
Saturday, August 25, 2007

You Asked For it, You Got it -- "The Martian Skull"

Last year, an independent Mars researcher named Joseph Skipper found an object on one of the Mars Rover images that resembled a skull. He posted several version of the image on the web, and speculated about the possibility it was the skull of some unknown humanoid creature. His full story and images can be found here.

Our own take is that this image is quite convincing. It certainly does resemble a skull, with a rounded cranium, two round eye sockets, an ethmoid bone division between the eye sockets, and a significant amount of symmetry. As far as we know, no other pictures of it have been found, but it is certainly intriguing.

It also fits quite nicely into our own Mars Tidal Model. Creatures caught in the catastrophic flooding that would have followed the separation of Mars from its parent planet would have been buried under tons of mud and silt, which would eventually be worn away by the constant winds of Mars, leaving only the preserved, fossilized remnants of what may once have been a vast civilization on Mars. It is this link, more than any other (and described in detail in "Dark Mission") which inclines us to consider that this may be a genuine artifact -- not just of a ancient dead Martian civilization, but of its inhabitants.


  1. I checked for many days before and after sol 513 and there is NO other image of the area..tmk...I have downloaded several triad combinations of large scale scenes from around that that day to see if I can find something of it in the landscape...but I doubt it.

    Like everything else about the Moon or Mars...'official' NASA steers in the opposite direction ASAP...I'm surprised the 2 images made it through.


  2. Reminds me of "Inherit the Stars"...

    To bad we don't know what size this "rock" is...


  3. I must admit, the image conveys very apelike lines in the face. Hmmmm

    My how we have time

  4. Only having one angle to view this from, makes it kinda hard to tell, but my first thought was of the gorilla general form Planet of the Apes:

    I do not think it is bone but a statue of some sort.

  5. Dear Mike and Richard,

    I searched the vista images like I said I would and I DID find a 'skull-like' object.

    Wether it is the SAME object from a different angle is difficult to determine since it is at the very edge of the images I acquired it from. Also it a 'true color' version since I had the necessary filters taken to make the following color images of various interesting features the rover went by on that several sol days around sol 513 where the Skull was in only two filters L7 and R1.

    It's late I just wanted to update these 4 images to you before turning in.

    Best of luck with everything, and again thanks for all you folks do.


  6. Excellent Robert!!!!

    One could say: "now we are two faced on Mars!" lol :)

  7. Big deal - a rock looks like a helmet... ...what are we going to do about everything else found there?

    Sure - it might look like this and that - whats anyone - besides the black hooded army - doing to discover and disclose the truth about this solar system?

    Is anyone witting there congressman? Is anyone actively working towards going there on there own? Is anyone besides the privately funded black army going there and getting things done?

    I didn't think so.
    Selling books is one thing - its trading it all in to have a shock wave ride and reporting from the front - this is what I want to hear about.


  8. Sword - good points:
    "reporting from the front"
    RCH was a journalist/reporter(back in the day), do you think he could handle it?

  9. Sword said:
    Is anyone witting there congressman? Is anyone actively working towards going there on there own?

    oh thats rich. Like that would crack the can open and let the light shine in?

    I'll quote Ben Rich(Lockheed Skunkworks)...again,: "We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity..."

    So it seems its time for an act of God?

    Kind of sad it's actually going to take a cosmic blizzard ass whooping, for them to finally come out and reveal what they have been doing with our funding for the past 50 years(or so ;) ).

    'Benefit Humanity' being the operative lesson to them here.

  10. Sword..I sent you an image of the bucky ball in the crater. What you going to do with it?

  11. RCH said...
    > I'm in the position of a prosecutor who, after a TWENTY-YEAR investigation, has amassed overwhelming EVIDENCE of multiple, official crimes aainst the citizens of the United States (in this case: alteration and destruction of taxpayer evidence; perjury against US citizens; treason against the Constitution of the United States, etc., etc.) -- and is bringing a major indictment for those crimes. <

    Let's be realistic about our present situation here in the good old US of A. Anytime I hear someone bring the Constitution into debates, I laugh and laugh hard. The Constitution has not been effect since the Southern States walked out and left Congress without a quorum. Ever since this "Republic" has been ruled by Executive Order.

