told the account of the firefight between the ship and the bunker...which took place some 80,000 years ago.
That's the period I call "The Nephilim Wars," were Atlantea (or Atlantia) and Lemuria were fighting it out for control of the Earth.
That truely is an Uber-provocative story you have concerning the mammoth "ship" over there in Greenland. Speculation is fun especially when you may be partly correct. ;) lol
Here is the url for the PESwiki entry for Dr. Tom Valone. It has a pic along with his CV, so you should be able to tell if Dr. Tom Valone and your Tom Valone are one and the same person:
I am also slightly confused about something-- which ship did Tom get the computer stuff from? The one in Greenland, or the wrecked one near the bunker? Also, how was he able to get the info? I'm assuming that the average person on the street isn't allowed near the wrecked bunker and ship in the CA desert, and if the Greenland machine's AI is still defending the ship, how would anyone get close enough to access computer data? I'm not disputing your info/story at all, I'm just a bit muddled about exactly where the computer info came from.
SunKing: Good to see you, too!! It's nice to see familiar e-faces gathering round, and yeah, I also kinda missed everyone's interesting input at the old Captain's Blog. I had a great time digging through stuff on Jack Parsons and JPL, and I was just ready to make a couple of observations about certain similarities between George Hale's 'little elf' visitations (that resulted in the building of the Palomar telescope) and Tesla's trance-like dream-states in which he frequently grokked his inventions all in one go, but then everything tapered off.
Valkyrie, please, Marsandro, Lance is simply the name on my Driver's license and has little to do with me. It's used simply for the necessity to have an email address I can use for professional correspondence.
And you mistook me, I said IF you are referring to Thera. And if they did find a city near Cyprus that matches Plato's description, it simply illustrates my point about him combining legends.
The Minoan Civilization had been destroyed by the Thera eruption almost 900 years prior to Plato, so it's legends and mysteries would have been around for Plato to use. However, as I said he mixed various information sources to create the Atlantis of his Dialogues so it was a wholly fictional city.
Atlantian (Atlantean) has become a broader term for the overall evidence for a highly technological civilization prior to ours.
Being of a highly scientific mindset, I tend to dismiss "psychic" sources of information unless backed by physical evidence, since "psychic" info is too easily faked. That being said, there is ample evidence for the existence of psychic phenomena.
UFOology is a subject I have also tended to view skeptically. While I believe the likelihood of Alien Observers is High, it is again a field in which too much "noise" is present to definitively say one way or another what the truth is as of yet. I am hoping that Disclosure will occur soon and allow a lot of that "noise" to be eliminated. Like psychic phenomena, too much of the "evidence" tends to be too easily faked.
That's why I have tended to stick to Atlantology and verifiable evidence, such as the water erosion on the Sphinx, etc. Archeological anomalies abound and are not so easily faked as videotapes or psychic readings, which is why I am so fascinated by Hoagland and Bara's work. It ties directly into my lifelong obsession with the Precursors.
Thanks so much for the clarification! Mostly what I've heard Dr. Valone talk about (via the Disclosure Project) is zero-point energy systems.
I am not at all surprised about the consciousness technology (i.e., stick your fingers in a rock and see a Zeta in your head), as my own experiences with meditation and crop formations are in complete agreement with what you're talking about. They use consciousness the same way we use telephones.
Based on what I know through my own experiences, I would guess the following things about the Greenland ship-being:
1) It is defending itself against anyone who attempts to board it for the purposes of war/military gain. The ship would know what people's ulterior motives and hidden strategies were/are, because that is part of what is grokked in *any* routine consciousness interface.
2) The only way I think the ship will allow access to anyone would be if they were there for honestly peaceful purposes, and there would have to be no hidden agendas, because the ship would be able to detect any sort of duplicity. It would also be a very good idea for anyone approaching the ship to seek to actively comfort it/befriend it.
There was a Disclosure Project witness who worked for Bell Labs who was given a small, disc-shaped communications device to back-engineer. He got the paradigm-shock of his life when the disc telepathically asked him to please destroy it, as the people who were seeking to use its technology were doing so for harmful purposes. The engineer was so rattled that he locked the device in a filing cabinet, took a week off work and went on a major alcohol-consumption-fest, during which time he wondered if he should go see a psychiatrist. He finally came back to work, and decided to do as the device had asked-- he hooked it up to multiple batteries and ran enough voltage through it to completely fry the device. Just before the device died, it said 'Thank you' to him. My point here is that this is not human-style 'dead' technology we're talking about. The Skypeople's ships are living, sentient beings.
3) The nuclear missiles positioned near the Greenland ship are absolutely no deterrent to the craft taking off any time it feels like it or it is asked to. It will simply deactivate the missiles in the same way that the UFO at Malmstrom AFB deactivated the nukes there as they sat in their silos.
4) I think the ship has been exposed (or has exposed itself) now because we are rapidly approaching the point where the Skypeople are going to disclose themselves. They've tried seeding ideas for technology development into human heads (a la Tesla's trances) since the early 1900's, and at every turn, greed and small-mindedness have thwarted their gifts. The situation is now one of having to 'catch us up all in one go', as there is a development timetable that Gaia herself must meet, and the sentient planet is not going to be told she has to wait for her own upgrade just because a few retarded monkey-boys want to continue to brutalize their fellows.
I have to say I would dearly love to see that bunker/wreck first-hand... Sekhmet says, 'Let's all go on a field-trip!'
I would be quite interested in seeing some of those photos Marsandro. I've often wondered whether Lemuria was simply a derivative of the Atlantian mythos, since it seems to be a fairly recent addition to the meme. I can't remember atm if it was Blatavasky or Cayce who talked about it first.
Please don't get me wrong, I am someone who is always willing to accept new data, but I do require a slightly higher level of "proof" than just someone's stories, since as a writer myself I am quite capable of creating an entire mythology with logical self consistency that is nonetheless complete fiction.
That's why I find the Disclosure Project somewhat more believable than a random "UFO" tale. It's not an isolated case, it is many different people with positions in which they could have easily had access to the information that they talk about. Any one of the could be dismissed by themselves, but when combined they make for a much stronger case.
Take for example a story I have heard about the existence of "true" Vampires. 99% of the stories I have heard are absolute garbage, teen fantasies based on Whitewolf and Anne Rice.
But along with that crap I have heard from certain people I trust quite highly that they have had encounters with vampires of the traditional kind, and the details of these stories are too precise and identical between them for me to dismiss them as simple fantasy. They are people who to the best of my knowledge, do not even know each other, did not share any sort of history together, and had no reason to lie, in several cases they didn't even want to believe themselves, but still shared nearly identical stories. And these were not details I could find in the usual vampire websites online.
In much the same way, there are some stories about UFO's I find believable, and some which seem just made up tales based on popularly available information on the net or in the popular literature.
Which is why I am always interested in putting together the pieces and sorting out the real from the hype. I'm a skeptic, but one who is unwilling to ever close the book on an unanswered question just because others may view it as "crackpot."
Sorry for the double post but had a few more thoughts.
I suppose to be honest about the UFO issue I should simply say this.
I'm a transhumanist, a strong advocate of the Singularity, and if my profile pic ever shows up you'll see my preferred physical form. I strongly believe that no matter what the "truth" is, we're going to discover it within the next twenty years or so, either through the internet's inherent ability to destroy secrets, which will result in a gradual realization of and acceptance of that "truth" whatever it is, or through the intervention of "higher powers" be they gods/aliens/dimensional beings/Artificial Intelligences/whatever." Regardless of which it is, the current system is going to undergo radical and massive change.
I would love if Aliens would reveal themselves and enable this transition more rapidly, because then I could be sure we will survive this transition with the fewest number of lives lost. But I fear that such an event is merely wishful thinking. I hope for it, but I do not count on it.
Regardless I am not a catastrophist, I don't believe in doomsday scenarios. I believe we will indeed survive regardless, but I would prefer that survival involve the fewest number of deaths to occur before we remove the possibility of death from human existence altogether.
As for the rest of your story, providing that aliens do exist, not only would I love to meet one to simply thank them for helping humanity survive, but to ask them to be allowed to learn the true history of our world and our species.
And to maybe finally get an answer to the one question which has driven me to that quest for the truth all my life, the question that lies behind my Avatar...
And I well remember your research re: Parsons and JPL and was most anxious to hear the results..those were some exciting days on the blog.
I had tried to contact you to invite you to follow the remnants of 'the Crewe' to the Drydock blog and then to FSHOD, but it was hard to do since I had no email addy for you. Several of us were disappointed, your insight was missed.
Would still like to hear the results of your work.
Here's ISBN #, etc., info for 'Forbidden Archaeology' by Michael Cremo:
Hardcover: 914 pages Publisher: Bhaktivedanta Book Publishing; 2nd edition (January 1998) Language: English ISBN-10: 0892132949 ISBN-13: 978-0892132942
It's available both new and used on Amazon.
Laughed my head off when you said that the bunker/wreckage stuff is rather near the Integratron-- Why am I *not* surprised??? Joshua Tree National Park (where the Integratron is) is also where Dr. Greer and the CSETI/Disclosure folks like to do one of their 'call in UFOs' workshops each year. Supposedly, they've seen craft in non-physical, energy-mode go straight into the desert floor there.
I'll also go out on a bit of a limb here and say that I think the war story (in the Skyperson computer) is just that-- a story. It's there to scare/intimidate military-minded ape-children in order to keep them away from active technology and bases right here on planet. My guess would be that the Greenland ship isn't really damaged, nor is it a warship. I also don't for one minute think it's the only 60-mile-long ship currently (half-) hidden on Terra-Gaia, either.
I also find it amusing that some power-loving human beings think they are so darned clever when they play 'good cop/bad cop' with their fellows because they want to pressure others into certain courses of action, and yet they never seem to understand that the Skypeople are doing the same to them (and have for milennia), nor do they really understand how much more psychologically sophisticated the Skypeople are. The phrase 'massively outclassed' springs inexorably to mind...
