
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Video of My UFO?

I went to see "Watchmen" with Sean David Morton last night, and on the way back I was telling him about my UFO sighting. He said the same things have been seen in the South Bay area several times over the last few months, including by him. I went to YouTube and found some videos:

It looked exactly like this one, only it didn't change color like this one did. This is footage from last Halloween and Sean saw it:

Here's one with a video testimonial. You can clearly see the ring shape and the slow, tumbling motion. This is from April 22nd of last year:

Part 2:

There's another guy who says they're fake, but I couldn't understand the name of the website he gave.


  1. The changing colors, and as the one guy described it, "flippin around" movement (I was not able to track this with the shaky video though) is like what I saw NW of Belleville, WI on a main rural road to Madison years (early 90's) ago. I totally understand these folks (and your) amazement. I was not able see a ring shape to my sighting, however.

  2. I didn't see any UFOs Mike, only Jim Oberg in a gondola of a big gas balloon and Expat just pass bye in high speed on his surfboard.

    Nice for you for posting this!

  3. I live in Irvine, CA, part of Orange County. For those familiar with the Irvine Spectrum shopping plaza, I saw one of these things hovering around in the sky around 10pm. People were yelling to look up into the sky. However, I thought it was some kind of remote control hover toy, approximately 3-4 feet in diameter. It went pretty high tho, as high as the office building around the plaza ~ 300 feet? It was doing all the same things, rolling, tumbling. Didn't look like a extraterrestrial craft, just a toy. Hopefully I'm wrong tho!

  4. Sphinx, you made me blow Dr. Pepper out my nose with that visual!

  5. I have seen a number of patents and "UFO" designs that use electromagnetic discharge to create propulsion. So what you might be seeing is a a kirlian like field discharge ... the classic "rotating lights" around the edge. A Unified Field.

  6. I watched this stuff for 3 hours on Oct. 3, 2008. It was over the top a remote hill where there are no roads and very difficult access particularily since this took place between 1 and 3:15 AM. Several others watched this with me. I came to the conlusion that this was an optical manmade event similar to project Bluebeam.

  7. I'll flat out come to the conclusion they are alien controlled vehicles. What the hell, why not.

  8. "I'll flat out come to the conclusion they are alien controlled vehicles. What the hell, why not."

    Dark Mission II might change your mind when it comes out...

  9. I'm guessing you guys are writing about remote controlled aircraft experimentation, building upon Predator drone success?

  10. i was in irvine approximately june of 2008 with a fellow employee sitting in my vehicle on top of a parking structure it was approximately 6pm.... my boss starts walking towards my car pointing in the sky, than he starts running yelling oh my god.... we jumped out of my car and turn around and my heart dropped it was the same damn thing... blue circular lights that appeared to pulsate as it moved... it was very unstable as it hovered..we than watch it stabilize and fly away in the distance it was very hard to tell if it was small and close or large and far.... we sat and talked about it for 20 minutes and then 5 other employees walked outside and excited we explained what we saw and as we were the thing popped up again in a completely different direction... again unstable.. and appeared to me like a jellyfish in the sky with out the things had the same shape and the blue lights... i was curious to know if it appeared to be unstable when it was hovering... and if the lights looked as if they were pulsating when it moved? I completely understand the feeling's that you all felt...the end of the world crossed my mine as well as god and a s#!t load of other things... i get chills up my spine now just thinking about it. Also keep in mind that where i saw it was a high traffic area for planes...there was not a blinking light on it as required for all planes and helicopter's... i'm a bit relieved to know someone else saw what i saw...your eyes almost play tricks on you because logic is telling you it's not real.. very hard to rationalize...but unforgetable.

  11. Well, I saw it again 2 nights ago and I'm now pretty well convinced it was one of those XFO planes.

  12. I'm a believer, but not someone who has to believe in order to gain some sort of validity or identity. I saw the videos and they don't prove anything! Nothing "phenomenal" that couldn't be hoaxed, incuding the numerous accounts. If it was a remotely controlled "helicopter" outfitted with added lighting, then in fact it would be able to accomplish the "stunts". Interesting but not convincing!

    Remember, most people are completely fooled by stars, balloons, etc., and there is a whole other group that encourage this over excited and unwarranted acceptance simply because they are ego centric.

    Educate yourselves and believe in your research and your own development.


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