    What does "citizenship", as defined in the 14th Amendment, actually "entitle" "us" to? It "entitles" "us" to be servants of The State. It's VERY straight-forward. But hey, the taxpayers are only doing what they have volunteered to do.

    There is NO LEGAL RECOURSE FOR THE TAXPAYER, MR. PROSECUTOR, as long as we are chained to the "legal" jurisdiction we are compelled to serve.

  12. HHMSS Sword said...
    Big deal - a rock looks like a helmet... ...what are we going to do about everything else found there?

    Sure - it might look like this and that - whats anyone - besides the black hooded army - doing to discover and disclose the truth about this solar system?

    Is anyone witting there congressman? Is anyone actively working towards going there on there own? Is anyone besides the privately funded black army going there and getting things done?

    I didn't think so.
    Selling books is one thing - its trading it all in to have a shock wave ride and reporting from the front - this is what I want to hear about.


    August 27, 2007 7:53 PM


    You know I have the highest respect for the "Black Army" if you've read my introduction to The Secret History of the USA here:

    I do KNOW there are men and women doing work for our country that can never be the PRESENT political environment. Writing Congress or the President? Gimme a break...some have tried to do MORE than that and take the "Truh Hiders" head-on...what happens?

    YOU of ALL people KNOW what my FINAL conclusion is for this "Truth Embargo" to be ended.

    And YOU also of ALL people YOU are likely in a position to help with this:

    Why haven't you? Data or something CONCRETE and SOLID...something I can put in front of a TV camera and say "See...look at this and ask where it came from and I'll tell you."

    There are MANY folks fighting against the "Truth Embargo"...have been for years.

    Anything 'new' coming out in the open and accepted by "Mainstreamers"?

    Because make NO mistake...the battle ground IS for the HEART of the all the "Mainstreamers".

    From Academia (where I tried HARD) to Journalists, Media darlings, Politicians of every stripe, and Scientists of ALL pursuasions.


    We are NOT going to end the "Truth Embargo" about the Moon or Mars or our OWN Ancient History...until MORE PEOPLE from the inside and in the know decides to "Come into the Light".

    Ken Johnston;s story is just ONE such person who has the courage and integrity to come forward. DisclosureProject and X-PaCC have over a hundred others.

    But without that PHYSICAL SHIP landing in the middle of Times Square...America is likely to remain blind to what it needs to know to heal and burst forth once more into the Solar System...especially within MY lifetime.

    What are YOU doing to help make that happen?

    And this NOT meant as an 'attack' on you...but a simple question on HOW to BESt end the "Truth Embargo"...not tomorrow...but NOW! Because many of us have tried LOTS of ways and given up much for this fight. Not saying you haven't either...but non of us are on the "Inside".


  13. Robert makes a powerful point.

    he said: Why haven't you?(sword)
    Data or something CONCRETE and SOLID...something I can put in front of a TV camera and say "See...look at this and ask where it came from and I'll tell you."

    My thought:
    Time. Timing is everything. Too much time before "the Fall" and many will have time to fester and freakout, a fall before the Fall. The self sabotage of people mushroomed in the dark and now wholly 'unprepared' to mentally cope.

    They will just whisper now, and trickle a few thoughts out to a few people like us, completely unverifiable, yet true. Leading to a point so very close to 2012 that 'shock and awe' will be their valuable tool at a time when order is necessary to be maintained.

  14. Sword said:
    Now... light of some of my recent postings... ...what could they have possibly done if they knew of this for thousands of years? What if they had verifiable evidence of this since the late sixties?

    One day the world will wake up and everything will be different - massive evacuations - shuttles launching from places you would have never dreamed of before - things in the night sky ferrying folk to and fro - and a seemingly benign point of light growing larger and larger everyday... ...with a horde of tiny lights streaking across the heavens to meet it.