Firstly, I see I misspelled "Cremo"...duh...(* sheepish cat face *)....
Fascinating stuff going on out at the Joshua Tree parkland. I had heard of something being done along those lines around there, but I had no details.
The Greenland ship remained under the ice for millenia, as far as Man knows. It had been classified as a "gravitational anomaly" by a USGS client survey back around 1965 or so. The late Frank Edwards mentioned it in one of his last two books (on UFOs).
Not damaged? So it's faking the hole? Well, it certainly could, couldn't it....
I've watched a YouTube video of one of these things doing what I call "the snake dance" over a French city in broad daylight, in plain view of the populace, bending and morphing at random. After *that* display of technological superiority, I believe there is nothing they can't do.
As for the "battle site," all I can say is that the bunker was indeed blasted to rubble. And the ship appears to have crashed. But...your points remain....
One of the biggest problems I have with Sitchen is that he proposes an unbelievable technological level for his space faring beings. Any race advanced enough to survive on a planet travelling through deep space will have much better technology than chemical thrust rockets. Nor will the time frames of hundreds even thousands of years with no advances being made by that culture make anyone who is even the remotest bit familiar with the concept of exponential change see his Annunki as anything other than bad scifi.
Any civilization capable of space travel has already overcome the problems we've faced as a species, and has no need to access our planet for any "need" that could not be obtained easily from the uninhabited planets, and asteroids in our system. Our combined military might would be an ant's bite to them. "food" would be much easier and safer to reproduce via cloned tissue. Our natural resources would be dwarfed by the abundance of the asteroids and the outer giants. An advanced culture that was not benevolent in the extreme would have no need to deal with us, any conqueror could have wiped us out a million times by now.
Therefore, logically, the sole reason to visit is to either merely observe, or to aid us in surviving as a race while we make the transition from our primitive roots to a space faring future. Telling us what needs to be said to get us to that point is all too necessary. If they are too benevolent, we'll try to dominate them, if they are too nasty, we won't work with them. Playing good cop bad cop would allow them to guide all sides of human nature, and use both good and bad to help us develop along the least dangerous of many dangerous pathways.
Also, since I believe we were on the verge of becoming a part of this star spanning culture already, if not having arrived here from a separate star originally, several thousand years ago, I see every possibility that some of those "observers" are as "human" as we will be once we've unlocked our true potential.
I've known my entire life that I would not always look the way I do presently in everyday reality. That the future of humanity would be one in which we would be accustomed to a vast diversity of species, humanity just one of an infinite number of intelligences.
I know it's coming. Exactly how or when is the question.
Anyway, if you are curious about some of my views, my blog has the story.
Hmmm...I've been perusing the maps.google.com pages, and...
Sure enough, IT IS near the Integratron, and to the east.
You take Belfield Boulevard from Linn Road up to Giant Rock Road, and eventually arrive at Giant Rock. The bunker and ship are somewhere south of there, a mile or two south via Giant Rock Road to some turnoff or other. (I remember only that you go left, and then right, and around some rocky hills. Then you park, and climb uphill over rocks and sand for a hundred yards or so.)
Hmmm...that *might* be the bunker I see off the end portion of Lorraine Avenue, in that section of hills bordered by 29 Palms McAg Road on the south side. There's this thing that looks a bit like a grand piano, in that northeast notch...I think that's it. It's right at the top of that sandy uphill trail from the road.
But that would mean the ship lay to the north... which would mean my directions were all screwed up when I was there. I thought I was looking to the east.
I see something that looks roughly like a cylinder type ship "in rock form," and it's in a saddle in the mountains to the north, but it isn't nearly big enough. I'm not sure if that's it, or if I'm still looking in the wrong spot.
I know it's there somewhere, but I'd either have to have Tom take me there again, or show me on the computer map where it is.
Maybe I just don't recognize it from the air....
Anyway, that's the general area---around the vicinity of 29 Palms, somewhere to the east of the Integratron.
Locating Giant Rock clenched it. That's definitely the area. (We visited Giant Rock before going to the bunker.)
Hathor -- Scanning the map...
P.S.: I was surprised how clearly I could see Giant Rock. However, I would point out that it is *indeed* a *giant* rock. That thing is a lot bigger than it looks.
I wouldn't put it past the military to special effect a few space battles to push for space based weapons.
I don't now if you are familiar with a transhumanist term called uploading, but it is basically the concept that eventually any biological based intelligence would achieve a level of technology capable of transferring the brain into a computer based medium, thereby enabling unlimited mental enhancement and operational speeds at computer rates.
Given that space travel requires that level of development, I could even see where the "species" that exist are only little more than temporary physical bodies for a computerized "entity" and as such would be little more than ants are to the overall colony organism.
Which would make the loss of a few "crash victims" about as meaningful as us losing skin cells.
As for Draco's "playing" the bad guys, think about it for a second. Humanity has an instinctive fear of reptiles. What better "villain" than one?
Whenever I hear about "villainous aliens" or see them in the movies, I always find they are cardboard characters with cartoon motives. "rob our planet blind of resources" when the rest of the solar system contains thousands of times more for free. To enslave man, even though they are sophisticated enough to have robots to do all labor. To conqueror us is probably the biggest joke of all.
Think about it seriously. If Marsandro is correct about the battles, name one single earth made weapon which has a chance of even scratching the hull of a SCOUTSHIP, let alone a 60 mile long starship. Even if you take into account possible reverse engineering of some weapons found on wrecks, it would be like a flea trying to keep the dog from scratching if our military tried to stop a serious invasion.
So by simple logic, if aliens exist, are capable of startravel and can build 60 mile long ships, they would be as overwhelming as the Conquistadors were to the Inca.
As we are not currently living as alien prisoners or slaves, we are therefore not a target for conquest. Therefore, stories of hostile aliens are either "bad cop" actors working to keep the darker side of human nature from becoming too destructive, or they are a manufactured "threat" in a false flag operation.
The same holds true for most "alien slave driver" stories. If they wanted to enslave us, we would have been long ago.
We are on the verge of developing technologies to enable us to reshape our bodies to our desires. We're about to be able to change sex and skin tones as easily as we don a shirt. Given what we are capable of, I can not even imagine what a culture THOUSANDS of years older is capable of, but it makes everything thing we know likely little better than a stone age tribe against a division of mechanized infantry.
Totally with you on 'changing physicality like a shirt' (or, as the Native American tribal elders refer to it, 'dropping-- or putting on-- the Robe'). Lisette Larkins talks about this very thing with regard to her own experiences with the small Greys. While on board their ship(s), she saw small Grey bodies in what looked like transparent cabinets. When she asked the Greys about the bodies, they explained to her that just as they are involved with teaching humans, so too do they have their own teachers. Many of the Greys' teachers do not routinely wear a physical body, but sometimes there are occasions when they need a temporary one, so the Greys provide 'extras' as a courtesy to these dis-corporeal Beings. They come, enter and animate the body for as long as they need it. When they depart, the body goes back in the drawer, ready for the next Being who may drop by.
Add to this what Phillip Corso said in his Roswell book about the recovered small Beings from the Roswell crash having '4 lobes to their brains', two of which were biological and two which were basically circuit-boards and chips, and it becomes very obvious that some really extraordinary stuff is going on with regard to the mastery of both physical genetics and consciousness.
My kick with 'nasty Dracos' is that 1) Reptile=Evil is a distinctly human meme, and 2) stuff can indeed be staged via Photoshop or whatever. If inconvenient things can be airbrushed/excised from photos (routine, according to Disclosure witnesses), then the inverse can also be true-- stuff can be concocted, and probably has been.
Also, many Disclosure witnesses have talked about the cloning of 'creepy creatures', specifically designed to be particularly psychologically repulsive *to humans*. I see no reason to doubt these witnesses, as their stories are unwittingly corroborated by other Disclosure witnesses who have come forward to testify about other issues.
I had the pleasure of personally hearing and speaking with Dr. Carol Rosin at one of the Disclosure events a few years back, and she repeatedly says that Von Braun was really scared about the weaponization of space. The main reason he told her about the bogus enemies (Russia, Rogue Nations, Asteroids, and Evil Aliens, in that order) is that he wanted to impress on her that all of these were false foes from the get-go, and that they were being used as excuses by trigger-happy ignoramuses to put weapons into space for two reasons-- 1) to cow everybody on Earth into submission to 'the few', and 2) to actively target the Skypeople. Several other Disclosure witnesses have said that about half the clandestine stuff that's already up there is not pointed at the Earth, but out towards deep space, and that we have indeed shot down a few of their craft, yet they are quite forebearant and do not retaliate.
So, if there was such a thing as 'arrogant, human-hating Dracos' who make humans 'bow before them' (a particularly human way to display servility) and who 'do not allow humans to make eye-contact with them' (again, a standard human dominance ritual, routinely used in U.S. military basic training by DIs and in U.S. prisons by guards on inmates), we would have already been soundly thrashed for even daring to point *one* killer satellite in their direction, let alone 50 or so...
So, I presume you must be familiar with things like this:
I had wondered what was going on with that. Now it makes sense (or, perhaps a bit more accurately, more sense than it did).
So...our Draco buddies are nothing but oversized lab lizards....
And "SOHO Theatre" is a psyop....
No wonder Shuttle astronauts have taken to booze....
Hathor -- One eyebrow raised in "ah - HA" mode...
P.S.: Considering where classified military genetic science was thirty years ago, the creation of a "Draco" from a Kimodo Dragon would be a simple matter.
Vestigial tail, walk upright, raise the IQ to around 250 or so....
Voila! Instant Draco.
Just like making Fizzies.... :-))))
P.P.S: One must always remember that classified technologies are far ahead of what is generally known.
Case in point: can you name the first operational turbofan jet aircraft?
Notice I did *NOT* say "fighter"....
If you guessed "the ME-262"...you're WRONG!
It was the Petroni Jet, which flew in 1929. (Even the P-1101 and the He-280 preceded the ME-262, which had Jumo 004 engines with high-speed balance problems.)
