
Thursday, March 5, 2015

NASA "Discovers" Martian Ocean that Hoagland and Bara Predicted 14 years Ago

Today, NASA announced with great fanfare the "discovery" of a large ocean covering the northern hemisphere of Mars that they say may have existed billions of years ago. The fact is that this ocean was actually discovered and predicted by myself and Richard Hoagland over 14 years ago in our Mars Tidal Model paper published on
While I'm gratified that NASA has finally admitted that Hoagland and me were correct all those years ago, I wish they'd get the details right. The fact is that this ocean wasn't always in the northern plains, it was in fact held in place around the equator by the tidal forces from the planet, "Plant V" that Mars used to be in a tidal locked orbit around.
All of this is covered in our Mars Tidal Model paper that we published online in 2001 after it was rejected by scientific journals because there was "no scientific evidence" to support our ideas.
Hmm. We seem to have overcome that problem, haven't we NASA...?

The original Mars Tidal Model Paper from 14 years ago.
More our Mars water predictions: article containing the NASA video on their version of the Martian Ocean.