    I am rather upbeat about the survival of our species - but nothing will ever be the same the day after that tomorrow...


    August 29, 2007 3:18 PM



    Actually I think the public would be MORE reassured about an incoming 'body' if they had ALREADY had many years notice that such 'shuttles' and 'space ferries' and 'hordes of star fighters'existed in the FIRST place. Confidence in these things would help stem the pannic...seeing them in action...and AVODING images and needless deaths like Challenger and Columbia. But showing them in action NOW preparing Moon bases and Mars facilities. This "Apollo on Steroid" thing that your "TOPS" are putting forth, by their LACK of openness with the public, you KNOW to be pure bullshit. So why not stop the bullshit. Your "Space Machines" of the Space Warfare Operations n Research Department could complete the ISS with a month at most. Then you could park a much large 'collage of units' together in orbit around the ISS that would dwarf it. Doing things like that...out in the open...would give the populace confidence that "The Government" should be trusted in that time of peril. Because today is the 2nd Anniversry of Katrin and I got to tell ya...even you must admit...this administration in looking pretty inept, hypocritical, lawbreakers and general pork hungry self centered crooks that has ever resided in the White House and crawled into every corner of the American Beaucracy...i.e "The Government". Now of all a sudden a giant rock is coming and we've been planning and everything will be okey-dokey?

    Give me a gallon bag of whatever you've been smoking.


    We are on the WRONG "Golden Path"'s not too late to change.

    Dick Cheney will be gone from the VP job before end of September.

    ALL these folks, I consider, part of your "TOPS"...especially with Georgie SR, Rumsfeld, Wolfiwitz, et al...who were at the center of things "Top Secret" within your "Black Ops" world.

    Since all are resigning...they're just making themselves "Free Agents" now...not 'constrained' by the Govenment Rules...not that they cared about over-riding them whenever they wished anyway.

    No...we NEED to become 'comfortable' with these 'Lifeboats'.

    You can still keep the "incoming body" secret until the end.

    What's wrong with THAT path?


  15. robert said...
    ALL these folks, I consider, part of your "TOPS"...especially with Georgie SR, Rumsfeld, Wolfiwitz, et al...who were at the center of things "Top Secret" within your "Black Ops" world.

    Actually - there not really part of all the ongoing efforts. Sure they got there own game in town - and sure they can call on US when they need to - but the machine keeps rolling with or without them. Sure - as an administration - they are HORRIBLE rats jumping a sinking ship - doing god knows what with whom - but - they don't run everything - certainly not at the level we are at.
    Theres even secret executive orders and laws that very few know about that keeps these short term (4-8 years) guys hands out of the cookie jar...

    robert said...
    You can still keep the "incoming body" secret until the end.
    What's wrong with THAT path?

    Mr. President, Mr President! So you are confirming that we are building, or rebuilding rather large habitable structures on the moon, and in space that we have in place a large shuttle service that is ran by the military and intelligence communities?

    Yes, that is true.
    (mumurs hands raised)

    Mr President! Mr President!
    Can you tell us who is going to be in those habitable areas or why they are being built?

    No, I cant - no more questions thank you!

    Next day:
    Market crashes - civil war breaks out - Russia/China/British announces similar plans - spills the beans - all telescopes pointed at the right degree/location in the sky... all hell breaks loose... ...Armageddon...

    Yeah sure - I like that path Robert...
    What where you like as a kid five days before Christmas?
    j/k Robert

    (The USSS Chapel holds about 60 stuffed - and shes got a great big picture window...)


  16. I have 2 publications, one is Martian Horizons which was a Journal of The Mars Mission, and the other is Planetary Horizons which is an annual Journal of The Enterprise Mission. The Mars Mission Journal came out in the summer of 95 and The Enterprise Mission Journal came out in February of 97. I'll be curious to see if any of the photos in these journals show up in the book because I have not seen them anywhere else and they are VERY compelling. I wish The Enterprise Mission produced subsequent issues as it said it would.