The Petroni Jet is commonly known today as the now-obsolete Lockheed T-33.
Non-inline turbofan jet engines existed prior to 1920, believe it or not. And that wasn't the classified stuff. Those were the publicly known patents.
(Application of these engines to aviation had some issues needing to be resolved, hence you did not see a lot of jets in WW II.)
Yes, I am familiar with the pix that John Lenard Walson has taken, and I am also familiar with the SOHO stuff as well as the cylinders near Saturn. I think they all show legit 'somethings', but it is the interpretation of those 'somethings' that I think needs sorting out. It's a good idea not to look at these things through a strictly Earth-human-interpretation lens, but I think that some of the conclusions being foisted on folks are attempts to limit thinking to the 'human-lens' possibility only.
For instance-- there have been sightings of smaller craft/lights flying straight at larger objects/ships at a very high rate of speed. They do not slow down at all, and they look for all the world like they are going to crash into the large object. There is a huge, sudden flash of light, and then the smaller object is gone. So what happened?
The Earth-military mindset explanation would be, 'The smaller ship was attacking the bigger ship, and the bigger ship blew it away with some exotic weapon or force-field. It's war out there in the stars!'
The exotic physics explanation would be, 'The larger ship is in phase with this dimension-- we see it clearly. The small lights coming in are out-of-phase ships stepping down from trans-light or alternate dimensional states. As they match frequency with the larger ship, they fully materialize, emitting a burst of light, and then they dock with or enter the larger ship.'
The exotic physics explanation is exactly what happened at Bentwaters, when the basketball-sized glowing sphere suddenly 'exploded' in a soundless, shock-waveless burst of light and morphed into a tetrahedron/triangular-shaped craft that looked like it was made out of obsidian or black onyx. What was witnessed there was a dimensional step-down in action, pure and simple.
Now, both Disclosure witnesses and the Bentwater witnesses (some of whom are also Disclosure witnesses) keep repeating the same 'they don't attack us, but they do pointedly warn us that we will not be allowed to use nukes' story. The military-control-freak mindset chooses to feel under attack when thus warned because its dominant paradigm and in-culture status are threatened by beings who are many tens of times more technologically capable than they themselves are. However, as a shamanically-oriented human who does not seek to control her fellow beings, I choose to look at these Skyperson reminders as basic common sense, proffered by those who are more expert in things like dimensional rips than I currently am. I am no more threatened by the Skypeople knowing more than me than I was by my Dad knowing calculus when I was struggling with my times-tables in third grade. I mean, big fat hairy deal!
So what I try to do is just collect everything-- all the data I can. Then I lay it out and look for trends; what supports or contradicts other bits, what is self-consistent and what internally contradicts itself from the get-go. When I see everyone except for Military/Intel-connected types saying 'they mean us no harm', I think I have correctly spotted a genuine trend in the data.
I would say, don't throw out the SOHO-baby with the bathwater, but don't focus strictly on the pix themselves. Also focus on what is being said about them, and on *who* is saying *what*.
Unity is not required. Any civilization no matter how advanced will not share a single mode of thought.
So I am quite sure various factions exist, some which are more wary of us than others and so on.
However, a civilization that spans stars has enough resources to reduce a single planet to a burning ball of rock with no means for us to defend ourselves. We are no threat to them as we are. At best some may fear what we could become and work to keep the worst from happening, not for their sake, because regardless we are no threat to them, but for the sake of humanity itself.
and there may be factions that are simply "let em kill themselves"
Until we get disclosure we're not going to know the truth. Perhaps the Draco's are military "fakes" perhaps they are a real and dangerous species. Regardless, they are a little too convenient for a military obsessed with Alpha Male Dominance behavior.
It's that genetic legacy which has cursed man from the beginning, that DNA driven need to be top dog of top dogs. It's the root cause of almost all human suffering. Knowing that, it makes it far too likely that faced with an OVERWHELMING alpha dog of alpha dogs those who are top dog on earth would seek to do everything they could to STAY top dog, even if it's just top dog of one planet. The Draco's are all too convenient both as a "threat" and a "cover" behind which the alpha dog elite can hide.
Still, it does seem likely that we'll find out for sure within a decade or two. Either by Disclosure, or picking away at the wall of secrecy until nothing is left hidden.
For example, now that other countries are going to the moon, NASA can't hide things much longer. Even though I would bet that their "bomb the moon to look for water" is a cover for destroying something they don't want found, they would only be doing so because they know that they are losing control of their monopoly on space. Hopefully whatever they are trying to destroy either defends itself or the "bomb" get's deactivated before something of vast historical value get's trashed.
In the case of one particular SOHO sequence I've seen, the "battle interpretation" would seem to be unequivocal. It went like this.
1. Draco warship (?) approaches two cylinder ships head-on.
2. Cylinder ships maneuver to high flanks.
3. Draco warship (?) fires something (?) at the cylinder ships.
4. The cylinder ships return fire.
5. There is an explosion at the "bridge" portion of the Draco warship (?).
6. The Draco warship (?) explodes, leaving only a glowing debris field.
7. The cylinder ships fly on.
It's a bit difficult to interpret such a sequence as much of anything but warfare of some kind.
Or so it seems to my...limited viewpoint....
I'm one puzzled pussycat....
< o\|/ (= o-) < o/|\
Hathor -- Leaving the door open to Mr. Churchill....
P.S.: Then there was that "ship of the gods" (the one that looks like an Egyptian heiroglyph) "firing" a beam surrounded by plasma rings the size of Arkansas...at something beyond view....
I mean, what in THE WORLD....
Communications? Beaming over to another ship?
Or a weapon???
If nothing else, an astounding amount of POWER evident, as compared to the size of the ship, which in any event, reportedly is on the scale of the Greenland object.
And sporting a "crucifix" on top to boot....
Complete with a..."Christ figure"....
And yet, even *that* is "puny" compared to the... planet-building machine???
It is indeed odd that NASA would "bomb the Moon to look for water," since elsewhere on their own websites, they list what they know about the Moon, to wit, that it's a giant *hollow* titanium sphere with an artificial regolith averaging only about 16 feet deep across the entire surface.
Knowing that, why would they "bomb for water?"
Why, indeed?
Good point....
VERY good point....
Hathor -- Standing shoulder to shoulder with Val and The Tigress
Our lovely Govt and the "Draco" allegedly are in league with one another. There have been a number of eyewitness accounts of these Reptoids being in high-security positions at highly classified military installations.
Preston Nichols (I think was his name) allegedly was one of the Montauk engineers, and attested to the presence of these creatures....
Oh, and I did not mean to suggest that a war with the Draco (?) had *lasted* 80,000 years. That was merely the time since what I call "The Nephilim War(s)"....
As to *one* party of a war not having hyperspeed transport, there *can* be a war between two such parties if *one* of them can reach the other.
But then, your previous points would apply...why would such a war take place....
I just wouldn't quite go so far as to deem it to be "impossible"...that's *my* opinion, at least....
Granted, "bear fights bear" is a lot more likely, or dare I say "reasonable," than "bear fights mouse." I'm with you there....
For our purposes, however, that just means that "the mystery deepens"....
Right on about nanotech. I am an engineer, and have had occaision to comment on it at some length in this forum. I also know Eric Drexler personally, having met him in 1978 at the home of Keith and Carolyn Henson, founders of the L5 Society. He was still a grad student at U of A Tucson then, just doing his Master's thesis on the idea of nanotech.
Anyway, the "Draco" supposedly have been on Earth from the time of Lemuria, having lived peacably alongside the Lyrans (i.e., the Atlanteans) for many centuries, until war broke out over (as some claim) control of the Earth.
Population issues, maybe...or maybe just plain old "irreconcilable differences"....
(Comically, I picture some Draco father telling his daughter, "You are *NOT* marrying that--- that---that LYRAN....")
I like the Gillette story! It's yet more evidence that our current models of Mind are rather inaccurate.
One thing that a lot of experiencers talk about is the difficulty of hard-and-fast classifications of exactly what beings encountered 'on the Astral' actually are. There is also mounting evidence that the (Earth-mythological) Fae-folk and Skypeople may be the same thing, as might (human-concept) angels and the Greys' 'disembodied energy-Being' teachers. John Mack was running into this a lot when he was studying the experiencer phenomenon, and you also get this same conflation when you start studying the accounts of entheogen-users, a la Terrence McKenna and his DMT-vision 'machine elves' and 'self-dribbling jeweled basketballs'. It's what Arthur C. Clarke was talking about when he made that 'advanced civilizations' technologies being indistinguishable from magic' remark.
I think that one of the main reasons for the genetic tweaking of humanity is that our neural nets are being upgraded so as to be able to begin to decode/experience higher dimensional realms. I also think that entheogens are part of the bioengineering program, and that what is 'seen' is actually infolded higher dimensionality. Since most of Western science-based reality-formatting has dropped shamanic models of consciousness, it terms these visions 'simple biological hallucinations', because it does not have any other coherent model for what is really being experienced by a Huichol shaman during a peyote trance.
Researchers also get tripped up when they try to classify inner/upper dimensional Beings as if they must fit neatly into only one pigeon-hole. I strongly suspect that the truth is that advanced consciousness-technology-wielding Skypeople can also be angels and faeries all at the same time.
A case in point is the apparition of the 'Virgin Mary' at Fatima. Portuguese researchers have found that early accounts of what the children said described the Being who appeared to them as only about three-and-one-half feet tall, and that--unlike humans-- she had solid black eyes. She never identified herself to the children as the Virgin Mary, nor did any of the children ever refer to her as such. When a standard-issue statute of the Virgin Mary was erected by the Catholic Church at the site, the oldest of the three children was asked 'Is this the lady that you saw?' to which she responded, 'This lady (meaning the statue) is very beautiful, but she is not the lady that we saw.'
The bottom line is, if we really want to get a handle on what is going on, we need to get out of the this-or-that, 'it can only be one thing at a time' paradigm. It's time for a reality-formatting-code upgrade...