  17. Yes, many (much better) versions of the images in the Moon issue appear in the book.

  18. "robert said...

    Sword said:
    Now... light of some of my recent postings... ...what could they have possibly done if they knew of this for thousands of years? What if they had verifiable evidence of this since the late sixties?"

    I recall Art Bell in the 90s mentioning several times, reports from the American S. W. desert areas about people hearing a vague humming or machinery sound, with nothing in sight for miles.
    Some people visually observed also
    a slight motion or vibration of sand at the base of rocks or fenceposts etc, associated with the sound, out in the middle of nowhere, nothing in sight horizon to horizon.


  19. " Yikes !
    So THAT'S where she wound up !
    .. and why is she winking ?

    I am NOT going there !

  20. Hey Rober - surprised you didn't jump on this.
    Remember the discussion we had regarding the "Cydonia Smoking Pyramid? Remember how I said it was a "Mo-Hole"...
    This article is pretty interesting - as the image shows a secondary vent - a 500ft wide secondary vent...

    Now - if your really into geology like I am - There is strong evidence that this could be natural - but without more - similar in things - this seems to me to be an isolated formation - which is like - what - hundred to one chance?

    Take a long look at both images and tell me what you think - and if anyone can find the source images - that would be great...

    Anything like this on the moon?

  21. It's NOT a "rock" that's coming .... :)

    I told everyone that!

    RCH and friends with telescopes, have many eyes on the Ecliptic.

    If you don't know what the Ecliptic is, Google it!

  22. Biological_Unit said...
    It's NOT a "rock" that's coming .... :)

    I told everyone that!

    "Jhonny come latley"

  23. It's NOT a "rock"

    The Group that formed after RCH left Captain's Blog have got it in their heads that Planet X is coming to destroy Earth! They persist in this delusion, for YEARS, because it has something to do with "openness" and "being sensitive".

    I have invited the foolish braggart Sword to explain his "Darkening". I ask this in the Spirit of Openness, but I'm sure that "facts" and "science" are offensive to liars and wool-gatherers like them!

  24. "Richard C. Hoagland said...


    It's NOT a "rock" that's coming .... :)


    ................. and ?

  25. looksupalot,

    That's what I'm spending two and a half hours in San Franciso, at the Wisdom Festival the night of the 15th, explaining .... :)

    Look in the "News" section of the "Dark Mission" site.


  26. Write your Congressman and tell them that since the Freemasons rule the world ... then the Freemasons can pay for the NASA budget, since they seem to be getting more out of it than the public. Throw in a pack of TANG and add that the benefactors reaping the rewards of NASA projects can pay for the $157 hammers and it will be much more amusing when they tease us with the results.

  27. I have a set of 4 Rover images, all of the exact same area on Mars . The position of the camera is virtually the same on all 4 images, and yet....
    All 4 images show differences.
    1) In one image there is a large diamond shaped boulder, but in another image that boulder is GONE.
    2) In one image there are some distinctive rocks that are in a particular position relative to other objects, but in a different image this group of rocks has MOVED, and is now in a different position relative to the other objects.
    3) In another image, the groups of rocks are gone entirely.
    4)There are anomalies in the foreground, middleground, and background of all 4 images.

    a)If Dr.Malin & Company is hoaxing, they sure went to alot of trouble.
    And why create fake anomalies anyway, when there are so many real ones to cover up?
    b)Is it wind? Nope. I read about this online. The wind DOES NOT move the rocks around on Mars, only the dust.
    c)Flood? Mmmm, haven't heard anything about mass flooding on Mars lately.
    d)Earthquake? Haven't heard anything about Earthquakes on Mars lately either, and the images don't really suggest such events took place anyway.
    e)Camera distortion? Would some type of camera distortion literally make large boulders and groups of rocks disappear from an image entirely? Kinda doubt it.

    I hope I can get to the bottom of this in my lifetime, in the meantime I remained sincerely perplexed.