How we perceive reality indeed is an issue ripe for discussion. Consider:
Most people start grinning that funny grin when one speaks of "beings of light."
And yet, what are *we*?
Let's change viewpoint---
Wait for dark, put on a pair of infrared goggles, and look at the passing people. What do you see?
How about...
"Beings Of Light"....
We glow in the infrared. It's as simple as that.
And what is physical reality?
Start at the quantum vacuum, proceed from there to Bergman particle theory, and consider that all particle interactions are energy transfers via what we call "fields" (that term being borrowed from mathematics).
It's all in how we think of it.
Ah! The key!
Perception, where it lives.
Well said, T'Zairis!
Hathor -- Probing the Mystery of Reality
P.S.: Am I starting to write like Charles Fort, or what?
P.P.S: Some people say, "Oh, it's all in your head!"
My view has always been that we are born able to see almost everything, but as we are wired to imitate, as we grow older we begin to filter out those things which our elders cannot see, basically creating mental filters based on what we observe as being "real" in the sense that they are visible to everyone.
As a evolutionary strategy this makes some sense as we want to be able to see the leopard sneaking up on us instead of being distracted by the immaterial. Yet we never lose the ability to see everything. Some people can consciously put aside these filters and re-enable full sight, others do not do as well.
I've never "seen" anything, but I have been able to sense the occasional unusual "energy" and have some theories about how "magic" might work. Alas I cannot at present do anything like OBE or stuff like that. I cannot enter a trance state and I have been impossible to hypnotize when it's been tried. Even such things as THC, Ecstasy, and LSD seem to have muted or negligible effects on me.
However, I am quite looking forward to the advent of full immersion VR. It should make a wonderful teaching tool for meditations and consciousness evolution.
( *gulp* ) I cringed when I read that list of...chemicals...
To each their own....
Be that as it may, our perceptions obviously are not limited to the so-called "five senses."
If they were, "remote viewing" would not exist.
Perception exercizes involving dealing with mental imagery might interest you. What T'Zairis and I have been discussing is the origin of those very mental images.
You don't have to try to "make them come from somewhere." They already do. Just learn to concentrate on the ones that are of interest, and "follow the yellow brick road" wherever it leads you.
Here is the little news-blurb from the Earthfiles website... ____________________
October 18, 2009 - NASA Says LCROSS Moon Impact Experiment A Success, But No Water Ice Data Released.
“To be a spectacular success, we had to find large quantities of underground ice. Ice on the moon is more valuable than gold.” - Michio Kaku, Ph.D., Quantum Physicist, City College of New York
The NASA crash of its Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) on October 9, 2009, was to see if water ice would fly into the air when the LCROSS impacted the Cabeus crater (white dot in Cabeus crater at moon's south pole above). “We are blown away by the data returned,” said Anthony Colaprete, LCROSS principal investigator and project scientist. But so far, no announcement about what was found in the $79 million experiment. ____________________
I have never wanted to b*tch-slap a bunch of people this bad in my entire life!
Also, this really does prove Max's point about what they were really trying to find when they bombed Cabeus. If it was water they were looking for, and that's what was found, there is no reason for not immediately releasing all the experiment data. Period.
Considering Kaku is the chief proponent of Superstrings, Hyperspace and so on, one would think he would be a bit more openminded, especially regarding the future.
But I've known he was anything but a futurist when he once said nanotech was "impossible" despite the fact that biology is nothing more than proof of concept of nanotech.
He's the Anti-Kurzweil. He's just a good looking talking head for anti-progress.
Check out the "Future 2057" series he did for Discovery channel.
They are absolute horror stories disguised as futurism, with the barest minimum of possible new tech.
I mean, RETINA SCANS in 2057??? Insurance companies invading your home with drug scanners in your toilet? A world still using oil 50 years from now?
Everything Kaku has been in is as anti progress as it's possible to be. He talks about progress, but never in any way that would actually be called PROGRESS. For a show about 50 years hence, nothing was more than maybe 10-15 years from development.
They can put in all the control nodes they want. They will still be hacked around. It's a hundred million hackers to however many thousands of controllers. The numbers against are too overwhelming. Look at how useless DRM has been.
The Net does not abide control. It hasn't since day one, and it's not going to change just because some people think they can put limits on it. It's very nature as an unbreakable network works against control.
They might be able to block off a section temporarily, but that is all.
I've watched this back and forth for 30 years now.
Ha ha. I love it.
ReplyDeleteI liked this article
Who transported 7 million tons of earth soil to Mars?
India Daily Technology Team
Jun. 7, 2008
NASA is slowly uncovering signs that soil on Mars may contain microbial life. It is just a matter of time that we get to know first extraterrestrial life forms in Mars that can survive harshest of the environments.
Scientists also estimate that close to 7 million tons of earth soil is sitting on Mars. The biggest question is who transported it? The way earth’s soil is distributed in Mars makes an evolutionary biologist nick up again and again.
Who transported such massive amount of earth soil to mars?
There is some theory that earth’s volcanoes billions of years back move these soil. Mars is that close to earth. If Moon did not get it, how can Mars get it?
The answer lies in lost ancient civilizations in the earth that were many times more sophisticated than that of ours. It had an extraterrestrial origin which brought Type III level sophistication in technologies.
Millions of years back the extraterrestrial civilization that reigned the earth created a super highway between earth and Mars through the moon. As earth deteriorated in living conditions, shifting of colonies took place. Eventually when conditions in Mars also deteriorated, they left to other solar systems. They left microbial life forms (their genetically manipulated so call ‘life’) of seed that will blossom into intelligent life one day if and when earth becomes more livable. We are the result of those genetic seeds. What we are finding in Mars is the same genetic seeds that created ‘life’ including us. If and when Mars become livable again, the microbial genetic seeds will eventually allow evolution of intelligent life forms.
I LOVE it!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe more probes that other countries launch, the more obvious it becomes that certain elements within the U.S. space program, etc., have been data-trashing and gate-keeping for decades. The idiots who think that by sequestering anomalous findings and 'exotic' technology that they will keep everybody 'sucking the Big Oil tit' cannot keep a lid on the rest of the world-- there are too few of them and too many of the rest of us. We also have 'outside help', if folks catch my drift.
And there's India, looking at the U.S. and NASA, going 'You are not the boss of me...'
The skeptic in me sees a similarity between "India Daily" and "Pravda". I'm going to need more convincing that this is not a sensationalist rag.
ReplyDeleteGreetings All,
ReplyDeleteTruly advanced technology that CAME
from elsewhere was BUILT elsewhere,
or so I should think to be obvious.
Then again, what happened to the physical
evidence of the means by which the Sphinx and
the pyramids were built? Where is all that now?
Earth upheavals explain some of it.
Military satellite photos of late can explain much
more. For instance the "Atlantean continent"
(not to be confused with the CITY of Atlantis)
is now the Atlantic Ocean floor. And lo, there
are great cities all over it. (Can you say, "Bimini
Roads and THEN some?")
Incidentally, the *city* of Atlantis was found
under 300 feet of water on the southeast side
of the island of Cypress quite some years ago.
Robot submersibles got excellent pictures of the
old city wall, exactly as Plato described, and
other features, all of which were published
on the front covers of dive magazines.
I often wonder why people still talk about
"the search for Atlantis" in light of such facts.
I mean, like, DUH....
It's rather like arguing on about the existence
of Aliens after having had tea with them.
(Oops---a TEA party! No WONDER the Government
doesn't like Aliens!!!) ;-))
Just imagine if, for instance, an Indian space
probe got perfectly clear pictures of a motel
on the Moon showing Zetas diving into a
swimming pool on the motel's Club Deck.
Proof of both Aliens on the Moon AND the
presence of water.... :-))
...with chlorine, even.... (LOL)
All under a GLASS DOME, obviously.... (LMAO)
Lunar artifacts would come to include party
favors.... (ROFLMAO)
[At this point, picture The Cat holding his
tummy and kicking his furry feet in the air,
tail flailing, laughing hysterically.]
Hathor -- Reading The Atlantic Monthly Journal
P.S.: Old Zeta saying---
[cue fiddle]
"We'll leave the light on for ya."
<= )
people, i always belived that the final revelation, would come from India or China.
ReplyDeleteI bet in India, and note this...the indians are way more open in Ufos and ancient Civ, than Americans and Europeans..
Their own national religion is composed with storys LITERALY talking about vimanas, gods from other planets, and nuclear wars !
They grew up with tose facts !
I belive just like the article sas, that the Indian investigators didnt make the revelation yet, because of pressure from the indian republic..who fears broking relations with the USA, and maybe Europe..
But wait and see..
ReplyDeleteIs your Tom Valone the same Dr. Tom Valone who used to work for the U.S. Patent Office and who is also a Disclosure project witness? And of course I have to ask you what you saw in the bunker...
Oh, and Happy Birthday!
Hi T'Zairis,
ReplyDeleteI guess that's him. I'd say
probably so. (I'm assuming the
name is not coincidental.)
We went to see this bunker that had been
blasted to rubble out in the California desert.
You could also see the wreckage of the rod
ship (a Zeta design) in the mountain saddle
on the opposite side of the valley.
We did not enter the bunker (and I didn't see
where you could do that safely anyway), but
we walked all over the top of it.
The roof and walls were made of some sort of
obsydium-like material that was impervious to
anything we could use to try even to scratch it.
It blunted three hack saws, and broke one of them.
Nary a scratch on the stuff....
Tom had a glass cutter. It couldn't even make a
mark on it.
The material felt like plastic, and yet was
stronger than anything known to Man. It
wouldn't burn, melt, cut, scratch or break.
Funny thing is, the material appeared to have been
worked with a trowel, and moreover in a pattern
familiar to me from my days doing labor jobs with
construction firms. I forget the name of the
pattern, but it's commonly used for plaster on
drywall, especially in "Mexican" restaurants like
El Chico's or Posado's.
And something had blown the bunker apart.
Tom had read the computer records from the ship,
and it told the account of the firefight between
the ship and the bunker...which took place some
80,000 years ago.
That's the period I call "The Nephilim Wars,"
were Atlantea (or Atlantia) and Lemuria were
fighting it out for control of the Earth.
And thank you for the birthday salutation! :-))
Hathor -- Lighting the candles...all 57 of them
Well, Happy Birthday Marsandro!
ReplyDeleteThat truely is an Uber-provocative story you have concerning the mammoth "ship" over there in Greenland. Speculation is fun especially when you may be partly correct. ;) lol
ReplyDeleteHere is the url for the PESwiki entry for Dr. Tom Valone. It has a pic along with his CV, so you should be able to tell if Dr. Tom Valone and your Tom Valone are one and the same person:
I am also slightly confused about something-- which ship did Tom get the computer stuff from? The one in Greenland, or the wrecked one near the bunker? Also, how was he able to get the info? I'm assuming that the average person on the street isn't allowed near the wrecked bunker and ship in the CA desert, and if the Greenland machine's AI is still defending the ship, how would anyone get close enough to access computer data? I'm not disputing your info/story at all, I'm just a bit muddled about exactly where the computer info came from.
SunKing: Good to see you, too!! It's nice to see familiar e-faces gathering round, and yeah, I also kinda missed everyone's interesting input at the old Captain's Blog. I had a great time digging through stuff on Jack Parsons and JPL, and I was just ready to make a couple of observations about certain similarities between George Hale's 'little elf' visitations (that resulted in the building of the Palomar telescope) and Tesla's trance-like dream-states in which he frequently grokked his inventions all in one go, but then everything tapered off.
Anyway, glad to see you're back...
Valkyrie, please, Marsandro, Lance is simply the name on my Driver's license and has little to do with me. It's used simply for the necessity to have an email address I can use for professional correspondence.
ReplyDeleteAnd you mistook me, I said IF you are referring to Thera. And if they did find a city near Cyprus that matches Plato's description, it simply illustrates my point about him combining legends.
The Minoan Civilization had been destroyed by the Thera eruption almost 900 years prior to Plato, so it's legends and mysteries would have been around for Plato to use. However, as I said he mixed various information sources to create the Atlantis of his Dialogues so it was a wholly fictional city.
Atlantian (Atlantean) has become a broader term for the overall evidence for a highly technological civilization prior to ours.
Being of a highly scientific mindset, I tend to dismiss "psychic" sources of information unless backed by physical evidence, since "psychic" info is too easily faked. That being said, there is ample evidence for the existence of psychic phenomena.
UFOology is a subject I have also tended to view skeptically. While I believe the likelihood of Alien Observers is High, it is again a field in which too much "noise" is present to definitively say one way or another what the truth is as of yet. I am hoping that Disclosure will occur soon and allow a lot of that "noise" to be eliminated. Like psychic phenomena, too much of the "evidence" tends to be too easily faked.
That's why I have tended to stick to Atlantology and verifiable evidence, such as the water erosion on the Sphinx, etc. Archeological anomalies abound and are not so easily faked as videotapes or psychic readings, which is why I am so fascinated by Hoagland and Bara's work. It ties directly into my lifelong obsession with the Precursors.
I bet those NASA and Secret Gov. folks cant fake MY PHOTOS
or maybe...the´re already faked..:/
ReplyDeleteI once thought that the tales of Atlantea and
Lemuria were a load of bull. Now, thanks to
ocean-piercing satellite technology, I know
Then, there's all the undersea photo imagery
of the Bimini Roads, Atlantis(?), and the
great cities of the Atlantic floor.
And, I've stood toe-to-toe with a Blue Zeta....
It kind of changes your world view once that
And I live by the maxim, "The first duty of
Science is OBSERVATION."
(This is because of that little witticism about
how "whenever the theory and observations don't
agree, the observations must be disposed of.") :-))
And I grew up with certain "inside knowledge"
because of who my father was in the Air Force...
...former NCOIC for the SAC Inspector General,
whom I met (at age 3-1/2) at our house in
June 1956, the day my father retired from
active duty.
Yes, I knew General John Parks, right hand of
General Curtis E. "Nuke" LeMay, founder of the
Strategic Air Command....
Hathor -- Imagine her as a WAF....
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the clarification! Mostly what I've heard Dr. Valone talk about (via the Disclosure Project) is zero-point energy systems.
I am not at all surprised about the consciousness technology (i.e., stick your fingers in a rock and see a Zeta in your head), as my own experiences with meditation and crop formations are in complete agreement with what you're talking about. They use consciousness the same way we use telephones.
Based on what I know through my own experiences, I would guess the following things about the Greenland ship-being:
1) It is defending itself against anyone who attempts to board it for the purposes of war/military gain. The ship would know what people's ulterior motives and hidden strategies were/are, because that is part of what is grokked in *any* routine consciousness interface.
2) The only way I think the ship will allow access to anyone would be if they were there for honestly peaceful purposes, and there would have to be no hidden agendas, because the ship would be able to detect any sort of duplicity. It would also be a very good idea for anyone approaching the ship to seek to actively comfort it/befriend it.
There was a Disclosure Project witness who worked for Bell Labs who was given a small, disc-shaped communications device to back-engineer. He got the paradigm-shock of his life when the disc telepathically asked him to please destroy it, as the people who were seeking to use its technology were doing so for harmful purposes. The engineer was so rattled that he locked the device in a filing cabinet, took a week off work and went on a major alcohol-consumption-fest, during which time he wondered if he should go see a psychiatrist. He finally came back to work, and decided to do as the device had asked-- he hooked it up to multiple batteries and ran enough voltage through it to completely fry the device. Just before the device died, it said 'Thank you' to him. My point here is that this is not human-style 'dead' technology we're talking about. The Skypeople's ships are living, sentient beings.
3) The nuclear missiles positioned near the Greenland ship are absolutely no deterrent to the craft taking off any time it feels like it or it is asked to. It will simply deactivate the missiles in the same way that the UFO at Malmstrom AFB deactivated the nukes there as they sat in their silos.
4) I think the ship has been exposed (or has exposed itself) now because we are rapidly approaching the point where the Skypeople are going to disclose themselves. They've tried seeding ideas for technology development into human heads (a la Tesla's trances) since the early 1900's, and at every turn, greed and small-mindedness have thwarted their gifts. The situation is now one of having to 'catch us up all in one go', as there is a development timetable that Gaia herself must meet, and the sentient planet is not going to be told she has to wait for her own upgrade just because a few retarded monkey-boys want to continue to brutalize their fellows.
I have to say I would dearly love to see that bunker/wreck first-hand... Sekhmet says, 'Let's all go on a field-trip!'
ReplyDeleteI would be quite interested in seeing some of those photos Marsandro. I've often wondered whether Lemuria was simply a derivative of the Atlantian mythos, since it seems to be a fairly recent addition to the meme. I can't remember atm if it was Blatavasky or Cayce who talked about it first.
Please don't get me wrong, I am someone who is always willing to accept new data, but I do require a slightly higher level of "proof" than just someone's stories, since as a writer myself I am quite capable of creating an entire mythology with logical self consistency that is nonetheless complete fiction.
That's why I find the Disclosure Project somewhat more believable than a random "UFO" tale. It's not an isolated case, it is many different people with positions in which they could have easily had access to the information that they talk about. Any one of the could be dismissed by themselves, but when combined they make for a much stronger case.
Take for example a story I have heard about the existence of "true" Vampires. 99% of the stories I have heard are absolute garbage, teen fantasies based on Whitewolf and Anne Rice.
But along with that crap I have heard from certain people I trust quite highly that they have had encounters with vampires of the traditional kind, and the details of these stories are too precise and identical between them for me to dismiss them as simple fantasy. They are people who to the best of my knowledge, do not even know each other, did not share any sort of history together, and had no reason to lie, in several cases they didn't even want to believe themselves, but still shared nearly identical stories. And these were not details I could find in the usual vampire websites online.
In much the same way, there are some stories about UFO's I find believable, and some which seem just made up tales based on popularly available information on the net or in the popular literature.
Which is why I am always interested in putting together the pieces and sorting out the real from the hype. I'm a skeptic, but one who is unwilling to ever close the book on an unanswered question just because others may view it as "crackpot."
Val again
ReplyDeleteSorry for the double post but had a few more thoughts.
I suppose to be honest about the UFO issue I should simply say this.
I'm a transhumanist, a strong advocate of the Singularity, and if my profile pic ever shows up you'll see my preferred physical form. I strongly believe that no matter what the "truth" is, we're going to discover it within the next twenty years or so, either through the internet's inherent ability to destroy secrets, which will result in a gradual realization of and acceptance of that "truth" whatever it is, or through the intervention of "higher powers" be they gods/aliens/dimensional beings/Artificial Intelligences/whatever." Regardless of which it is, the current system is going to undergo radical and massive change.
I would love if Aliens would reveal themselves and enable this transition more rapidly, because then I could be sure we will survive this transition with the fewest number of lives lost. But I fear that such an event is merely wishful thinking. I hope for it, but I do not count on it.
Regardless I am not a catastrophist, I don't believe in doomsday scenarios. I believe we will indeed survive regardless, but I would prefer that survival involve the fewest number of deaths to occur before we remove the possibility of death from human existence altogether.
As for the rest of your story, providing that aliens do exist, not only would I love to meet one to simply thank them for helping humanity survive, but to ask them to be allowed to learn the true history of our world and our species.
And to maybe finally get an answer to the one question which has driven me to that quest for the truth all my life, the question that lies behind my Avatar...
Who, or what, am I?
ReplyDeleteThanks for remembering.
And I well remember your research re: Parsons and JPL and was most anxious to hear the results..those were some exciting days on the blog.
I had tried to contact you to invite you to follow the remnants of 'the Crewe' to the Drydock blog and then to FSHOD, but it was hard to do since I had no email addy for you. Several of us were disappointed, your insight was missed.
Would still like to hear the results of your work.
Peace to you!