  28. Cultural Captivity said...
    How about elaborate (just a sentence or two) on why there is a gap in the timeline of the theory ? Specifically, between 1307 and 1717 ?

    Boy, you are new. And speaking of things you still haven't done any research. So heres a sentence or two.
    Isn't this the time where the Knights Templar - the continued extension of the Masonic Order - had to go into hiding do to the persecution of King Philip,and Pope Clement?
    They went into hiding - and rose again "officially" in 1717... ...this is simple history that has nothing to do with conspiracy theory's or anything else along those lines of thought.

    Now how is it - you rookie - that you can call me out saying that "I" failed to explain a gap in the timeline of the Mason...

    During this time - the Knights expanded the order and even built there own temples for research and study...

    Cultural Captivity said...
    How about it Sword ?
    Maybe the skull extends the Freemasons history off-planet ?

    The "Skull" doesn't extend Freemason history to the planet - it only shows one of many SOURCES...

    Now as for the image - it could be anything - a skull - the head of a statue - hell it could even be - dare I say it - a rock...
    ...however - i will state this:
    Mars was a Habitable planet - it had a very advanced culture - do to the cataclysmic event that effectively destroyed it - its cultural artifacts are strewn all over the face of the planet. Its basically a gigantic archological digg...

    But - YOU should know all these things - your so smarvvy - why call me out only to have me show you as a silly douche?

    Arguing with me on these matters is getting you no where - fast - however - out of respect for this blogg - catch me at:


  29. Arguing with me on these matters is getting you no where - fast

    Sword just makes unverifiable claims, then he tries to twist the Templar story - a group of Wealthy men who hung out only with other men . . .

  30. Sword states the obvious, that everyone knew anyway:

    They went into hiding -

    Wealthy Men who only hang with Dudes, in the Middle Ages no less!

    I know EXACTLY why they went into hiding! The rumors of Hashish use and Homosexuality are TRUE!

  31. Sword that was an interesting post. I figure NASA does whatever they do for whatever reason and I'll just take the peanuts and work with that.

    The one thing I think is clear is the oceans flooded Mars before the atmosphere was blasted into space. I would assume it happened in one day. Sounds a lot like Atlantis. You think the story about Noah could have been him espcaping the flood of Mars to earth?

    Could the advanced civilization on Mars have been the Neflin and Fallen Angels? If so then maybe caution is in order. Is it meant for us to to go up there? Lots of evil up vibes.

  32. Admin said...
    Could the advanced civilization on Mars have been the Neflin and Fallen Angels? If so then maybe caution is in order. Is it meant for us to to go up there? Lots of evil up vibes.

    Thats certainly a possibility.
    "Old" records don't clearly tell us who walked the path - just the journey...
    We DO have folk on the ground in various locations basically "camping out" and rooming around in there limited ability - and yet - no one is home apparently.
    Is it meant for us to go? Of course! Humanity is simply reclaiming ground it held before.
    Anyone there would be a genetic sibling to us...
    Now the holy grail for mars is not the fact that there was a large scale society on mars - thats already proven - its going to be DNA.
    Now that sounds silly - but just one mummy would be more than enough to tie humans here with humans there.
    Now why would there be mummies on mars? Why are there pyramids on Egypt and mars - there clearly is a cultural connection.

    Once again - to try and stay on topic - catch me at my own space


  33. Actually Sword this is Rota. I'm just a simple man surfing the World Wide Net trying hard to not blow my cover and letting the world know that I'm too dumb to figure out why Rota won't show up as my nic instead of "admin".

    Never the less, I have no doubt that there will be a DNA link back to us. If and when it is disclosed I'm sure there will be massive pressure from the average joe to do whatever it takes to get up there and check it all out. Heck, from what I have read Hoagland would be front and center leading the charge.

    At that time I will feel like a lonely voice in the wilderness saying: "hey guys....maybe we need to slow down and think about this for a few minutes".

    Of course no one will listen to me, being the humble unsophisticated man I am. Maybe at that point I'll have to pull out my ace in hole and disclose for the first time that I once stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. They'll have to listen to me then......right?