Mmm, I kinda see what you're talking about, but it's just a context map and fairly low resolution. Not really sure about this one.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget this post either: http://darkmission.blogspot.com/2009/03/pictograms-from-edge.html
Here's ISBN #, etc., info for 'Forbidden Archaeology' by Michael Cremo:
ReplyDeleteHardcover: 914 pages
Publisher: Bhaktivedanta Book Publishing; 2nd edition (January 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0892132949
ISBN-13: 978-0892132942
It's available both new and used on Amazon.
Laughed my head off when you said that the bunker/wreckage stuff is rather near the Integratron-- Why am I *not* surprised??? Joshua Tree National Park (where the Integratron is) is also where Dr. Greer and the CSETI/Disclosure folks like to do one of their 'call in UFOs' workshops each year. Supposedly, they've seen craft in non-physical, energy-mode go straight into the desert floor there.
I'll also go out on a bit of a limb here and say that I think the war story (in the Skyperson computer) is just that-- a story. It's there to scare/intimidate military-minded ape-children in order to keep them away from active technology and bases right here on planet. My guess would be that the Greenland ship isn't really damaged, nor is it a warship. I also don't for one minute think it's the only 60-mile-long ship currently (half-) hidden on Terra-Gaia, either.
I also find it amusing that some power-loving human beings think they are so darned clever when they play 'good cop/bad cop' with their fellows because they want to pressure others into certain courses of action, and yet they never seem to understand that the Skypeople are doing the same to them (and have for milennia), nor do they really understand how much more psychologically sophisticated the Skypeople are. The phrase 'massively outclassed' springs inexorably to mind...
Hi T'Zairis,
ReplyDeleteFirstly, I see I misspelled
"Cremo"...duh...(* sheepish
cat face *)....
Fascinating stuff going on out at the Joshua
Tree parkland. I had heard of something being
done along those lines around there, but I had
no details.
The Greenland ship remained under the ice for
millenia, as far as Man knows. It had been
classified as a "gravitational anomaly" by a USGS
client survey back around 1965 or so. The late
Frank Edwards mentioned it in one of his last
two books (on UFOs).
Not damaged? So it's faking the hole? Well, it
certainly could, couldn't it....
I've watched a YouTube video of one of these
things doing what I call "the snake dance" over
a French city in broad daylight, in plain view
of the populace, bending and morphing at random.
After *that* display of technological superiority,
I believe there is nothing they can't do.
As for the "battle site," all I can say is that
the bunker was indeed blasted to rubble. And
the ship appears to have crashed. But...your
points remain....
I'd sure like to visit the Greenland site....
Talk about *cold*, though....
Hathor -- Booking reservations in Jacob's Harbor
ReplyDeleteThat's long been my argument T'zaris.
One of the biggest problems I have with Sitchen is that he proposes an unbelievable technological level for his space faring beings. Any race advanced enough to survive on a planet travelling through deep space will have much better technology than chemical thrust rockets. Nor will the time frames of hundreds even thousands of years with no advances being made by that culture make anyone who is even the remotest bit familiar with the concept of exponential change see his Annunki as anything other than bad scifi.
Any civilization capable of space travel has already overcome the problems we've faced as a species, and has no need to access our planet for any "need" that could not be obtained easily from the uninhabited planets, and asteroids in our system. Our combined military might would be an ant's bite to them. "food" would be much easier and safer to reproduce via cloned tissue. Our natural resources would be dwarfed by the abundance of the asteroids and the outer giants. An advanced culture that was not benevolent in the extreme would have no need to deal with us, any conqueror could have wiped us out a million times by now.
Therefore, logically, the sole reason to visit is to either merely observe, or to aid us in surviving as a race while we make the transition from our primitive roots to a space faring future. Telling us what needs to be said to get us to that point is all too necessary. If they are too benevolent, we'll try to dominate them, if they are too nasty, we won't work with them. Playing good cop bad cop would allow them to guide all sides of human nature, and use both good and bad to help us develop along the least dangerous of many dangerous pathways.
Also, since I believe we were on the verge of becoming a part of this star spanning culture already, if not having arrived here from a separate star originally, several thousand years ago, I see every possibility that some of those "observers" are as "human" as we will be once we've unlocked our true potential.
I've known my entire life that I would not always look the way I do presently in everyday reality. That the future of humanity would be one in which we would be accustomed to a vast diversity of species, humanity just one of an infinite number of intelligences.
I know it's coming. Exactly how or when is the question.
Anyway, if you are curious about some of my views, my blog has the story.
Hi Tarius,
ReplyDeleteHmmm...I've been perusing the
maps.google.com pages, and...
Sure enough, IT IS near the Integratron, and to
the east.
You take Belfield Boulevard from Linn Road up to
Giant Rock Road, and eventually arrive at Giant
Rock. The bunker and ship are somewhere south
of there, a mile or two south via Giant Rock Road
to some turnoff or other. (I remember only that
you go left, and then right, and around some
rocky hills. Then you park, and climb uphill over
rocks and sand for a hundred yards or so.)
Hmmm...that *might* be the bunker I see off the
end portion of Lorraine Avenue, in that section
of hills bordered by 29 Palms McAg Road on the
south side. There's this thing that looks a bit like
a grand piano, in that northeast notch...I think
that's it. It's right at the top of that sandy uphill
trail from the road.
But that would mean the ship lay to the north...
which would mean my directions were all screwed
up when I was there. I thought I was looking to
the east.
I see something that looks roughly like a cylinder
type ship "in rock form," and it's in a saddle in the
mountains to the north, but it isn't nearly big
enough. I'm not sure if that's it, or if I'm still
looking in the wrong spot.
I know it's there somewhere, but I'd either have
to have Tom take me there again, or show me on
the computer map where it is.
Maybe I just don't recognize it from the air....
Anyway, that's the general area---around the
vicinity of 29 Palms, somewhere to the east of
the Integratron.
Locating Giant Rock clenched it. That's definitely
the area. (We visited Giant Rock before going to
the bunker.)
Hathor -- Scanning the map...
P.S.: I was surprised how clearly I could see
Giant Rock. However, I would point out that
it is *indeed* a *giant* rock. That thing is a
lot bigger than it looks.
I wouldn't put it past the military to special effect a few space battles to push for space based weapons.
ReplyDeleteI don't now if you are familiar with a transhumanist term called uploading, but it is basically the concept that eventually any biological based intelligence would achieve a level of technology capable of transferring the brain into a computer based medium, thereby enabling unlimited mental enhancement and operational speeds at computer rates.
Given that space travel requires that level of development, I could even see where the "species" that exist are only little more than temporary physical bodies for a computerized "entity" and as such would be little more than ants are to the overall colony organism.
Which would make the loss of a few "crash victims" about as meaningful as us losing skin cells.
As for Draco's "playing" the bad guys, think about it for a second. Humanity has an instinctive fear of reptiles. What better "villain" than one?
Whenever I hear about "villainous aliens" or see them in the movies, I always find they are cardboard characters with cartoon motives. "rob our planet blind of resources" when the rest of the solar system contains thousands of times more for free. To enslave man, even though they are sophisticated enough to have robots to do all labor. To conqueror us is probably the biggest joke of all.
Think about it seriously. If Marsandro is correct about the battles, name one single earth made weapon which has a chance of even scratching the hull of a SCOUTSHIP, let alone a 60 mile long starship. Even if you take into account possible reverse engineering of some weapons found on wrecks, it would be like a flea trying to keep the dog from scratching if our military tried to stop a serious invasion.
So by simple logic, if aliens exist, are capable of startravel and can build 60 mile long ships, they would be as overwhelming as the Conquistadors were to the Inca.
As we are not currently living as alien prisoners or slaves, we are therefore not a target for conquest. Therefore, stories of hostile aliens are either "bad cop" actors working to keep the darker side of human nature from becoming too destructive, or they are a manufactured "threat" in a false flag operation.
The same holds true for most "alien slave driver" stories. If they wanted to enslave us, we would have been long ago.
We are on the verge of developing technologies to enable us to reshape our bodies to our desires. We're about to be able to change sex and skin tones as easily as we don a shirt. Given what we are capable of, I can not even imagine what a culture THOUSANDS of years older is capable of, but it makes everything thing we know likely little better than a stone age tribe against a division of mechanized infantry.
Valkyrie Ice--
ReplyDeleteTotally with you on 'changing physicality like a shirt' (or, as the Native American tribal elders refer to it, 'dropping-- or putting on-- the Robe'). Lisette Larkins talks about this very thing with regard to her own experiences with the small Greys. While on board their ship(s), she saw small Grey bodies in what looked like transparent cabinets. When she asked the Greys about the bodies, they explained to her that just as they are involved with teaching humans, so too do they have their own teachers. Many of the Greys' teachers do not routinely wear a physical body, but sometimes there are occasions when they need a temporary one, so the Greys provide 'extras' as a courtesy to these dis-corporeal Beings. They come, enter and animate the body for as long as they need it. When they depart, the body goes back in the drawer, ready for the next Being who may drop by.
Add to this what Phillip Corso said in his Roswell book about the recovered small Beings from the Roswell crash having '4 lobes to their brains', two of which were biological and two which were basically circuit-boards and chips, and it becomes very obvious that some really extraordinary stuff is going on with regard to the mastery of both physical genetics and consciousness.
My kick with 'nasty Dracos' is that 1) Reptile=Evil is a distinctly human meme, and 2) stuff can indeed be staged via Photoshop or whatever. If inconvenient things can be airbrushed/excised from photos (routine, according to Disclosure witnesses), then the inverse can also be true-- stuff can be concocted, and probably has been.
Also, many Disclosure witnesses have talked about the cloning of 'creepy creatures', specifically designed to be particularly psychologically repulsive *to humans*. I see no reason to doubt these witnesses, as their stories are unwittingly corroborated by other Disclosure witnesses who have come forward to testify about other issues.