  34. looks like some rock. Nothing more

  35. Sword:
    Boy, you are new. And speaking of things you still haven't done any research. So heres a sentence or two.
    Isn't this the time where the Knights Templar - the continued extension of the Masonic Order - had to go into hiding do to the persecution of King Philip,and Pope Clement?
    They went into hiding - and rose again "officially" in 1717... ...this is simple history that has nothing to do with conspiracy theory's or anything else along those lines of thought.

    I think your argument is that the Freemasons are a continued extension of the Knights Templar (not the other way around).

    Ask some basic questions :

    Who gave the order to cause the Freemasons to "rise" ?

    What were his/her motives for giving the thumbs up ?

    What was in it for the approver ?

    Do "deciders" approve institutions that reinforce the power structure ?

    Do they approve institutions that might upset the power structure ?

    If a chartered secret society were to rise to the lofty heights where they are challenging the Establishment - would it be allowed to continue ?

    The French Templars under deMolay that were burned at the stake never 'ruled the world' and yet the modern version claim to secretly rule the world.

    Reminds me of a beer mug my Dad had : in big letters, "I'm the Boss in this house" and then in small letters under that, it says, "and I have my wife's permission to say so". The fine print.

    Timeline aside, one thing is certain : Templarism and neo-Templarism are not a genetic strain, but is a bunch of ideas ... and for a final question (whose answer provides context) in whose Library did these ideas "hide" ?

  36. Communication ? Between the Martians and who ?

    Is it ...

    Ordinary citizens that don't have the world view or grasp of geo-politics to make moral judgements perhaps ?

    That's silly.

    When you think of how aliens would study us, think about how you might study an ant colony. Sure, the leaf-cutter ants can carry heavy loads, but it's not all about the organism.

    The super-organism matters as well - and that is how the colony behaves as a collective. We might remark that there are a bunch of ants that don't work, but take the lions share of the wealth ... and divert the surplus to finance Wars and to pay off other ants to do anti-social things (the shills).

  37. Howver, there may be one already.
    In the code structure I Uncovered & am still trying to piece together, It tells us & ME especially to consider, that The KEY TO UNDERSTANDING The Message of CYDONIA, is the DNA!!

    I think the pictures I posted at the News Mars forum and at this Yahoo group leaves no question that an advanced civilaziation was on mars long ago.

    There is so much that I got vored with it but still go and look and always find new stuff.

    The only explanation is what the bible says about the "sons of gods" and saten. There is a connection with humans on earth and that ancient civilization on mars. No doubt about it, since you can clearly see similar objects on Mars that we use here on earth.

    My personal belief is that UFO are nothing but demons trying to tamper with our DNA once again. It caused god to destroy the civilazation on Mars and earth to rid the planets of this freak offspring. I just hope it doesn't happen again but I think the evidence points to the fact the insane demonic people at the top are allowing it to happen.


  38. Instinct is the substance, the instructions for operation

    Instinct is a Self-Preservation and Reproduction strategy. I never heard of it being a Substance, like Jello or something.

    Choosing a moniker of Fool might not show "good instincts".

  39. I certainly don't expect YOU to understand. Ricard was right about a number of things, one being, the smart are getting smarter, and the dumb are getting dumber.

  40. I have a question about the true colors of Mars. Say the ground on Mars is all red. So that might make the sky look red. How do we know that the red light that is all around is not changing the color of the rover color calibration dial. Or is the dial the same color on both the Red color images and the "true" color images? If the rover color calibration dial is a different color in both images would not that be due to the "red light" that is illuminating everything, like in a dark room for developing photos? For instance, Red light makes blue objects and yellow objects a different color then yellow light would, right? I'm not saying one or the other is correct. I'm just asking how we can be *sure* which one is correct?

  41. On August 29, 2007 8:38 PM, robert said...

    "Dick Cheney will be gone from the VP job before end of September."

    That was a pretty specific to elaborate?


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