I had the pleasure of personally hearing and speaking with Dr. Carol Rosin at one of the Disclosure events a few years back, and she repeatedly says that Von Braun was really scared about the weaponization of space. The main reason he told her about the bogus enemies (Russia, Rogue Nations, Asteroids, and Evil Aliens, in that order) is that he wanted to impress on her that all of these were false foes from the get-go, and that they were being used as excuses by trigger-happy ignoramuses to put weapons into space for two reasons-- 1) to cow everybody on Earth into submission to 'the few', and 2) to actively target the Skypeople. Several other Disclosure witnesses have said that about half the clandestine stuff that's already up there is not pointed at the Earth, but out towards deep space, and that we have indeed shot down a few of their craft, yet they are quite forebearant and do not retaliate.
So, if there was such a thing as 'arrogant, human-hating Dracos' who make humans 'bow before them' (a particularly human way to display servility) and who 'do not allow humans to make eye-contact with them' (again, a standard human dominance ritual, routinely used in U.S. military basic training by DIs and in U.S. prisons by guards on inmates), we would have already been soundly thrashed for even daring to point *one* killer satellite in their direction, let alone 50 or so...
Hi T'Zairis,
ReplyDeleteHmmm...I see now.
So, I presume you must be familiar with things like
I had wondered what was going on with that. Now
it makes sense (or, perhaps a bit more accurately,
more sense than it did).
So...our Draco buddies are nothing but oversized
lab lizards....
And "SOHO Theatre" is a psyop....
No wonder Shuttle astronauts have taken to booze....
Hathor -- One eyebrow raised in "ah - HA" mode...
P.S.: Considering where classified military genetic
science was thirty years ago, the creation of a
"Draco" from a Kimodo Dragon would be a simple
Vestigial tail, walk upright, raise the IQ to
around 250 or so....
Voila! Instant Draco.
Just like making Fizzies.... :-))))
P.P.S: One must always remember that classified
technologies are far ahead of what is generally
Case in point: can you name the first operational
turbofan jet aircraft?
Notice I did *NOT* say "fighter"....
If you guessed "the ME-262"...you're WRONG!
It was the Petroni Jet, which flew in 1929. (Even
the P-1101 and the He-280 preceded the ME-262,
which had Jumo 004 engines with high-speed
balance problems.)
The Petroni Jet is commonly known today as the
now-obsolete Lockheed T-33.
Non-inline turbofan jet engines existed prior to
1920, believe it or not. And that wasn't the
classified stuff. Those were the publicly known
(Application of these engines to aviation had some
issues needing to be resolved, hence you did not
see a lot of jets in WW II.)
Such examples abound....
ReplyDeleteYes, I am familiar with the pix that John Lenard Walson has taken, and I am also familiar with the SOHO stuff as well as the cylinders near Saturn. I think they all show legit 'somethings', but it is the interpretation of those 'somethings' that I think needs sorting out. It's a good idea not to look at these things through a strictly Earth-human-interpretation lens, but I think that some of the conclusions being foisted on folks are attempts to limit thinking to the 'human-lens' possibility only.
For instance-- there have been sightings of smaller craft/lights flying straight at larger objects/ships at a very high rate of speed. They do not slow down at all, and they look for all the world like they are going to crash into the large object. There is a huge, sudden flash of light, and then the smaller object is gone. So what happened?
The Earth-military mindset explanation would be, 'The smaller ship was attacking the bigger ship, and the bigger ship blew it away with some exotic weapon or force-field. It's war out there in the stars!'
The exotic physics explanation would be, 'The larger ship is in phase with this dimension-- we see it clearly. The small lights coming in are out-of-phase ships stepping down from trans-light or alternate dimensional states. As they match frequency with the larger ship, they fully materialize, emitting a burst of light, and then they dock with or enter the larger ship.'
The exotic physics explanation is exactly what happened at Bentwaters, when the basketball-sized glowing sphere suddenly 'exploded' in a soundless, shock-waveless burst of light and morphed into a tetrahedron/triangular-shaped craft that looked like it was made out of obsidian or black onyx. What was witnessed there was a dimensional step-down in action, pure and simple.
Now, both Disclosure witnesses and the Bentwater witnesses (some of whom are also Disclosure witnesses) keep repeating the same 'they don't attack us, but they do pointedly warn us that we will not be allowed to use nukes' story. The military-control-freak mindset chooses to feel under attack when thus warned because its dominant paradigm and in-culture status are threatened by beings who are many tens of times more technologically capable than they themselves are. However, as a shamanically-oriented human who does not seek to control her fellow beings, I choose to look at these Skyperson reminders as basic common sense, proffered by those who are more expert in things like dimensional rips than I currently am. I am no more threatened by the Skypeople knowing more than me than I was by my Dad knowing calculus when I was struggling with my times-tables in third grade. I mean, big fat hairy deal!
So what I try to do is just collect everything-- all the data I can. Then I lay it out and look for trends; what supports or contradicts other bits, what is self-consistent and what internally contradicts itself from the get-go. When I see everyone except for Military/Intel-connected types saying 'they mean us no harm', I think I have correctly spotted a genuine trend in the data.
I would say, don't throw out the SOHO-baby with the bathwater, but don't focus strictly on the pix themselves. Also focus on what is being said about them, and on *who* is saying *what*.
Unity is not required. Any civilization no matter how advanced will not share a single mode of thought.
ReplyDeleteSo I am quite sure various factions exist, some which are more wary of us than others and so on.
However, a civilization that spans stars has enough resources to reduce a single planet to a burning ball of rock with no means for us to defend ourselves. We are no threat to them as we are. At best some may fear what we could become and work to keep the worst from happening, not for their sake, because regardless we are no threat to them, but for the sake of humanity itself.
and there may be factions that are simply "let em kill themselves"
Until we get disclosure we're not going to know the truth. Perhaps the Draco's are military "fakes" perhaps they are a real and dangerous species. Regardless, they are a little too convenient for a military obsessed with Alpha Male Dominance behavior.
It's that genetic legacy which has cursed man from the beginning, that DNA driven need to be top dog of top dogs. It's the root cause of almost all human suffering. Knowing that, it makes it far too likely that faced with an OVERWHELMING alpha dog of alpha dogs those who are top dog on earth would seek to do everything they could to STAY top dog, even if it's just top dog of one planet. The Draco's are all too convenient both as a "threat" and a "cover" behind which the alpha dog elite can hide.
Still, it does seem likely that we'll find out for sure within a decade or two. Either by Disclosure, or picking away at the wall of secrecy until nothing is left hidden.
For example, now that other countries are going to the moon, NASA can't hide things much longer. Even though I would bet that their "bomb the moon to look for water" is a cover for destroying something they don't want found, they would only be doing so because they know that they are losing control of their monopoly on space. Hopefully whatever they are trying to destroy either defends itself or the "bomb" get's deactivated before something of vast historical value get's trashed.
Hi T'Zairis,
ReplyDeletePoint taken.
In the case of one particular SOHO sequence I've
seen, the "battle interpretation" would seem to
be unequivocal. It went like this.
1. Draco warship (?) approaches two cylinder ships
2. Cylinder ships maneuver to high flanks.
3. Draco warship (?) fires something (?) at the
cylinder ships.
4. The cylinder ships return fire.
5. There is an explosion at the "bridge" portion of
the Draco warship (?).
6. The Draco warship (?) explodes, leaving only a
glowing debris field.
7. The cylinder ships fly on.
It's a bit difficult to interpret such a sequence
as much of anything but warfare of some kind.
Or so it seems to my...limited viewpoint....
I'm one puzzled pussycat....
< o\|/
(= o-)
< o/|\
Hathor -- Leaving the door open to Mr. Churchill....
P.S.: Then there was that "ship of the gods" (the
one that looks like an Egyptian heiroglyph) "firing"
a beam surrounded by plasma rings the size of
Arkansas...at something beyond view....
I mean, what in THE WORLD....
Communications? Beaming over to another ship?
Or a weapon???
If nothing else, an astounding amount of POWER
evident, as compared to the size of the ship,
which in any event, reportedly is on the scale
of the Greenland object.
And sporting a "crucifix" on top to boot....
Complete with a..."Christ figure"....
And yet, even *that* is "puny" compared to the...
planet-building machine???
Let's face it...we don't have a clue, do we....
I sure don't....
Hi Val,
ReplyDeleteHmmm...yes, you do make a good point.
However, I would say that there are many other
perceived "alien threats" besides the "dreaded
Draco," David Icke and company notwithstanding.
And then, there are the "elementals" of the late
John A. Keel, which could be something else
To quote the Wicked Witch of the West,
"Oh, what a world, what a world...."
Hathor -- Reading "Our Haunted Planet"...
Oh Val,
ReplyDeleteOne other thing---
It is indeed odd that NASA would "bomb the Moon
to look for water," since elsewhere on their own
websites, they list what they know about the
Moon, to wit, that it's a giant *hollow* titanium
sphere with an artificial regolith averaging only
about 16 feet deep across the entire surface.
Knowing that, why would they "bomb for water?"
Why, indeed?
Good point....
VERY good point....
Hathor -- Standing shoulder to shoulder with Val
and The Tigress
Hi Val,
ReplyDeleteOur lovely Govt and the "Draco" allegedly are in
league with one another. There have been a
number of eyewitness accounts of these Reptoids
being in high-security positions at highly classified
military installations.
Preston Nichols (I think was his name) allegedly
was one of the Montauk engineers, and attested
to the presence of these creatures....
Oh, and I did not mean to suggest that a war with
the Draco (?) had *lasted* 80,000 years. That was
merely the time since what I call "The Nephilim War(s)"....
As to *one* party of a war not having hyperspeed
transport, there *can* be a war between two such
parties if *one* of them can reach the other.
But then, your previous points would apply...why
would such a war take place....
I just wouldn't quite go so far as to deem it to be
"impossible"...that's *my* opinion, at least....
Granted, "bear fights bear" is a lot more likely, or
dare I say "reasonable," than "bear fights mouse."
I'm with you there....
For our purposes, however, that just means that
"the mystery deepens"....
Right on about nanotech. I am an engineer, and
have had occaision to comment on it at some length
in this forum. I also know Eric Drexler personally,
having met him in 1978 at the home of Keith and
Carolyn Henson, founders of the L5 Society. He
was still a grad student at U of A Tucson then,
just doing his Master's thesis on the idea of
Anyway, the "Draco" supposedly have been on
Earth from the time of Lemuria, having lived
peacably alongside the Lyrans (i.e., the Atlanteans)
for many centuries, until war broke out over (as
some claim) control of the Earth.
Population issues, maybe...or maybe just plain old
"irreconcilable differences"....
(Comically, I picture some Draco father telling
his daughter, "You are *NOT* marrying that---
that---that LYRAN....")
As usual, you make good points....
Hathor -- Seeing the humor EVEN in this...
ReplyDeleteI like the Gillette story! It's yet more evidence that our current models of Mind are rather inaccurate.
One thing that a lot of experiencers talk about is the difficulty of hard-and-fast classifications of exactly what beings encountered 'on the Astral' actually are. There is also mounting evidence that the (Earth-mythological) Fae-folk and Skypeople may be the same thing, as might (human-concept) angels and the Greys' 'disembodied energy-Being' teachers. John Mack was running into this a lot when he was studying the experiencer phenomenon, and you also get this same conflation when you start studying the accounts of entheogen-users, a la Terrence McKenna and his DMT-vision 'machine elves' and 'self-dribbling jeweled basketballs'. It's what Arthur C. Clarke was talking about when he made that 'advanced civilizations' technologies being indistinguishable from magic' remark.
I think that one of the main reasons for the genetic tweaking of humanity is that our neural nets are being upgraded so as to be able to begin to decode/experience higher dimensional realms. I also think that entheogens are part of the bioengineering program, and that what is 'seen' is actually infolded higher dimensionality. Since most of Western science-based reality-formatting has dropped shamanic models of consciousness, it terms these visions 'simple biological hallucinations', because it does not have any other coherent model for what is really being experienced by a Huichol shaman during a peyote trance.
Researchers also get tripped up when they try to classify inner/upper dimensional Beings as if they must fit neatly into only one pigeon-hole. I strongly suspect that the truth is that advanced consciousness-technology-wielding Skypeople can also be angels and faeries all at the same time.
A case in point is the apparition of the 'Virgin Mary' at Fatima. Portuguese researchers have found that early accounts of what the children said described the Being who appeared to them as only about three-and-one-half feet tall, and that--unlike humans-- she had solid black eyes. She never identified herself to the children as the Virgin Mary, nor did any of the children ever refer to her as such. When a standard-issue statute of the Virgin Mary was erected by the Catholic Church at the site, the oldest of the three children was asked 'Is this the lady that you saw?' to which she responded, 'This lady (meaning the statue) is very beautiful, but she is not the lady that we saw.'
The bottom line is, if we really want to get a handle on what is going on, we need to get out of the this-or-that, 'it can only be one thing at a time' paradigm. It's time for a reality-formatting-code upgrade...
Hi T'Zairis,
ReplyDeleteI thought you'd appreciate that
particular story.
I've had a number of quite similar experiences.
How we perceive reality indeed is an issue ripe
for discussion. Consider:
Most people start grinning that funny grin when
one speaks of "beings of light."
And yet, what are *we*?
Let's change viewpoint---
Wait for dark, put on a pair of infrared goggles,
and look at the passing people. What do you see?
How about...
"Beings Of Light"....
We glow in the infrared. It's as simple as that.
And what is physical reality?
Start at the quantum vacuum, proceed from there
to Bergman particle theory, and consider that all
particle interactions are energy transfers via what
we call "fields" (that term being borrowed from
It's all in how we think of it.
Ah! The key!
Perception, where it lives.
Well said, T'Zairis!
Hathor -- Probing the Mystery of Reality
P.S.: Am I starting to write like Charles Fort,
or what?
P.P.S: Some people say, "Oh, it's all in your head!"
Why, that's exactly right!
My view has always been that we are born able to see almost everything, but as we are wired to imitate, as we grow older we begin to filter out those things which our elders cannot see, basically creating mental filters based on what we observe as being "real" in the sense that they are visible to everyone.
ReplyDeleteAs a evolutionary strategy this makes some sense as we want to be able to see the leopard sneaking up on us instead of being distracted by the immaterial. Yet we never lose the ability to see everything. Some people can consciously put aside these filters and re-enable full sight, others do not do as well.
I've never "seen" anything, but I have been able to sense the occasional unusual "energy" and have some theories about how "magic" might work. Alas I cannot at present do anything like OBE or stuff like that. I cannot enter a trance state and I have been impossible to hypnotize when it's been tried. Even such things as THC, Ecstasy, and LSD seem to have muted or negligible effects on me.
However, I am quite looking forward to the advent of full immersion VR. It should make a wonderful teaching tool for meditations and consciousness evolution.
Hi Val,
ReplyDelete( *gulp* ) I cringed
when I read that list
To each their own....
Be that as it may, our perceptions obviously are
not limited to the so-called "five senses."
If they were, "remote viewing" would not exist.
Perception exercizes involving dealing with mental
imagery might interest you. What T'Zairis and I
have been discussing is the origin of those very
mental images.
You don't have to try to "make them come from
somewhere." They already do. Just learn to
concentrate on the ones that are of interest,
and "follow the yellow brick road" wherever it
leads you.
That's the trick I think you are seeking.
My two cents, anyway....
Hathor -- Trying to be helpful...
ReplyDeleteI wonder if NASA is cringing
over that list of chemicals
the Indians mentioned with
regard to the Moon?
(Namely, di-hydrogen oxide....)
Hathor -- Unable to resist that one...
Here is the little news-blurb from the Earthfiles website...
October 18, 2009 - NASA Says LCROSS Moon Impact
Experiment A Success, But No Water Ice Data Released.
“To be a spectacular success, we had to find large quantities
of underground ice. Ice on the moon is more valuable than gold.”
- Michio Kaku, Ph.D., Quantum Physicist, City College of New York
The NASA crash of its Lunar CRater Observation
and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) on October 9, 2009, was to see if water ice
would fly into the air when the LCROSS impacted the Cabeus crater
(white dot in Cabeus crater at moon's south pole above). “We are blown away
by the data returned,” said Anthony Colaprete, LCROSS principal investigator
and project scientist. But so far, no announcement about what was found in the
$79 million experiment.
I have never wanted to b*tch-slap a bunch of people this bad in my entire life!
Also, this really does prove Max's point about what they were really trying to find when they bombed Cabeus. If it was water they were looking for, and that's what was found, there is no reason for not immediately releasing all the experiment data. Period.
Oh T'Zairis,
ReplyDeleteI bust up *SO* hard whenever I
read these posts from you!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
I mean, look who is cited---none other than
Michio Kaku, the very chief priest of those who
live in denial of new observations.
Talk about the Head Gatekeeper....
Or maybe, "Defender of the Faith"...
...a la Dr. Zaius....
I'd like nothing more than to go head-to-head
against him on Coast To Coast AM and tear him
a new one!
And I'd want you there with me! You AND Val!
Hathor -- Let's b*tch-slap 'em TOGETHER!
P.S.: Yo, Max---
SCORE!!!!!!!! TWO POINTS!!!!!!!!
YOU da man!!!!!!!!
Right on, T'Zairis!
ReplyDeleteI was just about to say:
"It would seem that Michio Kaku is the heir
apparent to the late Carl Sagan."
Now all we need to do is go place some copies of
"Dark Mission" in front of one of Kaku's books at
Barnes & Noble....
(...cat on back, kicking, laughing hysterically...)
Hathor -- Getting ready for Barnes & Noble
P.S.: Mike! You're a trend-setter!
Considering Kaku is the chief proponent of Superstrings, Hyperspace and so on, one would think he would be a bit more openminded, especially regarding the future.
ReplyDeleteBut I've known he was anything but a futurist when he once said nanotech was "impossible" despite the fact that biology is nothing more than proof of concept of nanotech.
He's the Anti-Kurzweil. He's just a good looking talking head for anti-progress.
Check out the "Future 2057" series he did for Discovery channel.
ReplyDeleteThey are absolute horror stories disguised as futurism, with the barest minimum of possible new tech.
I mean, RETINA SCANS in 2057??? Insurance companies invading your home with drug scanners in your toilet? A world still using oil 50 years from now?
Everything Kaku has been in is as anti progress as it's possible to be. He talks about progress, but never in any way that would actually be called PROGRESS. For a show about 50 years hence, nothing was more than maybe 10-15 years from development.
Well said, Val.
ReplyDeleteEven so, to be thorough,
I'd have to say---
It's a matter of who gets in first.
I'm reminded of that episode of Star Trek where
Kirk was battling the Gorn, and Spock kept saying,
"IF he has the time, Doctor...IF he has the time."
It's going to be a race....
Control nodes are going in all over the web
even as we speak....
And GeoCities, the birthplace of the blog, just
had the plug pulled last night.
Hathor -- Watching the covert action as well...
P.S.: Something good to know---
1. pass
2. palm
3. ditch
4. drop
5. pickup
6. misdirection
7. simulation
With Thanks to Penn & Teller.
They can put in all the control nodes they want. They will still be hacked around. It's a hundred million hackers to however many thousands of controllers. The numbers against are too overwhelming. Look at how useless DRM has been.
ReplyDeleteThe Net does not abide control. It hasn't since day one, and it's not going to change just because some people think they can put limits on it. It's very nature as an unbreakable network works against control.
They might be able to block off a section temporarily, but that is all.
I've watched this back and forth for 30 years now.
"Duh, what's a TV?"
ReplyDeleteI'm with ya, T'Zairis.
I've been away from it for over eight years now,
and I must say, when I see it at Mickie D's, it
just looks plain ridiculous somehow.
And right on yet again, Val,
not to mention there's a resurgence in the BBS
phenomenon, or so I hear.
Well, well, well. I almost can't wait for
Marshall Law, to see how it all works out.
Should be interesting!
Hathor -- Checking the supplies